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If you loathe FB, how do you feel about Twitter?

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:) My dh likes Twitter as well. But he says he doesn't have an issue w/FB. While I understand you do not Tweet, why does it feel better to you. PS No, I am not doing a disseration lol (I wish). I am curious.


It is not so overwhelming. It is more fleeting, requires less of me, and doesn't feel like I'm obligated to check everyone's photographs and updates. But this might be misleading, as I have 1000 FB "friends" and about 10 Twitter followers. :lol:


I also like that it is visually simpler.


Not doing a dissertation, you say? :tongue_smilie:


Any other questions? :D

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I have no interest in using Twitter myself, but my brother posts political tweets on his FB page and I enjoy reading them. I don't watch the news and rarely even read news articles online any more, but if something politically interesting is happening, my brother posts about it. He's very cute. He gets all excited if a politician or journalist replies to him. :)



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I have no interest in using Twitter myself, but my brother posts political tweets on his FB page and I enjoy reading them. I don't watch the news and rarely even read news articles online any more, but if something politically interesting is happening, my brother posts about it. He's very cute. He gets all excited if a politician or journalist replies to him. :)





Thanks! Rosie, do you use FB at all?

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It is not so overwhelming. It is more fleeting, requires less of me, and doesn't feel like I'm obligated to check everyone's photographs and updates. But this might be misleading, as I have 1000 FB "friends" and about 10 Twitter followers. :lol:


I also like that it is visually simpler.


Not doing a dissertation, you say? :tongue_smilie:


Any other questions? :D


I wish.


I really am simply curious. :)

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Thanks! Rosie, do you use FB at all?


Yup. I only started using it because my sister moved to Kenya and that's how she communicated with the rest of us at home. When the power may go out at any second, you don't want to spend time composing lengthy emails to each individual! I kept using it because it gets to be a habit. How would I keep up with the news if I wasn't reading my brother's rants? :p I also happen to be a convenient person for my sister to chat with on the boring ride home because at that time of day, I am usually milling about waiting for dinner to cook and dh to arrive home. Dh won't use a mobile phone so if I want him to bring something home, I have to catch him on FB chat before he leaves work. (Not because he plays FB when he is meant to be working, but because their intra-office chat is linked into it.) And, ya know, everyone wants to hear about it when there are rainbow lorrikeets on my shed roof. :tongue_smilie:



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I just started using Twitter. I wanted to use Pinterest, because a fellow home-schooling mom was telling me that she finds all sorts of great teaching resources there. But you have to sign up into Pinterest using either Facebook or Twitter. I put LOTS of stuff on Facebook about my kids- pictures, stories, etc- as it's the easiest way for me to keep friends and family around the world caught up. So I didn't want to tie Pinterest, which has a horrible history of privacy abuse, to my Facebook. So I set up a Twitter account. My Tweets show up on my blog, which is nice, as I can share SOME of what I put on FB with the outside world, but not ALL of it.


Twitter's also been good for me as it's 1) cut down my FB usage and 2) helped me learn to parse my words. I only get 140 characters. As all of my posts on this forum will demonstrate, including this one, I tend to be quite verbose. Any help and practice I can get with the "less is more" habits are good for me. :D

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I am on FB for abut 10-15 minutes a week. I don't use twitter.


This is me, with the additional disclaimer that I am only on when I get an email that someone's messaged me, tagged me, etc., and the 10-15 minutes a week is due to communication for our travel lax team currently; it's usually not even that much a month.


I feel the same about both: I simply do not care what random thought runs through anyone's head at any given moment. In fact, I find it a disturbing commentary on our society that people think they need to share so much stream of consciousness. So Twitter is even more useless to me than FB.

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I use FB and by that I mean that I scan the news feed and check my inbox and notifications a few times a day. I probably spend 10-20 minutes a day on it. I don't feel the need to check on people unless I know that something big is happening, like having a baby. I post only rarely.


I think twitter is absolutely useless and ridiculous.

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I like FB to a point and I don't worry about if I am keeping up with everyone's posts. I only post updates really for people back home to keep up with us here. I am not one of the "having a cup of coffee!" or "about to jump in the shower" chronic posters.


I don't do twitter because I am just not that interesting of person to have so many interesting or profound things to say and no one wants a blow-by-blow of my day. Not to mention, I would just forget to "tweet" anyways. :tongue_smilie:

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Twitter makes my life a little more informed. I can keep up with my college aged kids and I get all of my news updates there. If I am interested, I just read the rest of the story. It is nice. I do like FB for keeping up with my extended family and friends, their kids and pictures and such. I have separate accounts on both for my business so I have to be on there a lot.

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