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Is this a really bad summer goal?

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I'm basically avoiding planning for next year and today I had the idea that maybe my goal for the summer can be to become an Empress Bee (2500 posts). That means I need 1000 more posts. That means between now and August roughly 17 posts a day. And this from someone who wants to delete her facebook acount!


Now you all know how badly I want to avoid all things homeschool (except WTM board, of course).

Seems like it won't help my planning, unless I post a planning update every day. :lol:



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We'll inspire you to plan!;) Sounds like a fun goal to me. Let the chatter begin!


Now you have me wondering what it might take to inspire me to plan. A lot...


Even worse, what might inspire me to get away from this board and get something done today?

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Slackers unite!


My current goal is to distract dh with TeA so he doesn't notice that I'm accomplishing NOTHING around the house. It seems that as long as he has clean clothes and the kitchen and LR don't look like war zones he can be 'rendered' oblivious to everything else.


It's almost two and I'm seriously considering getting out of my pajamas. So far I've folded one load of laundry and had a cup of (actual) tea. My plan was to do some classes next week, but I've yet to plan one thing.

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My goal is to live through the work deadline that is tomorrow, and get some sleep and do a few things before the clock starts ticking for the next horrid deadline. Why do they schedule these things for the summer?


But yeah, empress bee is on my summer goal list too.

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I think that's an awesome summer goal!


Maybe when you reply to posts you could post each word in a sentence in a separate post. That should get your post count right up there! ;):D


Oh, and KungFuPanda, your comment about your ability to 'render' oblivious your dh.... well.... had me doing this... :smilielol5:

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Slackers unite!


My current goal is to distract dh with TeA so he doesn't notice that I'm accomplishing NOTHING around the house. It seems that as long as he has clean clothes and the kitchen and LR don't look like war zones he can be 'rendered' oblivious to everything else. :lol::lol:


Oh my! I may have to steal this idea. It will mesh nicely with my goal of getting my post count up!


It's almost two and I'm seriously considering getting out of my pajamas. So far I've folded one load of laundry and had a cup of (actual) tea. My plan was to do some classes next week, but I've yet to plan one thing.


Well, I have to confess to being out of my PJs. I did walk the dog and I'm thinking about watering the veggies out back (of course completely wrong time of day). I also dropped the Dc off at their grandparents and have the house to myself for the entire day...and look, I'm still on the computer.

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Slackers unite!


My current goal is to distract dh with TeA so he doesn't notice that I'm accomplishing NOTHING around the house. It seems that as long as he has clean clothes and the kitchen and LR don't look like war zones he can be 'rendered' oblivious to everything else.


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Maybe go through every single thread and post :grouphug: or :lol:??? :D


Be careful, I made a similar suggestion to someone who needed to get up to 50 post to sell items. The entire thread got deleted and the moderator said it was cheating.


It made me feel naughty, but not in a good way.

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I am also putting off house work and any other work ;) I have had a productive morning...I cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, showered and dressed myself, both kids are dressed and are currently entertained by a friend. I need to fold and put away laundry....and wash more laundry, and take out the bags of trash I have gathered this week as I cleaned. I also have to organize the playroom, get the house In shape for a baby....rearrange bedrooms, buy diapers and wipes, make baby blankets....plan for school and work next year, get some business stuff done....the list overwhelm me, so I sit! :)


I think I need 200 more posts for Express Bee...how much can i put off tring to get there....

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Well, I am going to get up and get the kitchen cleaned up, take the dogs out and water the veggies. I might think about planning, though I was hoping my brain would magically sort it all out for me while I am doing other, more pleasant things.


I made progress on the extracurriculars today. Talked to Dc on the car ride. Here is how they ranked their activities.


