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So what is your vote for the worst movie?

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Same here! I loved the opening of The Bucket List and the ending of The Shawshank Redemption in a large part because of his voice.


"I hope."


It's so funny, when I get to heaven I swear God is going to sound like Morgan!


Is that blasphemous?:lol:

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Okay, just thought of another movie I HATED.....


The Departed


Really?? I loves me some good 'ole mafia violence.:D




Plus, Mark Wahlberg, Leo, Matt Damon! Eye-Candy galore!;)


Editing to add...isn't it so funny that the men above consider themselves great actors and I am just happy to see them with their shirts off? ROFL

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How is it that no one has mentioned "The English Patient?"


People, please. That was one awful movie, made worse by the fact that everyone else I know seemed to love it.


You know what that movie needed?




















More COWBELL!!:lol:

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I'm shocked at the hate for Rocky Horror - that's in my top ten all time favorite movies list!!!


The first time I saw that one, my boyfriend took me to the midnight show at the old theater -- where everyone dressed up and played characters. He didn't warn me first and I had NO idea what was going on -- and had a blast!


I don't know if I'd put it on my top ten list, but I wouldn't pass up another chance to go see it. ;-)

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I wanted to like it. I REALLY did! I tried, for what, three hours, I tried! And go ahead and scold me, because I didn't read the book(s) first. I'm sure that would have helped. But the movie made me NOT want to read the books! Okay, that's not completely true. I do want to and will read the books. But I had expected to come out of the movie just dying to read the books, and it did NOT have that effect on me. I'm sorry. I know I'm not worthy.



Well, add me to the "not worthy" club, too, then. Yes, I tried -- and failed miserably!

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Van Helsing was so awful. The special effects, dialogue, everything. Ugh! Not even staring at Hugh Jackman could save that film.


This was one of the few movies we actually went out to see. I usually wait until they're on cheap DVD or TV. I love Hugh Jackman, but that didn't help. I wanted to watch it again to see if that was *really* a microphone at the top of one of the shots, but haven't been able to work myself up for it.

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I've been toying with watching it muted; I understand it was filmed largely at Versailles.


I think you could get just as much out of staring at an 8x10 glossy stuck on the wall. It's basically the same thing, over and over and over -- with different gowns.


"Marie Antoinette" really got to me because I was looking forward to something historical -- which it definitely is not. Take a pretty teenager off the street, put a fancy dress on her, and you've got the movie.


I've been trying to decide if you're better off if you *don't* know anything about the period when you watch it. One thing's for sure -- you sure won't after it's over.

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I would have totally agreed. In fact, he was one of my "safe" actors--as in, if he's in it, it's safe. Not stupid, not crass.


And then I saw Lord of War.


I haven't seen all of his movies, but I usually like him. Lord of War creeped me out -- but "The Weatherman?" I think that one was turned off after about fifteen minutes.

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Worst movie ever, as far as wasting my time, has to be... DOOGAL!!!! Even my daughter, who I think was about 6 at the time, couldn't watch it!


The worst as in, horrible happenings, The Comfort of Strangers--I used to looooove Christopher Walken, have not been able to stand him since, and it has Rupert Everett, whom I adore, and Natasha Richardson and Helen Mirren, all great, but don't get sucked in, this is the worst!!! I still get chills thinking about it! I saw it with my sister years ago, and we both get sick when we think about it---yuckkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok, another Kevin Costner hater here. Along with Richard Gere (except in Chicago, in which you are supposed to hate him), Tom Cruise, and Vin whomever. Or is it Van? I don't know nor care. :D


I think A Walk In the Clouds was one of the worst movies I made myself sit through. My dear friend said it was one of her favorites, so I thought I needed to do justice to her recommendation.... It's so nice we survived that period of our friendship. I'm almost over it. Gag.


It's really hard to look at people the same way, after they've recommended something as simply divine and you find you can hardly stomach it. The same thing happened to me with Sinbad. One friend said she thought it was the all time funniest movies. I don't think I laughed once!

