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102.7 degrees here right now ...

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so I am staying inside today where I have the swamp cooler running. It is a fairly comfortable 78 in here right now. We can't have too many windows open (even though you are supposed to with a swamp cooler) due to our (my mother and myself) allergies and all the smoke from the fire.

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so I am staying inside today where I have the swamp cooler running. It is a fairly comfortable 78 in here right now. We can't have too many windows open (even though you are supposed to with a swamp cooler) due to our (my mother and myself) allergies and all the smoke from the fire.



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It is currently 95*, I just went to Target and I wore a spaghetti strap short dress and I was sweating....so glad this summer is cooler than last year so far. By this time last year we had been over 100* 12+ times. By July we were at 115*. I don't want to be pregnant in that kind of heat.

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We had that last weekend. :grouphug: Thankfully it was only 2 days of really really high temps and now we are down in the 70s. I hate when you can't step outside without sweat pouring off you. I can deal with 90s, although even that's pretty warm for me, but 100+ is horrid.

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A swamp cooler is a different type of air conditioning that can only be used in dry climates. It is cheaper than normal air conditioning. What it is a unit outside where a fan blows the air over water, thereby cooling it and then brings that air into the house where it comes out of blowers like regular air conditioning. Except the air is not really cooler so it depends on air flow going through the house and out of it. It simply feels cooler since the humidified air blowing over you feels cooler than dry air surrounding you.


Swamp coolers (official name is evaporative cooler) are used a lot in the very dry areas of the country that also aren't usually that hot- NM, CO, etc. They stop working if the temperature rises above body temperature (so why normal air conditioning is needed in the hot areas of AZ) and also won't work if the air is both hot and sticky (because if the air is already moist, blowing it around won't feel anywhere as cool as if you blew moist air in a dry area).

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Talked to a dear friend who lives in CO about an hour ago. There was another fire by Estes Park near Rocky Mountain park entrance. It is now contained but 20 acres burned and 16 homes lost. So sad. She said that it is 102 there today. That is so unusual for that area! We lived there 1999-2002 and I don't remember it getting above 85 or 90. I guess each summer it gets warmer and warmer. I know most of the homes don't have AC (well, maybe they do now), that would be unbearable!!!

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What's the dew point? This is an indication of how humid it is (and how nasty).


The air conditioning in our van went out one August when we were in Utah. It was hot, but bearable. In fact, we considered not fixing it until we got home to Nebraska. But then we saw the temperature-- 107 degrees! I'm serious-- it felt more like 95 in Nebraska when the irrigation gets going and the humidity is so bad. The heat out there is such a dry heat that the temperature really can't be compared to temperatures in the midwest.


Compare dew points. This is the number that indicates discomfort more, IMHO. We've had dew points in the 60s and 70s this week and it looks like CO has been in the 30s.


But 102.5 is hot. No denying that. Happy summer!

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