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How would you sanitize a toothbrush?

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My 3 yo keeps taking out her toothbrush and playing with it, I find it everywhere....the floor in the hallway, in the bathtub...it's just nasty! But I can't get to the store today so get a new one.


Any ideas on how to sanitize it? Maybe boil it??

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I don't know if Peroxide sanitized but it works for wounds, so why not toothbruses?:) Other than that, just use some antibacterial soap and work in with your fingers and rinse VERY WELL! FWIW, my 4yo and 2yo carry their toothbrushes around with them, too. I always just used soap to clean the bristles and rinsed well.

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My 3 yo keeps taking out her toothbrush and playing with it, I find it everywhere....the floor in the hallway, in the bathtub...it's just nasty! But I can't get to the store today so get a new one.


Any ideas on how to sanitize it? Maybe boil it??


You could also soak it in rubbing alcohol, or perhaps hydrogen peroxide for a few minutes. I'm usually comfortable w/ the dishwasher route, though. :)

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I happened to find some articles online about how gross our toothbrushes get, if they sit out on the counter in the bathroom and ideas on how to keep them clean. I learned quite a bit.



I had to share....





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I run ours through the dishwasher on a pretty regular basis.




Ditto on the dishwasher. This my dd6's job on our main bathroom cleaning day.


We also put one of those plastic caps on the toothbrush head to keep germs from the air from getting on the toothbrush head to begin with (or if one of the kids knocks it on to the floor).

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Peroxide sounds good. I use vinegar if I'm really worried. Our mouths are pretty filthy already - so I wouldn't stress. Don't use antibacterial soap on ANYTHING!!!!!!! Research the dangers of triclosan. They now make antbacterial tooth paste!!!!!!!! Scarry....... You DO NOT want triclosan in your mouth.

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