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Re: Arwen in LOTR, perhaps it was just the way Liv Tyler portrayed her? Is Arwen always on the verge of weeping in the books? Does she need some kind of throat lozenge? What's with the whispering? And then there was the fact that everyone else was risking life and limb while the big dilemma in Rivendell was whether or not Arwen would make it to the getaway ship on time. Argh!! I loved the Rohan lady--she kicked butt! I loved Blanchett's Galadriel (but then I love Cate). But Arwen was like fingernails on a chalkboard. Also, I tend to dislike the "slo-mo for emotional effect" thing, and it seems like they did that periodically with her scenes. Hate the slo-mo.


I think A Walk In the Clouds was one of the worst movies I made myself sit through.


Now, see, I really love A Walk in the Clouds. One of Keanu Reeves' few good performances, I thought. He nearly single-handedly sank Much Ado About Nothing with one of the worst, most wooden performances I've ever seen. And I've seen Dr Butcher, MD, so I could be called a connoisseur of bad acting.


Agree on The English Patient--the only thing that made it watchable was the storyline involving Juliette Binoche. I was prepared to do just about anything to eliminate the other characters and their self-obsession.


I stand by my loathing of Wild at Heart, but I did really enjoy Rocky Horror Picture Show. SO MUCH depends on how you're first introduced to it, y'know?


Layla McB

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Gosh, this is a long thread! I didn't quite read all of it, but the worst movie I saw recently (fairly recently, I don't see many movies) was Love Actually. I got to choose between going out to dinner or going to see that movie for a wedding anniversary (we had a baby who'd only tolerate a sitter for so long). Since it had all these great British actors in it that I love, Emma Thompson, Colin Firth, I opted for that. Wow, what a shallow, vapid, contrived, vulgar, sputter, sputter, I really wanted to write them and tell them they owed me a nice Italian dinner.


I tried to watch Troy with Brad Pitt but only lasted about 5 minutes. Terrible. I hate Brad Pitt much more than Kevin Costner who I think is good in some movies and terrible in others.


Borat - my dh bought this to watch on an business flight and literally took it out and destroyed the dvd right then and there because he thought it was so vile.

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Open Water. Awful.


Agreed!!! At least we only rented it, what was the point of the movie?? I think they even made a sequel.



ETA: Rocky Horror holds a special place in my heart. Midnight showings and lots of props. I absolutely can not watch Tim Curry in anything else without thinking of him in a bustier.

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After reading all 183 posts, this is my thoughts:


I, too, am in the can't stand Kevin Costner club.


I would have written that anything with Tom Cruise in it if all of you hadn't already put that out there!


I won't give my opinion on Nick Cage. I plead the 5th!


I've never seen most of the movies on this list, which either shows that I'm completely sheltered or discerning depending on who you talk to.


And my absolute all time worst movie would have to be: Moulin Rouge. What was that anyway? It's sad considering that the music was mostly okay and I truly like most of the actors in other movies. Got through about 15 minutes and really couldn't handle it.

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Laney, you made me laugh. out. loud.


Now - when do we get to hear your Eddie Murphy "Hot Tub Party" imitation? :)


:lol: Oh my gosh! Have you been talking to *anj*?? I was just up in NJ with her and I was doing that exact impression!:lol:


We have to meet someday, Hillary.:D We could just sit somewhere and laugh.

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I've been toying with watching [Marie Antoinette] muted; I understand it was filmed largely at Versailles.


Actually, I liked it! lol... It's true that you can't go into it expecting a historical epic. That's not what it is. But it does manage to give the feel for a particular point in history -- the over-the-top decadence that is so ultimately unfulfilling, the obliviousness to anything outside the main characters' expansive and yet ultimately very *small* world... It's very beautiful to look at, the soundtrack --while completely anachronistic -- fits with Coppola's interpretation of the time...


It *is* slow and languorous. Not a great deal happens. And ultimately, it's really deeply sad -- and not so much because of the ending we all know is coming, but because there really isn't much meaning to be found in wardrobe.

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Little Miss Sunshine was wonderful! The end was so great... power of love and family over disfunction and all that. I saw it on an airplane the first time, and even in its butchered state the end made me cry....


I soooo agree! I loved that movie. Everytime they pushed that van, I cracked up!


I just caught the end of it the other night.:001_smile: I also loved Lady in the Water.

