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Getting the itch to start the school year!


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Plans are nailed down, prep work is nearly done, date is set, and I am ready to go! (can you tell I'm a newbie? :lol:)


July 2 will be our first day of read, official school! I decided to go from July to May with 4 day weeks. Gives us plenty of built in time to take off if we need it. I range from excited, ready to go to full blown panic almost daily, so calm me down when I freak out soon, ok? ;)

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I'm feeling exactly the same way! We were going to wait until late August to start our new stuff, but I realized how little we have planned after July 6th, so we're going to go ahead and start on the 9th or 10th. We're going to go 5 days a week, but I'm going to keep our days pretty light at first to see how it goes. :)

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Thanks! We are doing summer school, just a bit to get both of us used to school. It is going well, although he was a little bummed to learn that he was not going to be riding the bus this fall! (I wouldn't send him on the bus even if hewas going to ps!)

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We start Monday. I was going to wait another week or two, but the kids will drive me insane if we don't get structure in there. We'll only do half of our curriculum the first 5 weeks anyway, so it's somewhat school-lite, though enough to count as full school days.

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I'm envious. I just reevaluated my plans for the coming school year after getting cold feet over committing to a formal program. Now we're just pressing on in what we're doing already, leveling up in each skill area as needed. That doesn't seem quite so exciting. :tongue_smilie:

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We are feeling that itch too! We will "officially" start our main curriculum on July 9th, but we are doing some other things (mostly math, language arts, Latin, and a lot of books!) to keep us busy in the meantime! I can never understand why I get SO excited about starting a new homeschooling year- I was never this excited when I started back to school as a kid, but maybe that was because I wasn't homeschooled:)!

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I am waiting for one more book to arrive in the mail and then we are getting started! We are going to need some time off in a few months, plus I am itching to get started, too!

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I am very excited too! We are also "officially" starting (not like we ever really ended, we're the "take a break here and there" type) on July 2 and doing four day weeks with Wednesday being our no school cleaning day. I printed off a calendar and carefully went through and counted our days. I ended up with 191! We only need 180. Then I figured that even the cleaning days could be counted, since it's a life skill and all. Then I figured that since I don't have to report our days or hours or anything, that I am making myself batty for no reason. But anyway, we are not starting new curriculum or anything, I just want to "officially" have him be a first grader and feel like I'm doing something.

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I am eager to begin as well. I finally nailed down decisions, but i still need to finish some prep work. May was crazy for us and so has thr first part of June. I planned to start the first week of August, but my plans for summer schooling having been going so well, so as soon as we get back from vacation next week we will be starting a new summer schedule to ease us into the new year in August. I am excited, but nervous too about adding a new Ker!

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I'm calling the day after her birthday our "start day" for my oldest. We will take her picture, play games, and eat leftover cake. That's at the beginning of July. We've been doing things for a while, so calling it a start is fairly arbitrary. We'll take a break after the new baby comes at the end of the summer, if she will let me.

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Same here!! Only about 2 weeks or so left to go though!! We are planning to start on July 2nd! I thought about taking the first week in July off and not starting til July 9th, but we don't usually do much for the 4th anyway, so we will go ahead and just start at the beginning of July :D I can't wait!

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I am really excited to start this next year. I am tempted to get started right away. The only thing holding me back is that I have a lot of planning left to do.:glare: I am determined to have a more organized year this next year than I did last year (if that is even possible:tongue_smilie:). Our official start date is yet to be determined, sometime in August. I am even starting a blog to go along with the start of this next school year, something I have never done before. I am all around very excited!!! :D

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Plans are nailed down, prep work is nearly done, date is set, and I am ready to go! (can you tell I'm a newbie? :lol:)


July 2 will be our first day of read, official school! I decided to go from July to May with 4 day weeks. Gives us plenty of built in time to take off if we need it. I range from excited, ready to go to full blown panic almost daily, so calm me down when I freak out soon, ok? ;)


LOL! We usually start mid-July because it's SO hot here, and school 4 days a week until we hit our required 180 days. Enjoy!

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We started today! :party:


Of course, on our start day, we ended up having a dentist appointment, construction on our garage (major repairs, large machinery involved), and some renovations continuing in our den. Somehow, we managed to finish everything fairly easily. So glad we're doing HALF school to start!

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