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Haven't posted in a while - update

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After a very busy year of teaching part-time, trying to homeschool five children and take care of a preschooler, and driving all over creation for activities, I decided that this coming school year cannot be so jam-packed and stressful. We did not do the amount of work we should have, and so dh and I have decided that the younger ones are going to school next year. They are rising 3rd grade and rising 1st grade. The youngest will continue to go to preschool 3 days a week, and then next year start kindergarten at school. My older children will continue to be mostly homeschooled, but I am hoping that we can work it out that one or both of them take a class or two at the school where I teach.


That burnout that I posted about several times on here in the last year or so has never gone away, and I find it stressful even thinking about homeschooling everyone. Changes had to be made, for my sake at the very least. Dh is apprehensive that school will affect the boys negatively, but I think they will enjoy meeting other children and having more going on. We have been so isolated that my children don't have any friends except one other family (you know who you are LOL :D) I have already visited the school and really liked the principal and other staff I met. I plan to enroll them in the beginning of August, because they will need to be assessed and I want to have until then to work on some skills with them.


So I guess next year I will be a partial homeschooler. Already I feel incredibly relieved! I will still have holidays and summer vacation with my boys and I can do the fun educational stuff we have always done then, without worrying about having to do everything and cover everything. And if this doesn't work out, we can always come up with another plan. But I need the break from the pressure - the black cloud of homeschooling that has been following me for quite a long while.

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Thanks for the update! So good to hear. I do pray that it's a good move for you.


We're following a similar trajectory than you, except with everyone. All five of the ones who are still home will be "in" school next year. Everyone but Katya will be at a classical Christian school. Katya will do a year in public school to still fill in some of the gaps that she has from her Ukraine years with the plan that she will join her siblings the following year. I'm continuing to write curriculum for C-ville schools, but am also looking for a full-time job to pay for their school. It will be a transition, but trying to do a good job of homeschooling three high schoolers was just too much.

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Thanks for sharing your story. Good job for taking care of you! Us moms tend to take care of everyone except us..... I'm finished homeschooling (graduated my last). I only have two kids, four years apart. When my oldest was in homeschool high school and youngest was in homeschool middle school, it was A LOT. I still haven't figured out how moms of more children handle it, but I know I couldn't have.

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I'm glad you found a solution. You already sound less stressed. My oldest has been in school now for 2 years (1 yr of private, 1 of ps). He's doing great and it was the right thing for him. One of my twins is going to ps for

8th grade next year. It's what she needs-and if she hates it she can come home, but I don't think she will. I will only have 1 at home next year and am really looking forward to having one on one time w/ her. She needs a year of undivided attention. With 2 siblings w/ ad/hd, sleep disorders, sensory issues, etc... she hasn't had the attention she needs/deserves. I'm really looking forward to our time together, but I'm sad that she'll be headed off to ps for high school after that.

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