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Prayers for physical and emotional strength, please

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I am in the middle of a house clean out for elderly family. We have huge time constraints, trying to get the house cleaned out by early next week.


Imagine the worst possible reality show house clean-out, and that's what I'm dealing with. I'm not exaggerating. My husband is a saint.


And I can't sleep; will probably try to take a Tylenol PM next night.


Please just pray for me and for my dh as you think of us. This would be taxing for someone twenty years younger than we are.


Please don't quote this. Thank you.

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Thanks so much to all who have responded! It is very much appreciated!!


My family members are the very dearest people, but --oy -- I kid you not, 200-300 pound boxes of tools that have traveled halfway around the world and back again, sealed in their metal military surplus lockers since 1970. Never unpacked.


Scraps of fabric from clothing that was made 40 years ago.


6 or 7 of everything - blenders, floor jacks, vices, etc.


A brand new axe and brand new sledge hammer, for an eighty year old man.


At least ten boxes of brand new books.


On the plus side, more than 50 boxes of notes, cards, and stationery with a little slip of paper in each box listing the names and date that she wrote an encouraging note or a greeting for a special occasion, so she wouldn't accidently send the same stationery twice. :001_wub: I'm keeping the slips.



Please pray for two things today and tomorrow:


1) That due to Providence, the hastily thrown together garage sale would do really well tomorrow, in spite of the lack of staging. These dear people have, at best, very modest means, and it would be relly nice to break even on the expenses of their move.


2) That we wouldn't have a bunch of thievery. This neighborhood is a decent neighborhood, but the culture here is one of drive-by scavenging and taking advantage wherever possible. (Many folks from an un-named third-world culture.) We rented an industrial sized dumpster to keep the scavengers out of the stuff, but when we pulled up yesterday morning, there was a 65-year old guy up on top of the 8' high dumpster--yes, he had climbed, all 5' 3" of him--picking out bits and pieces of metal. I'm afraid someone is going to get hurt.


2) She (family member) is missing a piece of jewelry that is beyond precious, not in value, but in sentiment. The dear lady has had very few lovely things, and the few she has were hand-me-downs. This was a new gift to her when the giftor was serving in the military overseas and was able to send back something special. Please God, I can find it, and that it wasn't stolen out of her suitcase.


Tha nk you for the prayers and good thoughts!


Could you all please keep this bumped? Thank you, hive friends!

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