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somewhat disappointed in FLL

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can I say that here? :leaving:


I like the short lessons and the grammar aspect of it - it is very helpful for dd. But I'm disappointed in that there are very few poems, and they aren't that great of poems....or at least not what I was expecting. I guess I was expecting more classic poems. Not one adapted by someone else, and not to have Rossetti's poem shortened....I just realized that and so now we're having to relearn it and dd isn't thrilled about that.


So I'm still going to have to look up poems for memory and copywork for next year....that's what I was hoping FLL would have done for me. Oh well.

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I've heard plenty of people say the same thing about the poetry.


There were things about it I didn't like, and about it that I did like. Overall, I liked it better the 2nd time through with child #2 -- I was more relaxed about what to ditch and what to use.

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can I say that here? :leaving:


I like the short lessons and the grammar aspect of it - it is very helpful for dd. But I'm disappointed in that there are very few poems, and they aren't that great of poems....or at least not what I was expecting. I guess I was expecting more classic poems. Not one adapted by someone else, and not to have Rossetti's poem shortened....I just realized that and so now we're having to relearn it and dd isn't thrilled about that.


So I'm still going to have to look up poems for memory and copywork for next year....that's what I was hoping FLL would have done for me. Oh well.


You might want to look into The Harp & Laurel Wreath for poetry & copywork.

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But I'm disappointed in that there are very few poems, and they aren't that great of poems....or at least not what I was expecting. I guess I was expecting more classic poems. Not one adapted by someone else, and not to have Rossetti's poem shortened....I just realized that and so now we're having to relearn it and dd isn't thrilled about that.
I didn't initially realize to what extent poems were truncated/adapted. I still don't understand why anyone would think it's a good idea to have their child memorize an adapted work as opposed to an original poem; I remember some poems I memorized as a child, and I'd feel cheated to find out they weren't even the "real" poems. If there's something deemed to be unsuitable about the original, it should be replaced with another poem, not bowdlerized.
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I knew the poems were altered somewhat, and I didn't care too much about the caterpillar one because I read the whole thing and liked the adaptation better. :D We did memorize the original Days of the Week, because I like that version and saw no reason to memorize a new one, even with dd being born on a Wednesday. Heh.


Anyhoo, I do like the scripted lessons, and my kids love doing FLL. I think it's worth it. You can always swap out the poems if you wish.

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and I loved the cd grammar songs. I use it non scripted. It is great for someone who needs to have a hand held, or is so busy with a bunch of kids that they don't have time to think about teaching all those tiny little skills. I suggest saving it to use with a last born child. You'll be amazed at the things you taught your first kids and forgot by the last. I'm using it with number 4 and having fun.

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I knew the poems were altered somewhat, and I didn't care too much about the caterpillar one because I read the whole thing and liked the adaptation better. :D We did memorize the original Days of the Week, because I like that version and saw no reason to memorize a new one, even with dd being born on a Wednesday. Heh.


Anyhoo, I do like the scripted lessons, and my kids love doing FLL. I think it's worth it. You can always swap out the poems if you wish.



I went with the original Days poem too. I knew ds would ask what day he was born on, so remembering it was Thursday and that Thursday's child has far to go.... I had to think of something good to say about it. I told him if he was going to be president someday, he did indeed have FAR to go, LOL! :D

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I really liked it and its companion CD, however I didn't use it as it was suggested to be used. I used it along with Primary Language Lessons, and I used PLL for the poem memorization but used FLL for learning nouns, verbs, prepositions, helping verbs, etc. It is really a great book, and you can always just use the portions you do find helpful and use other sources for what you don't like.

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I guess I was expecting more classic poems. Not one adapted by someone else, and not to have Rossetti's poem shortened...


I was a bit irked about this as well. I didn't even know that the Rossetti poem was truncated until my son and I heard the poem being recited somewhere else. My son was so happy to hear this poem that he knew until all of the sudden he noticed all of these differences. It was very disconcerting to see his facial expression go from one of being proud to being almost embarrassed... Anyways, I don't want to dis FLL too much we really like the rest of it!! But I couldn't help feeling like it went against how the WTM talks specifically against abridging children's literature and then the FLL abridges the poems..OK leaving quietly now. We really do like the rest of the book I SWEAR!..........

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I was less than impressed with FLL upon receiving and reviewing it several years ago. The script is unnatural and, like you, I disagree with the author's choice to abbreviate and alter some poems. Nonetheless, I used it with my second son ~ setting aside the scripting altogether. I went through it at a faster pace than is recommended and easily covered it in one school year. Having my boys memorize lists is of no import to me (nor have I found it to be of foundational significance), so I didn't dwell on that aspect of the program. I'd decided to sell the book but on a whim, went ahead and used it with my third son. It felt somewhat like a time filler, but he actually did enjoy the one-on-one time during our lessons. I'll likely go ahead and use it this next year with my rising first grader. I certainly don't consider it required reading, though.;)

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We only got 1/2 way through too. The lessons were extremely redundant which works for some but not for us in grammar. The final blow was finding out that the kids were working so hard to memorize erroneous versions of the poetry. Had to sell it on Ebay then.

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the memorization of the parts of speech and the helping verbs was very valuable. R&S 3 was a breeze thanks to the FLL lessons.


How so? I'm curious because R&S 3 was as simple for my oldest as it was for my next two' date=' although he'd not used FLL. That's one reason I felt rather like FLL was busy work; I can't really decide whether to take the time for it with my last two guys...[/color']

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