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Summer reading prize ideas


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I've made a list of books for my kids to read this summer. They will need to finish the list or have consequences for not doing so. But, I wanted to reward their efforts to make it different and fun for the summer. I just need some more ideas for prizes for each book finished. I wanted smaller prizes for the first few books and larger prizes for say the last three. My oldest three can have the same prizes, but I will need to adjust somewhat the prizes for my youngest as well as my reading expectations for her. Really finding prizes for my teens is the toughest. Our summer library program is terrible--budget cuts, ya know?


Here's what I have so far:

1. Icee from 7Eleven

2. Ice cream cone

3. Dollar store gift

4. max $5 gift from store of your choice

5. candy bar of your choice

6. lunch w/mom or dad at favorite fast food place

7. friend to sleep over/playdate with friend

8. zoo trip w/friend

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Great idea – we may do it too! I like that you made up the list. Here are some other prize options:

· breakfast in bed

· day of leisure – no chores for a day

· watch 1 short (20-30 min.) show via streaming or DVD in bed or bath

· mom gives a pedicure/manicure

· next choice of movie for family movie night (even if the next turn is not his or hers)

· book of choice

Hope this helps!

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We are doing a summer reading list as well.....we they are finished we will go get a NEW book from Barnes & Nobles of their choice, we usually go to the used book store, AND get a milkshake of their choice. I love how my kids get giddy over the simplest things!:tongue_smilie:

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This is a great idea!


You could give books as prizes.




For us, the best prizes have always been books. In fact, my kids could tell you just what reading program they earned this or that book from.


You could pick specific books or give them a gift card for an amount or a coupon from you for a book of their choice.

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If you have a local Barnes & Nobles store, they usually have a summer reading program. You could sign the kids up for that so they can get the free book. That reward won't cost you anything. :001_smile: Our local movie place as summer movies for $1, so that would be a good reward, if possible. Take them to the pool. I am working on a summer reading program for my kids, but I am trying to find free rewards.

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Thanks for the ideas. Keep them coming! I like the idea of a book of their choice. We have done the Barnes and Noble summer program before, but the kids had to choose from just a few books, and they didn't like the choices, or already owned the books offered.

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We like to give our girls a book of their choice for completing a reading list.


Because our girls are younger, I've found that it works better if I create a wish list for them on Pinterest (or Chapters or Amazon) and have them select their favourite from the list. That way they don't end up selecting a book that will be disappointing for them in the long run.

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Stickers for each book read, then a larger prize when so many stickers have been earned.


Bookmarks make good prizes.


Books make the best prizes!

I do exactly this! And it works!!

I also make the stickers fun - for example, DS and I make a treasure island poster and color it and stick it on the wall in his room. And I get a book of pirate stickers from the dollar store and he gets one sticker for each book completed. He places it on the appropriate place on his poster building an imaginary pirate story as he goes. For e.g. the girl pirate got the binocular sticker today while the bird from the boy pirate flew and perched on the coconut tree yesterday! When he earns 20 stickers, he gets go to TJ Maxx or Michaels craft store with me (we live close by) and pick out an inexpensive toy or book from there.

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1st choice: A book of the child's choice. And some time to read it--meaning perhaps a break from the parent choice of books for a day or even a few days as part of the reward.


I tend not to like rewards of things like candy. I know people who seem to have gotten into eating issues because of food/sweets being associated with reward, and thence into self punishment by not eating, or self soothing by eating too much and wrong things.


2nd choice: special activities, like zoo trip or movie...particularly if related to the books--such as a zoo trip after reading about animals or Mary Poppins which has zoo trip in it...

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I understand the teen thing, lol. And around here books, and even to a degree money, don't really have an impact, since they're usually around, lol. In our house OUTINGS are a huge to-do. Dd was whiz-bang flying through her reading this morning so we can go on a bike ride on some trails. That kind of stuff is her currency.


What you could do is have them pool pages read and they get 1% back to translate into miles to events or dollars toward the cost or a combination thereof, their choice. And they could either take turns reading or make that part competitive, with the person first finishing their reading for the week getting the choice. Or the collaborate. (I'll give you my points if you do something I like...)

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I understand the teen thing, lol. And around here books, and even to a degree money, don't really have an impact, since they're usually around, lol. In our house OUTINGS are a huge to-do. Dd was whiz-bang flying through her reading this morning so we can go on a bike ride on some trails. That kind of stuff is her currency.


What you could do is have them pool pages read and they get 1% back to translate into miles to events or dollars toward the cost or a combination thereof, their choice. And they could either take turns reading or make that part competitive, with the person first finishing their reading for the week getting the choice. Or the collaborate. (I'll give you my points if you do something I like...)

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