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Awkward moments at the grocery store.

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So, I'm at the checkout, and a young girl (probably 19-21ish) is my cashier. She's chatty and friendly. The bagger, a young man (mid 20s) comes and begins joking around with her/us while bagging. He starts joking around about how she's not all THAT nice, etc. I said, well she looks like a nice girl. He said:


"Well, nice isn't a word for wh*re.........



Complete, utterly awkward silence follows. For the entire duration of my massive buggy full of grocery checkout. Poor girl was red faced, and he had the look of "Did I really say that out loud?!"

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A quick way to end a read-aloud session with a giggling fit is to mistake the word generals for gen*tals. Especially when the sentence is "He notified each of his generals."


I may need those bifocals after all. :tongue_smilie:

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In my perfect dialogue world the next thing out of my mouth would have been, DUDE, you owe her an apology! NOW.


Of course in real life, I would have been so shocked and embarrassed for them both that I would have had nothing to say...


I hope the gal doesn't 'hear' that sentence echoing in her head for years to come.

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So, I'm at the checkout, and a young girl (probably 19-21ish) is my cashier. She's chatty and friendly. The bagger, a young man (mid 20s) comes and begins joking around with her/us while bagging. He starts joking around about how she's not all THAT nice, etc. I said, well she looks like a nice girl. He said:


"Well, nice isn't a word for wh*re.........



Complete, utterly awkward silence follows. For the entire duration of my massive buggy full of grocery checkout. Poor girl was red faced, and he had the look of "Did I really say that out loud?!"


Oh, dear. I hope he learns from that.


I was at the grocery store with my teen dd & her bff. The female customer and male cashier were obviously flirting.


Bff: said, "Gee, I guess he likes her. Flirt enough?"


DD said, "It wasn't just him. Did you hear her tell him she could get her ankles behind her head in yoga." Rolls eyes.


Ugh. They were in their 40s or so.

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A quick way to end a read-aloud session with a giggling fit is to mistake the word generals for gen*tals. Especially when the sentence is "He notified each of his generals."


I may need those bifocals after all. :tongue_smilie:


ROFL!! :lol::lol: Ay, that's something that would happen to me! hehehe Then my dd would be all like :confused: "How many genitals does he have?" hehehehe

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When I worked as a hostess at a restaurant, we had the pagers that vibrated and told people when we were ready to seat them. I was working the door (taking names/handing out pagers) and one guy took his and said, 'What is this?' I was like, 'A vibrat*r...Wait! A pager! A pager that vibrates!' :svengo:

I was mortified. I was 19 at the time, and he and his girlfriend/wife just died laughing. :blushing:

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A quick way to end a read-aloud session with a giggling fit is to mistake the word generals for gen*tals. Especially when the sentence is "He notified each of his generals."


I may need those bifocals after all. :tongue_smilie:


That is hilarious.



Of course in real life, I would have been so shocked and embarrassed for them both that I would have had nothing to say...


This was me...

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Dh took me to a ultimate cheesecake factory for a dessert only date night.


I decided I couldn't finish mine.


I told our male waiter something along the lines of, "Yes! Please you can wrap in cheesecake and come home with me."


I meant to say, "Yes, wrap the cheesecake so I can take it home."


I wish I could blame that lapse on alcohol, but all I drank was iced tea.


Dh was so mortified for me. And the waiter just about died laughing as he repeated what I said back to me.

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A quick way to end a read-aloud session with a giggling fit is to mistake the word generals for gen*tals. Especially when the sentence is "He notified each of his generals."


I may need those bifocals after all. :tongue_smilie:


Or "org@sm" for "organism."


Don't ask me how I know. :glare:

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What is it with grocery employees! The guy restocking the milk started chatting with me while dd was in the bathroom.


He started howling at ds actually, because ds had a stuffed wolf with him. Then ds started howling back and the guy says "sorry, I probably shouldn't get him wound up." I tell him no big deal and then he starts talking about his Pomeranian and how some people teased him that it was a b-1-t-c-h dog. :blink: He spelled it misjudging ds's age because he appears so small. He probably thought that he spelled it fast enough, IDK. Either way, I didn't appreciate it... ds is beside me and I can see his hamster wheel turning as he goes buh.. I took my hand and snapped it shut (its the 'close that mouth' symbol). Ds cracked this cheesy grin at me because he knew exactly what was spelled. :glare:


Dd finally came out and we were out of there. I got home as dh did and 5 minutes later he asked me as he unpacked groceries "I thought you were going to get milk?" :glare: errgh.

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