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Your Worst Cooking Flop

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"Dog Bone Pepper Soup". :D


It was my sister's birthday. She loves soup. Mom was working, so she wanted me to get supper started for sis's birthday and told me there was some stew meat in the freezer to make soup. The only small chunks of meat I could find happened to have lots of bones in it and very little meat, so I called to ask if that was normal. "Yeah, sometimes there is bones" Apparently I wasn't very good at communicating the bone to meat ratio. LOL Ok, on with making soup...where I proceeded to add way too much pepper when I was seasoning it.


It turns out, the meat that I used was a bag of beef bones that my grandma's friend had gotten from her butcher for our dogs!! I have no idea why it was in the freezer rather than the dog dish. It is probably the most memorable birthday meal my sister has ever had...she reminds me of it quite often. :D

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It turns out, the meat that I used was a bag of beef bones that my grandma's friend had gotten from her butcher for our dogs!! I have no idea why it was in the freezer rather than the dog dish.


You keep it there and dole it out weekly.


My neighbor years back had a friend over, and she served herself coffee and breast milk.

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(I didn't mean to get the other thread closed by such a mis-post ;))


Mine was a Lime Upsidedown Cake of my own creation. I tried to wed my really good Pineapple Usd C with Shaker Lemon Pie and came up with something so nasty and bitter, I couldn't chew one bite.


Your flop?


Yes, that would be the time I BLEW UP a "Sole a la Meuniere" that I was making to impress my then fiance. :tongue_smilie: The recipe is Dover Sole, minced mushrooms and shallots, white wine, butter, and Swiss cheese. It's yummy. I had actually prepared the meal and presented 2 servings for the two of us. When I went back to check on the fish that was still in the oven (in case we wanted a second helping) I noticed it was kind of dry. Yeah, you can probably see what's coming next. I added a little cold white wine to the dish and put it back in the oven. Kind of hard to eat fish with all that Pyrex SHRAPNEL everywhere! :D


He married me anyway. :D :D

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I was determined to make "real" gumbo for my fiance, and the recipe said roux should be the color of a penny.


Doggone it, no matter how long I cooked that thing, it would NOT turn the color of a penny. All kinds of pretty shades of black, though, until my kitchen billowed with smoke.


I might've gotten away with it if I didn't have a cat who smelled like burnt roux for the next month.

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Mine was a cheesecake I tried to make in college. I read the recipe as eight eight oz. packages of cream cheese not an eight (8) oz package. I mixed all eight packages together, it overflowed the pan (I thought my pan was too small :giggle:) I baked and baked and baked it and it never set.


FOr Christmas I was asking my workmates about recipes to make and someone suggested cheesecake. I said "I tried before and it never set." She said her recipe was fail proof and gave it to me. I then realized that I messed it up 20 years ago! hehehehehe I made the one she gave me and it was yummy!

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Mine was a cheesecake I tried to make in college. I read the recipe as eight eight oz. packages of cream cheese not an eight (8) oz package. I mixed all eight packages together, it overflowed the pan (I thought my pan was too small :giggle:) I baked and baked and baked it and it never set.


FOr Christmas I was asking my workmates about recipes to make and someone suggested cheesecake. I said "I tried before and it never set." She said her recipe was fail proof and gave it to me. I then realized that I messed it up 20 years ago! hehehehehe I made the one she gave me and it was yummy!


ROTFL!!! I did that exact same thing a long time ago for a work treat day. The co-workers LOVED it! Made it the 'right' way the next time and they kept asked for the first recipe....floored me! Guess they really liked cream cheese.

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DH helped me out once when I needed to bring cookies to church on Sunday. He made the dough for me on Saturday and put it in the fridge so I could bake them Sunday morning. I took the dough out in the morning and thought it didn't look quite right, but oh well. Starting baking them and checked on them a few minutes later - melted pools of goo. DH had forgotten to put the flour in.


I also tried making cupcakes with my 4-H class. I think they were black bottom cupcakes from a recipe I hadn't tried before. The batter was really runny and the cupcakes never set at all. It was a total disaster.


I made a spaghetti pie once with cottage cheese in it and it was just icky.

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I made a turkey for my husband and I on our first Thanksgiving together. I knew to clean out the main cavity of the bird, but had no idea there was also a neck cavity, which is where the neck and bag of giblets is. So I cooked the turkey and it came out dry and overcooked and with the distinct taste of burnt giblet bag. :blink:

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I'm having troubling remembering just one.


But something someone said reminded me of the Crockpot Pineapple Salsa Chicken.


It was a whole chicken, can of pineapple, can of salsa....maybe some jalapenos? It was the nastiest, foulest thing I've ever tried to choke down. I've had yummy mango salsa and peach salsa...but regular salsa and canned pineapple are not meant to go together. Ever. Besides the fact that the whole chicken was falling off the bone...into the chunky salsa pineapple mixture...so it was impossible to remove all the bones from the pile of mush...it just all disintegrated into a nasty mess.


Oh yes,

and it was from a book of frugal recipies, so I was determined to not waste it, to prove to dh that I hadn't wasted the ingredients by trying to save money. Meanwhile, he was having misgivings just from reading the ingredient list. It's one of the few flops that even I couldn't force myself to consume.

Edited by Love_to_Read
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I can't make fried chicken correctly. It always have undercooked insides and almost burned outsides.




You're cooking too fast. Turn the heat down to about medium and it'll be cooked on the inside and golden brown on the outside. :001_smile:


Mine was some casserole I was trying to make and I scorched the milk that was the base for the cheese sauce. I didn't realize it was scorched until I took it to a potluck and saw no one was eating it. I tried a bite and realized why!

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