Ds (14)

1. 4H Dog Club, dog training classes and shows (where he wants to put most of his efforts)

2. Ice skating w/ possible competitions in the future (this is mostly for PE, but a huge area of interest currently and may become more of an interest in the future)

3. Piano, organ & choir (these are taught by friends and not high pressure, more of a hobby)

4. horseback riding - only for fun occasionally if possible


Dd (10)

1. 4H Dog club, training classes, and showing her dog

2. Piano (She's got the talent and interest to take it beyond hobby status. It may be #1 as far as I'm concerned)

3. Ice skating for fun and PE

4. Horseback Riding lessons when we can manage it. Last week this came before ice skating.


Piano and dogs are the only activities that have been year round for us and with dogs there is some down time in the winter. We have always alternated horses in spring, summer, fall & skating in winter and early spring. This year Ds has developed quite an interest in skating and wants to do more.


Now, I have to take the info and figure out what it means as far as what I am willing to schedule and pay for. They may need to narrow down some more...


We get huge discounts on the dog classes and ice skating b/c we are homeschoolers. Piano costs a whopping $7 a lesson, lest anyone think we are loaded to be able to afford these things.


Sorry, didn't mean to turn so serious. Off to water, etc....

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I think we're gonna have to vote shanvan and cheple OFF this thread for being TOO productive.


I'm STILL in my pjs and wondering what my next post level is. I'm not even sure what I am! You know, there IS a board here devoted to testing. You could go there, start your own thread, figure out what ALL of the buttons actually do, and increase your post count as you do it. :D

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I think we're gonna have to vote shanvan and cheple OFF this thread for being TOO productive.


I'm STILL in my pjs and wondering what my next post level is. I'm not even sure what I am! You know, there IS a board here devoted to testing. You could go there, start your own thread, figure out what ALL of the buttons actually do, and increase your post count as you do it. :D


No need to vote me off. I only got the watering done--not the kitchen. Instead I replied to several more posts. :001_smile:

And, for some reason when no one else is home I have no desire to make it look presentable. Oddly, when it is time to cook or bake I can't stand to do it in a messy kitchen. Don't get me wrong, I don't actually clean up the mess, I just do what I have to do and am irritated about the mess the entire time I'm doing it! I also entertain thoughts of how much more I would enjoy cooking/baking if only the kitchen were clean. Sigh...


BTW, the watering probably doesn't count for much since the sun probably made most of it evaporate as it hit the ground. It was highly inefficient watering--very slacker-like.

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Forgot to mention---it is actually very nice outside in the shade. There is a nice breeze that is keeping it from feeling too hot. It's exactly the kind of day I would have used for planning as I sat on the patio in years past. But, starting year 10 and I have no desire to.


While I was out there I started thinking of all the things I could be doing. So, I've got a question for anyone reading through this thread. What could you be doing if you were not reading or posting on this forum today? Hope this doesn't prove too depressing...


What I could be doing...


going through the massive pile of curriculum upstairs and getting rid of the books I know I'm never going to use


bathing and grooming the dogs


weeding several areas of the garden


calling my mom back


getting a shower


exercising -- I dressed in workout clothes, which makes me *think* I'll exercise!

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Well, I haven't accomplished much other than figure out exactly WHERE dd is at camp. She's still a ways away from the latest evacuation notice for the Waldo Canyon fire. Actually, I think it WAS a good use of the time!


Definitely a good use of time. Glad she's safe.

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Well....in the last hour I have eaten homemade ice cream left from last night, folded 10 clothing items and called DH to ask him to stop by 7eleven for a soda....oh, and I did play an exciting round of candyman with Dd....I lost :)


I am really just killing time waiting for UPS to arrive with a book that I plan to start as soon as it arrives. And the only reason I showered is because we are babysitting my son's friend for the day. I had to be presentable by noon....

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Fine. Everyone can stay.


I actually went above and beyond. I got dressed AND cleaned a toilet and sink. At this moment I can't promise the other two sinks and toilets will get any attention since I DID find my way back here. My adolescents finally made an appearance, so m feeling very productive by comparison. :glare:

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I stayed up way too late last night watching a new show on Netflix, so I slept in. Am still in my PJs, but have been watching more of that show while cleaning my room. I hope to have it clean by the time my dh comes home from being out of town, so I can employ KungFuPanda's technique at distraction about the rest of my home! :lol:


Of course earlier in the week while fulling dressed and feeling with it and responable I offered to babysit for a friend today. I need to call her and see if she still needs my services! If she does, then I will have to add a brassiere to my attire! (and now I went and learned something new today---how to spell brassiere!)

