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Plan for if something happens to you?

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I am so sad to think of what might happen to my dc if something should happen to me. Not only would they lose their mother, their entire way of life would completely change. My dh would have to continue working, so he would have to put them in school. Our oldest is 13, so he might be able to come up with a plan to school them in the evening, but I really don't think that would go over well. I am the queen of plans...I have plans for my plans :D, so I really want to come up with an idea to discuss with dh that he could do to school the children, if I were to meet an untimely death :(


Do any of you have plans for this kind of worst case scenario?

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I am so sad to think of what might happen to my dc if something should happen to me. Not only would they lose their mother, their entire way of life would completely change. My dh would have to continue working, so he would have to put them in school. Our oldest is 13, so he might be able to come up with a plan to school them in the evening, but I really don't think that would go over well. I am the queen of plans...I have plans for my plans :D, so I really want to come up with an idea to discuss with dh that he could do to school the children, if I were to meet an untimely death :(


Do any of you have plans for this kind of worst case scenario?


How many and how old are you children?

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The plan would need to involve someone stepping in to homeschool your children. If you don't have a friend or family who could do it, it would need to be your husband.


The only way to make that work is to make sure there is enough money to provide for him to not need to work or maybe only work part time. That means buying life insurance. The richest people in the world built their family estates by buying life insurance. Figure out how much money your husband would need to stay home with the kids and school them until the oldest is graduated - so 10 more years. Then subtract from that the amount your children would receive in Social Security benefits due to your death. Then buy that amount of life insurance. Obviously you could make this much more specific by figuring inflation and investment returns but this will give you a general idea of how much life insurance you would need. Then you can look online and get some free quotes based on your age, health, etc and see if you can afford it!

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The only way to make that work is to make sure there is enough money to provide for him to not need to work or maybe only work part time. That means buying life insurance. The richest people in the world built their family estates by buying life insurance. Figure out how much money your husband would need to stay home with the kids and school them until the oldest is graduated - so 10 more years. Then subtract from that the amount your children would receive in Social Security benefits due to your death. Then buy that amount of life insurance. Obviously you could make this much more specific by figuring inflation and investment returns but this will give you a general idea of how much life insurance you would need. Then you can look online and get some free quotes based on your age, health, etc and see if you can afford it!


This is exactly what we did.

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Agreeing with life insurance. Look into getting some if you can. Get term life insurance for 20 years or so (until your kids would be grown). We have life insurance through my husband's work and our homeschool lifestyle would be able to continue on if anything happened to either him or me.

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Never thought about it, actually. Total head-in-the-sand over here :tongue_smilie:. If I worry at all, it's about what we would do without dh (very scary prospect).


Dh is blessed to work from home, so it is usually the 5 of us home together most of the time. I am pretty confident they could continue their current homeschool plan and schedule, as well as caring for our toddler without me if they had to. I would worry that there wouldn't be anyone to homeschool toddler dd when she reaches school age, but hopefully they (dh and big kids) would come up with an acceptable solution by that time.


I actually had an extremely frightening close-call last week; these types of things never happen to me. Our car died on the highway, on an overpass, at rush hour, and there was only enough room on the shoulder to get 1/2 the car off the road. I watched in the rear view mirror for 10 minutes as cars came barreling down on us at at least 65mph, not noticing we were stopped (flashers/blinkers not working), and veering at the last minute to avoid hitting us. The side of the car that was still in the road was where toddler dd and I were sitting (dd12 was with us as well). 911 told us to stay in the car, but we couldn't stand it anymore and crawled out the passenger side, standing against the guardrail until the tow truck arrived. He ordered us into his truck and got on his radio yelling for them to hurry up and send a police car with flashing arrow to protect us, because we were all going to get killed where we were stopped. It all turned out OK, but the thoughts of either of my dds, myself, or all of us being killed, and the repercussions of each of those scenarios, haunted me for days.


I may be naive, but I never seriously considered not being around to finish raising and homeschooling my kids. Wake-up call time.

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I am so sad to think of what might happen to my dc if something should happen to me. Not only would they lose their mother, their entire way of life would completely change. My dh would have to continue working, so he would have to put them in school. Our oldest is 13, so he might be able to come up with a plan to school them in the evening, but I really don't think that would go over well. I am the queen of plans...I have plans for my plans :D, so I really want to come up with an idea to discuss with dh that he could do to school the children, if I were to meet an untimely death :(


Do any of you have plans for this kind of worst case scenario?


Dh would enroll the boys in our state's K12 program.

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Life insurance. There's enough on me to pay off the house, hire a full-time housekeeper, and pay for private school.



:iagree:This is how we planned too. It's horrible to think about it but to not plan, and have the worst happen would be even more horrible.

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