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Excessive heat in CA ... How to cope and what is the temp where you are?

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They keep saying excessive heat on the news.. It is just so ridiculously hot!!! Today should be 107!!!! It is going to stay this way for the next 3-4 days... We have a Propane a/c unit(Who's bright idea what that?). We have used more propane in one day running that thing, that we have in 2 months!!!! I just don't see a way around it today with the temps so high.. I cannot leave and go to a nice a/c'ed mall since DH has the car.. What tips do you have to beat the heat?? How hot is it going to get for you????



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it's supposed to be close to 110F today. Of course, it's been 100F+ pretty much every single day for the past month.


I do run our a/c like crazy during the summer. I try to stay inside. I go out and open all the windows in my car first thing in the morning, so the hot air won't build up inside.


Sounds crazy, but when I'm feeling hot, I find that washing my hands in cold water helps. And there's always a cold shower!


I have a hard time coping with the heat, and yet I live in an area that has very long, very hot summers every year. I look forward to November, when it will finally cool down.

Michelle T

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It is hot, so blasted hot. Our high today is 87* I know that may not mean much to you guys down south. I'm in northern Maine in the mountains. It isn't supposed to be this hot. We have no A/C.


I checked the 10-day forecast and July 15 (Tuesday) our high is predicted to be 67* You guys sweltering in the heat head up this way and we can have a party in the cool.

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Yesterday it got to 109 here, whee. My husband brilliantly suggested we have smoothies for dinner! The car almost overheated. The air is too icky to really go swimming a lot, which is a bummer. Yesterday I hid indoors in the AC, but today we have to go run some errands...

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CitrusHeights5--based on your name, I think we must be neighbors (Sacramento?). :001_smile: I hate this kind of weather--especially the smoke. One thing we did to help with the ac bill is adding a window ac to our living room. We can keep the main area cool without having to turn on the "big mama" until later in the day.

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Yikes... up here in N. Cal (in an area with some coastal influence) it's only supposed to be 103 today. The worst thing is the heat compounded by all the smoke from the wildfires. Bleh. Sounds much worse down south and inland.


Last night I didn't cook dinner until after 8:00! It was just too hot to cook before that.


Dh is home with an injured knee- so he has the AC on in our room all day long as he telecommutes. I am not looking forward the next few energy bills. :glare: We just really need to come up with some kind of alternative.

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I used to live in Citrusheights.. but I have moved to Mariposa, out in the Sierra.... This is supposed to be Mountains... Why is it this hot in the mountains?!?!?!?! But my daughter is up in Sacramento/Citrusheights for the week with her friend. Dh is working in Yosemite, and it will be over 100 there too... I just cannot stand this heat... Of course I am from San Francisco(the beach.. I grew up a few blocks away from it), Called the land of FOG!!! I would move back in a second.. but it is just not an option$$$$




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I'm in Houston, the hot and humid place. It has been in the mid 90's with 50 -60% humidity so it feels like 100. With scattered thunderbumpers to boot.


But I won't complain. I feel for y'all in California putting up with high heat and wild fires.

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Triple digits are par for the course in this area. Whew! You know you are living in a hot place when 95 degrees feels refreshing. :D


Going to the pool.....otherwise I suggest near nakedness and ice cold margaritas.


Actually, we might be pretty much the same. Here in Santa Clarita, we're close enough to the high desert that we might as well BE the high desert.


It's sure hot though.

Michelle T

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BTW, one of my closest friends lives in Citrus Heights :-) I've been to the Scope conference many times--even been a workshop presenter there once or twice. My friend loves the heat, but I think even she might be running her AC this week :-o

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gosh. that sounds awful. we live in the pacific northwest and it's only about 80 here, which qualifies as "hot" for us. we're eating it up. definitely no AC here.


the only thing I can offer is my small wisdom about dealing with heat-induced swelling, of the feet & hands. when it gets over 85 here, I swell up like a balloon. I learned (I think from someone here on this board) that celery juice helps, if you have a juicer. I don't, so I just made dandelion root tea, which I bought at a health food store. it's pretty vile tasting, but I just think of it as medicinal. I made it outside as sun tea, using the d root and Yogi brand "detox" tea, which does taste good. I drank it iced. that did the trick.


since I can't offer any comfort, I wanted to throw that out there. you definitely have my sympathy.

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Only 76 here in Dana Point, but dds are still having a water balloon fight :001_smile:


My best friend lives on coast, Carlbad and I live inland. She loves to rub it in she is 20 degrees cooler, but than she complains its foggy and glum. I tell her come inland.



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Gosh, I really feel for all of you in CA. I grew up in the Sac. valley (Marysville), and we never had a/c. We had just the ole noisy swamp cooler that blew the hot air around. We were used to it though, and it was a lot cheaper than a/c. Of course we played in the water a lot, while we were pretending to irrigate the crops. We also washed all the horses, trucks, tractors, and cars. Anything that involved water!


It could be worse though.... you could live in Redding, CA. When my dear brother helped me move into my house there, it was 118 degrees!!


Hang in there. It won't last forever!


Oh, and it's about 92 here today.



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It's been a fairly hot summer so far here in Phoenix, too. Today it was about 106, I think, and that's actually COOLER than most of the past couple of weeks, when it's been 110-114. :eek:


Our electric bill keeps going up; I have to remind myself that it's not going to stay that high forever!


Stay cool! ;)



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It's been a fairly hot summer so far here in Phoenix, too. Today it was about 106, I think, and that's actually COOLER than most of the past couple of weeks, when it's been 110-114. :eek:


Our electric bill keeps going up; I have to remind myself that it's not going to stay that high forever!


Stay cool! ;)




And now with the monsoon here, the days are sticky and muggy too. Ugh!


The only way to beat the heat (besides A/C!) is with water. My boys still do outside chores with dh. They get out early (when it's only 100 :lol:) and spray themselves with the hose. It's tolerable when you are soaking wet.

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We're close to you... and we just live inside in the AC this time of year. My dh simply can't handle the heat... so, the real question is, what temp is your AC set at? If I don't keep watch on it, my dh will turn it down to 68 (his preferred temp). I've been setting it at 72 most days.

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