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Well, I finally did the kitchen and, I even opened my planning document for Ds and looked up some prices for curriculum.


But this will really get me kicked off this thread.....I'm heading to Curves and then going to get a shower.

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Slackers unite!


My current goal is to distract dh with TeA so he doesn't notice that I'm accomplishing NOTHING around the house. It seems that as long as he has clean clothes and the kitchen and LR don't look like war zones he can be 'rendered' oblivious to everything else.


It's almost two and I'm seriously considering getting out of my pajamas. So far I've folded one load of laundry and had a cup of (actual) tea. My plan was to do some classes next week, but I've yet to plan one thing.


I tired that with dh. But he always notices in the morning when he has no clean underwear. He considers it a present if he has socks in the sock draw.


But at least he doesn't complain about the lack of clean clothes, just points it out and says, "I'll have to remember to do a load of laundry when I get home from work."

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I'm basically avoiding planning for next year and today I had the idea that maybe my goal for the summer can be to become an Empress Bee (2500 posts). That means I need 1000 more posts. That means between now and August roughly 17 posts a day. And this from someone who wants to delete her facebook acount!


Now you all know how badly I want to avoid all things homeschool (except WTM board, of course).

Seems like it won't help my planning, unless I post a planning update every day. :lol:




I'm way down on the totem pole and have no idea what the next level is but I'm thinking this thread will help my cause, even if I don't know what my cause is:).

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My current goal is to distract dh with TeA so he doesn't notice that I'm accomplishing NOTHING around the house. It seems that as long as he has clean clothes and the kitchen and LR don't look like war zones he can be 'rendered' oblivious to everything else.





This made me :lol::lol::lol:! If we ALL had such a lofty goal there would be a whole lot of happy dh's out there:001_smile:

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Well, I haven't accomplished much other than figure out exactly WHERE dd is at camp. She's still a ways away from the latest evacuation notice for the Waldo Canyon fire. Actually, I think it WAS a good use of the time!


So glad that you were able to locate her. An excellent use of time!

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Slackers unite!


My current goal is to distract dh with TeA so he doesn't notice that I'm accomplishing NOTHING around the house. It seems that as long as he has clean clothes and the kitchen and LR don't look like war zones he can be 'rendered' oblivious to everything else.


It's almost two and I'm seriously considering getting out of my pajamas. So far I've folded one load of laundry and had a cup of (actual) tea. My plan was to do some classes next week, but I've yet to plan one thing.


See, now I distract with teA and dh willingly is in charge of the laundry:D

I should probably get up though and get dressed as we have friends coming over for dinner in an hour....:lol:

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I've been deep cleaning my kitchen v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y, top to bottom, one wall at a time. I've been 'working' on it for days. My kitchen is small, but I'm easily distracted and have to keep reminding myself that I'm trying to be get that room finished! It's just too easy to sit here and read. :D


And school planning, well . . . . . I really don't even want to talk about it, much less do it. :glare:

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I'm basically avoiding planning for next year and today I had the idea that maybe my goal for the summer can be to become an Empress Bee (2500 posts). That means I need 1000 more posts. That means between now and August roughly 17 posts a day.
Hey, I joined WTM about the same time as you and have only slightly more posts. I would love to set Empress Bee as my summer goal but

1.) 17 posts a day? Goodness! That is a lot!

2.) I should really work on losing 17 pounds by August, which would mean more time at the gym and less time here.

(I like to read the threads, but seldom get around to posting.)

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Aw, man. Most weeks I would be excellent at a time wasting thread, LOL! I can't remember the last time I was out of my pj's before noon... it's my teaching uniform. :D It just so happens we've had actual PLANS out of the house for three afternoons in a row.


I just made my new level a couple weeks ago, but I will be happy to help others reach their goals!! ;)

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