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introducing myself?

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i dont ever see anyone do this, so i wasn't sure if i "should" or not, but i want to, so here goes.


Everything is kiind of already in my signature, but :willy_nilly:


My name is Joy, i have two little boys, both sucking the life out of me through my mammaries :glare: oldest is g2e and started sight reading at 2.5 yrs old. he's still too young :001_huh: but he's also really hyper, so i have to keep making up work for him to do. i figured we might as well start practicing homeschooling, since i'm super not-great at remembering stuff, i figure it will take me a few years to find a groove, and he'll probably be doing algebra or something by then :w00t:


i'm an ENFP.


i like to make up words.


i want to buy a mini goat.


that about sums me up. oh and my husband works for the beloved Walmart :tongue_smilie:



oh wait, there's more! i have some side gigs selling amber and handmade stuff, blogging (if you like the random ramblings of a scattered enfp), babysitting kids, aaand....i'm hoping by the end of the year to be a LLL leader and a foster mom. heh. we'll see. :001_smile:






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i dont ever see anyone do this, so i wasn't sure if i "should" or not, but i want to, so here goes.


Everything is kiind of already in my signature, but :willy_nilly:


My name is Joy, i have two little boys, both sucking the life out of me through my mammaries :glare: oldest is g2e and started sight reading at 2.5 yrs old. he's still too young :001_huh: but he's also really hyper, so i have to keep making up work for him to do. i figured we might as well start practicing homeschooling, since i'm super not-great at remembering stuff, i figure it will take me a few years to find a groove, and he'll probably be doing algebra or something by then :w00t:


i'm an ENFP.


i like to make up words.


i want to buy a mini goat.


that about sums me up. oh and my husband works for the beloved Walmart :tongue_smilie:



oh wait, there's more! i have some side gigs selling amber and handmade stuff, blogging (if you like the random ramblings of a scattered enfp), babysitting kids, aaand....i'm hoping by the end of the year to be a LLL leader and a foster mom. heh.



I"ve been here for like a decade and I have no idea what ENFP and g2e mean, but I do know what LLL means.


I also like mini goats. :001_smile:

But I do not shop at Walmart.



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ENFP is my Meyers Briggs personality type - I have a habit of assuming everyone is as informed about that topic as I am :)


G2e means gifted twice exceptional, which is to say, he is gifted but has a learning disability. He's really smart and also really hyper :rofl: he also has a touch of spd. I had him eval'd by the state and they wouldn't do anything for his issues because he was too smart :huh: (I'm just making up smiley codes here :lol:)

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ENFP is my Meyers Briggs personality type - I have a habit of assuming everyone is as informed about that topic as I am :)


G2e means gifted twice exceptional, which is to say, he is gifted but has a learning disability. He's really smart and also really hyper :rofl: he also has a touch of spd. I had him eval'd by the state and they wouldn't do anything for his issues because he was too smart :huh: (I'm just making up smiley codes here :lol:)


Yes well, I guess I'm just coming across as woefully uninformed. Or, it's late here on the east coast, I"m rehabbing a dog and an elderly mother simultaneously while working two jobs and given the fertile nature of this board was thinking more along the lines of Natural Family Planning. Well aware of Myers-Briggs. It's late. I'm tired. yawn.


Gifted twice exceptional..... okay. Thanks for the clarification. I'm sure you must think me incredibly dense, but people throw the acronyms around here and it's often hard to keep up with both the acronyms and the exceptionalities.


astrid (mom to a pretty average, yet neat kid)

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Welcome! I've lurked here forever, and finally joined a few months ago.


I almost used the name "Systematic Chaos" but decided against it, since I'm really lacking in the "systematic" part. :glare:


I'm a former LLLLeader... I don't have goats, but BabyBaby eats goat cheese.

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