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Little Miss Sunshine was wonderful! The end was so great... power of love and family over disfunction and all that. I saw it on an airplane the first time, and even in its butchered state the end made me cry....


If I'd known the ending beforehand, I never would have seen the movie. Fortunately, the filmmakers are more imaginative than myself... the ending was immensely satisfying.

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and Sherilyn Fenn is super hot even as a bleeding, dying car accident victim!


Oh... that is the one scene that really stuck with me from that movie. (My hair is all sticky... or some such thing...)


I'm ambivalent about Wild at Heart. Didn't love it or hate it- but I did let that scene disturb me. :001_smile: As far as slightly weird/gothic movies go, I'm more of a Tim Burton kind of fan than a David Lynch fan. And anything Joss Whedon does is golden. Off the wall is good, but I need the humor!


Other movies mentioned earlier:

I do like Rocky Horror- but could not stand The Mask. Shudder. I think I must have been in the completely wrong frame of mind when I went to go see that one.

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1. Fight Club...I just did NOT like it. Everyone kept going on and on about the ending..."OMG! The ending will LIKE blow your mind." Well, my mind was not blown...actually I thought it was the lamest ending EVER! lol


2. I can't remember the name...the weirdo Adam Sandler movie where he called a phone s#x girl...anyone see this? It was really odd. And Bad.


3. What Lies Beneath. I don't know if it was the movie or the fact that dh and I sat next to the most annoying people in the world at the movie theater. The got up for snacks, bathroom break, phone calls, etc then would come back and say, "What did I miss?" and the other one would loudly go through a recap. GAWD!


I liked Peggy Sue Got Married but other than that...I cannot handle Nicolas Cage. Ugh. Nasal talkers just gross me out.

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Little Miss Sunshine was wonderful! The end was so great... power of love and family over disfunction and all that. I saw it on an airplane the first time, and even in its butchered state the end made me cry....


Oh no! Say it isn't so! OK, so I have to know how the end redeems it because my dh and I were morose after the first 15 minutes!

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I liked Peggy Sue Got Married but other than that...I cannot handle Nicolas Cage. Ugh. Nasal talkers just gross me out.


:iagree: Oh, and remember that Jim Carrey was in that movie? I can't believe so many people dislike him. My kids love him. It doesn't matter the movie. They just love him.

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Gosh, this is a long thread! I didn't quite read all of it, but the worst movie I saw recently (fairly recently, I don't see many movies) was Love Actually. I got to choose between going out to dinner or going to see that movie for a wedding anniversary (we had a baby who'd only tolerate a sitter for so long). Since it had all these great British actors in it that I love, Emma Thompson, Colin Firth, I opted for that. Wow, what a shallow, vapid, contrived, vulgar, sputter, sputter, I really wanted to write them and tell them they owed me a nice Italian dinner.



:iagree: Hated it and was angry that I had listened to all of the fevered praise.

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1. Fight Club...I just did NOT like it. Everyone kept going on and on about the ending..."OMG! The ending will LIKE blow your mind." Well, my mind was not blown...actually I thought it was the lamest ending EVER! lol



I honestly cannot believe that someone would not like Fight Club. It's just a perfect movie in my opinion. I also like Kevin Costner, Nick Cage (when he's not an action hero-- I mean, who doesn't like Adaptation??), and I squrimed my way through but ultimately liked Pan's Labryinth and Seven. I loved Napolean Dynamite, all Spiderman movies, and Little Miss Sunshine. I think M. Night Shyamalan and Quentin Tarantino are great, great, great. Just goes to show how different people are in their tastes. ;)


Worst movie ever: Point Break with Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze.

Second: the Thomas the Tank Engine with Alec Baldwin.



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I really dislike all movies with Tom cruise and all movies with Jim Carry (except for The Truman Show, that was really good ).

I (dare I say it), really like Kevin Costner, Field of Dreams is one of mine and dh's favorite movies, we have seen it more times than I can count.


Also, I have loved Nic Cage since Valley Girl and another of dh's and my favorites is Moonstruck.

Worst movie I have seen: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (again Jim Carrey).


I also really hate 2001, Space Odyssey (saw it in college , the only movie that I have walked out of the movie theatre).

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