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I ran a mile!!!!!

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I can't believe it! I can't believe it!


6.5 years ago I had a c-section and a hernia repair that knocked me on my butt for months. The pain was unbelievable to me. I never thought I'd get over it. The healing process changed me. I didn't play sports anymore. I didn't run. I never, ever did a sit-up. I felt like those muscles had been cut and would never heal again. I lost all confidence in my body.


Last fall I started the couch to 5K program and got as far as 3 minutes running/7 walking. I didn't do anything over the winter except some aerobic type classes in the spring. On Monday dh and I started jogging together. This was our third time. I started out feeling awful, like I wouldn't even make it as far as I normally do. I couldn't believe it when I caught a second wind and made it all the way to a mile! My dd, 6, did it with us. She wasn't even winded, LOL.


Yay! Yay! I'm not old! There's still some life in me yet!

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I can't believe it! I can't believe it!


6.5 years ago I had a c-section and a hernia repair that knocked me on my butt for months. The pain was unbelievable to me. I never thought I'd get over it. The healing process changed me. I didn't play sports anymore. I didn't run. I never, ever did a sit-up. I felt like those muscles had been cut and would never heal again. I lost all confidence in my body.


Last fall I started the couch to 5K program and got as far as 3 minutes running/7 walking. I didn't do anything over the winter except some aerobic type classes in the spring. On Monday dh and I started jogging together. This was our third time. I started out feeling awful, like I wouldn't even make it as far as I normally do. I couldn't believe it when I caught a second wind and made it all the way to a mile! My dd, 6, did it with us. She wasn't even winded, LOL.


Yay! Yay! I'm not old! There's still some life in me yet!


Yippee for you!:party: This is just the beginning for you. I was the same way, but mine was a fear related to asthma as a child. So one day I just did it. I too got that second wind, and now I'm running 3 miles a day. Keep it up! You're going to see the weight melt off of you, your body will completely change. I'm so proud of you!

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I was just coming to post the same accomplishment. I have been "running" for a week. Today I just decided to go for it. I did a ten minute stretch, walked for five and did five more minutes of running. Then I walked again. I went a total of three miles. (oops, accidentally typed Mikes there.) I am on my way to do water aerobics now.

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I was just coming to post the same accomplishment. I have been "running" for a week. Today I just decided to go for it. I did a ten minute stretch, walked for five and did five more minutes of running. Then I walked again. I went a total of three miles. (oops, accidentally typed Mikes there.) I am on my way to do water aerobics now.



Good job!!!! :hurray:

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CoNgRaTs!!! That is a huge milestone (pun totally intended). :party:

Two years ago I began running again and felt so empowered to run a mile, then to whittle minutes off the original time. Amazing how quickly you can go from "I ran a mile" to "I run a mile in X minutes" (without being exhausted).


KUDOS to you!

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I read this once in Runner's World in an article responding to excuses not to run. As an answer to, "I'll look slow," it said something like, "You're faster than the 80% of Americans who can't run a mile without stopping."


Good job!



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Three years ago was when I started back up after my five c-sections and major abdominal hernia repair. (Which, incidentally, is proving to be a "repair" in need of repair. Bleh.) I understand that it takes monumental effort, both mentally and physically. Keep on keepin' on!

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Dh & I walk a mile every morning. We walk at a good pace (for me, anyway -- it takes us about 1/2 hour), since 1/2 of our walking is uphill. I have a bum knee and can't run, but walking is good for it, and good for my heart too. So congratulations to you! Doesn't it make you feel great?!?

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I was just coming to post the same accomplishment. I have been "running" for a week. Today I just decided to go for it. I did a ten minute stretch, walked for five and did five more minutes of running. Then I walked again. I went a total of three miles. (oops, accidentally typed Mikes there.) I am on my way to do water aerobics now.



You started with 10 + miles? I am impressed.

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I can't believe it! I can't believe it!


Last fall I started the couch to 5K program and got as far as 3 minutes running/7 walking. I didn't do anything over the winter except some aerobic type classes in the spring. On Monday dh and I started jogging together. This was our third time. I started out feeling awful, like I wouldn't even make it as far as I normally do. I couldn't believe it when I caught a second wind and made it all the way to a mile! My dd, 6, did it with us. She wasn't even winded, LOL.


Yay! Yay! I'm not old! There's still some life in me yet!


Way to go. And how fun to have running buddies.

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