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Catholic moms- funny story about Confession

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You know how they always tell you not to worry about what you say in confession? That the priest won't be shocked or surprised because he has heard it all before.


That is so NOT TRUE! We have a newly ordained priest in our parish that just started a week ago. Today I had to help him find the confessional :glare:


So, I'm pretty sure I was this young kid's first confession. I think I threw him one he probably hasn't heard before.:tongue_smilie:


Sigh. I wonder if a priest ever forgets the first confession he hears? I'm not thrilled about having that distinction.

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:lol: I'm always wondering if I'm doing it right. I feel more like I'm updating the priest on my flaws and progresses than actually confessing :p


Oh, this is so me, too! I actually prefer taking the priest out for coffee and just talking as my "confession."

Edited by wintermom
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I am not Catholic and have never confessed to a priest.


What does one do? Do you tell them stories about what you did wrong, with all the details ~~or ~~ Do you just tell them you messed up by 'coveting' or what ever your offense may be, without the details?


Does the priest ask you questions or just listen and then tell you to do x-number of hail Mary's?

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I asked my priest if I could just save my confession from session to session because it never really changes all that much. :tongue_smilie: I struggle with the same tendencies over and over and over again -- it's kinda embarrassing to tell the truth. Our priest says it's meant to be humbling, and I can see that even though I'm not there yet.


I am not Catholic and have never confessed to a priest.


What does one do? Do you tell them stories about what you did wrong, with all the details ~~or ~~ Do you just tell them you messed up by 'coveting' or what ever your offense may be, without the details?


Does the priest ask you questions or just listen and then tell you to do x-number of hail Mary's?


I'm Orthodox, so it might be different, but for regular confession, I just write out a list of everything I can think of that was selfish, thoughtless, against what I know I should do, unkind, prideful. It's easier to do as the days go by, rather than all at once the day before confession, but I'm not very good at this yet. What I include varies: sometimes it's actions, sometimes it's thoughts that I dwell on and allow to irritate me, sometimes it's things I said or attitudes I let reign or a judgment I made against someone. How much detail to include can vary. I would say, "I yelled at my kids because I was impatient with them" rather than "My kids were slow to get ready to leave the house last Monday and I was in a hurry because I had to be somewhere at 10, so I ended up yelling 'We need to leave five minutes ago!!' at them with anger in my heart."


In Orthodox confession (I don't know about Catholic), the priest and we stand/sit facing the icon of Christ and I confess to Christ. The priest pronounces absolution (saying "God forgives the handmaiden of God Juliana ...."), and then after the absolution he often counsels me according to the wisdom of the ancient faith. This counsel is a big part of the process; we're in relationship with the priest. We aren't typically given a penance to do, but we are counseled on how to repent and make different choices.

Edited by milovaný
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I asked my priest if I could just save my confession from session to session because it never really changes all that much. :tongue_smilie: I struggle with the same tendencies over and over and over again -- it's kinda embarrassing to tell the truth. Our priest says it's meant to be humbling, and I can see that even though I'm not there yet.





I find I also struggle with the same tendencies over and over as well.


A devotional Bible we have talked about this and asked, "What, do you want new sins?"


I actually found that encouraging, and also funny in a way.

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I am not Catholic and have never confessed to a priest.


What does one do? Do you tell them stories about what you did wrong, with all the details ~~or ~~ Do you just tell them you messed up by 'coveting' or what ever your offense may be, without the details?


Does the priest ask you questions or just listen and then tell you to do x-number of hail Mary's?


I also list based on the commandments broken for the most part. Penance is sometimes prayers or sometimes other things, like doing something nice for mil who I struggle with or such.

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I am not Catholic and have never confessed to a priest.


What does one do? Do you tell them stories about what you did wrong, with all the details ~~or ~~ Do you just tell them you messed up by 'coveting' or what ever your offense may be, without the details?


Does the priest ask you questions or just listen and then tell you to do x-number of hail Mary's?

Oh, how I wish. My current priest is creative. He has a bit of a community service orientation and really likes service to others. :glare::D


A Guide for Confession if you are interested.

Edited by Parrothead
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Also, some priests you can go to for confession and get through it all in five minutes. Others you can go to for spiritual advising, where you can confess, talk it all out, think about alternatives and better solutions to problems than sinning, etc. Some people prefer one type of confession or another, some priests are naturally gifted in one type or another.


An example of a recent penance I had was to read a specific Psalm, think on it, and pray about how to apply its lesson to my own life. It's not all Hail Marys!

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