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How much school gets done with a newborn, really?

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Not only do we have a new baby coming in the fall, but it will also be my first year homeschooling 2. I have all these plans and somehow I just think that none of it is going to happen once baby comes. So tell me, how much can I expect to get done in a day once this little one arrives? My older kids will be 2, 5 and 7...

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I got a fair amount done with a newborn--it was more when they start moving that was hard! Major on the majors--now's the time to spend lots of time reading aloud while nursing. You can get a lot in now before the baby resents your reading. I never liked when they got old enough to whack at the book!




My best friend has a newborn and I keep telling her it's the toddler years that get tricky. When they don't want to be held but there are more limited places you can safely put them down. I love the idea of reading aloud while nursing, that will get your new baby used to the sound and experience of "school."

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I got a lot done when my second was a baby! As he grew older and started to move and want more of my mental attention and focus, it became more difficult. Now that he is 3, it can still be very frustrating to get the work done. I pine for the days when I could just attach him to my chest and have him quiet! :chillpill:

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For us, not much. I don't do well with sleep deprivation so all my available energy goes to nursing, taking care of the other kids, and minimal household maintenance. We all have a needed adjustment period as the olders (and outplaced youngest) gets used to having my time monopolized by the baby. When I start sleeping better, then we get back to some schoolwork. If my oldest was 7yo and I had a newborn, I would focus on reading -- outloud and independently -- and maybe some math. I wouldn try to enjoy (and survive) the newborn period rather than push school through it. But, that's probably just me.

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I had *lots* of littles at once. :001_smile:


Getting things done with a newborn was pretty easy. Baby was either in it's bed, or in my arms via a sling carrier, or yes, I confess, my babies went into a swing and loved it. The screamers were mostly in the sling with easy nursing access all of the time.

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I got a fair amount done with a newborn--it was more when they start moving that was hard! Major on the majors--now's the time to spend lots of time reading aloud while nursing. You can get a lot in now before the baby resents your reading. I never liked when they got old enough to whack at the book!



:iagree: I sat on the couch this morning reading with my one-year-old daughter "whacking" away! :tongue_smilie:


You can get a lot done when the baby is still sleeping and nursing a lot (not that you won't be tired while you are doing it.... ;)).

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I agree, I get plenty done w/a newborn, it is the crawling and toddler years that kill me. I co-sleep my nurslings, so sleep deprivation was never an issue, then classroom time they are in a wrap or sling.

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I agree that it depends on the baby. My third cried all the time and wanted constant attention. My fourth, we hardly knew she was there. She went right on a 4 hour schedule at birth. Here's hoping you luck out! :)



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We had about 3 weeks after the baby was born when not much got done. After that, we were doing much better than we were doing during the last half of the third trimester, because I was feeling physically much better and less internally focused.


And I agree - little babies are much easier than when they start getting more aware and mobile!

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So the newborn will actually be easier than schooling w/ my toddler who likes to climb on the kitchen table and throw our manipulatives on the floor while we do math? :001_huh:


I do plan to heavily utilize the sling and I will have a swing set up too. We also plan to co-sleep so that should help the sleep deprivation and we plan to use living books next year so lots of couch time. I'm also going to have help for the first 3 weeks, so maybe this will go ok. We are having an early start to the year so that I can take time off when needed.


I can do this :001_smile:

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