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Brownies and Black Beans

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Substituting a can of black beans (with the liquid) for the oil and eggs really works. Just puree the black beans, mix and bake as usual. My kids say their the best brownies in the world. They don't know what's in them! They look different, taste very rich. Lowers the calorie count by about 20%, as well as a decrease in fat, and an increase in fiber.

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Substituting a can of black beans (with the liquid) for the oil and eggs really works. Just puree the black beans, mix and bake as usual. My kids say their the best brownies in the world. They don't know what's in them! They look different, taste very rich. Lowers the calorie count by about 20%, as well as a decrease in fat, and an increase in fiber.


Oooooh, a woman after my own heart. Watch me try this one on our karate instructor. He always suggests we bring brownies to carry-ins! :lol:

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Did you use a brownie mix, or your own recipe?


Any idea how to make this with cooked beans? I could just add water, but I don't know how much liquid is in canned beans. Someone should try subbing the canned beans but measure the liquid for me before they dump it in :).

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Do you do this with a boxed brownie mix? What size can of beans do you use?


I must admit that my first thought was :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: but if you say it works, I'm willing to give it a shot.


I love brownies. :001_wub:

Boxed.... the can is around 15 oz. I've never seen more than one size in black beans. I thought the same thing, but tried it and love them. The texture is different but the taste is great!

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Boxed.... the can is around 15 oz. I've never seen more than one size in black beans. I thought the same thing, but tried it and love them. The texture is different but the taste is great!




I have never actually bought black beans, because none of us likes them, but if I can hide them in brownies, I'm willing to give them a try.


I like the Ghirardelli mix, too.

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I've made them before. They were ..... OK. Edible, certainly, and fun as a novelty. Maybe I didn't have the right recipe, though. They would be worth tweaking, as they really didn't taste much of beans (wouldn't have guessed if I didn't know).

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I've made them before. They were ..... OK. Edible, certainly, and fun as a novelty. Maybe I didn't have the right recipe, though. They would be worth tweaking, as they really didn't taste much of beans (wouldn't have guessed if I didn't know).


I can't taste the beans at all. The beans are completely pureed. If anything, I think they taste a little richer, certainly moister, than normal. I always use the Ghirardeli mix, so I'm comparing the taste with the same basic mix. They do look different, not as "fluffy" looking since they are denser. My kids still don't know why they are different. I just told them I changed the recipe to make them richer.

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I have never actually bought black beans, because none of us likes them, but if I can hide them in brownies, I'm willing to give them a try.


I like the Ghirardelli mix, too.




We love black beans. Going to have to give this a try! :drool: I love sneaking healthy things into yummy foods. And anything that makes brownies better for me sounds good!

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Here's something along the same lines - now, it doesn't taste like regular fudge (which I don't like - it's way too sweet and not chocolately enough). My dd likes this and it gives her something sweet-ish but also with protein, instead of just a sugar rush (and she doesn't know what's in it, either - at this point, I don't think she'd care, but ds would freak, although he doesn't really like it anyway).



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I don't know. All this nutritious stuff sneaked into junk foods. It's just wrong.


I'm developing an irrational fear of baked goods. :eek:


Where's all the sugar, the fat, the calories??? I'm telling you, all this health stuff will be the death of us all. ;)


Next thing you know, you'll be finding a way to make Pop-Tarts and Doritos good for us.


Yet another sign of the apocalypse... :D

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I tried it once to see what the fuss was about. We couldn't eat it. You can definitely taste that bean-y after taste. And I didn't tell anyone I made it that way.


No one, not even my hubby, who is very discerning, could tell what made it different. He just knew he liked it, because of the richer, moister taste and texture. No beany taste at all. I wonder if the type of mix matters. I should say that it was a dark chocolate brownie mix, with chunks of chocolate. As I've mentioned before, Ghirardelli brand. A little pricier, but always better, no matter how I make them.

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No one, not even my hubby, who is very discerning, could tell what made it different. He just knew he liked it, because of the richer, moister taste and texture. No beany taste at all. I wonder if the type of mix matters. I should say that it was a dark chocolate brownie mix, with chunks of chocolate. As I've mentioned before, Ghirardelli brand. A little pricier, but always better, no matter how I make them.


I'll bet you're right about it being all about the mix you use. Some brands are a lot richer and chocolatier than others, so if you tried using one of the mixes that tastes more like a plain chocolate cake, it probably wouldn't be rich enough to hide the bean flavor.


Even though all this potential nutrition really goes against the grain for me ;), I'm going to try this black bean brownie thing. I'll be sure to get the same mix you use. (I think that's the same one I always buy, but I never know for sure until I look at the box in the store.)

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Yep, I've made these many a time. FWIW you can also use a can of canned pumpkin {not pumpkin pie filling} instead of the beans.


I could see how that would work, because canned pumpkin doesn't really have much flavor, so it wouldn't compete with the chocolate.

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Thank you, I made both over the weekend for my kids who have multiple severe food allergies, including eggs, dairy, and nuts. Both were easy to make and passed the taste buds of my three sons. It's always nice to find another treat they can and will eat.


I'm glad they worked out for you. I plan to try the chocolate chip one later this week.... got to get some garbanzo beans first!

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Thank you, I made both over the weekend for my kids who have multiple severe food allergies, including eggs, dairy, and nuts. Both were easy to make and passed the taste buds of my three sons. It's always nice to find another treat they can and will eat.


Did you use white beans or garbanzo beans for the chocolate chip pie??




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I don't know. All this nutritious stuff sneaked into junk foods. It's just wrong.


I'm developing an irrational fear of baked goods. :eek:


Where's all the sugar, the fat, the calories??? I'm telling you, all this health stuff will be the death of us all. ;)


Next thing you know, you'll be finding a way to make Pop-Tarts and Doritos good for us.


Yet another sign of the apocalypse... :D


Sorry to scare you! healthy poptarts!

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