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For those you who eat low-carb, what do you eat?

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In this thread, I determined that I need to move toward a low/lower carb diet in order to 1. lose weight and 2. get rid of my crazy food cravings. I have been reading about all of the low-carb diets and I have a few books from the library on hold to pick up tomorrow. I "get" the concept of eating low-carb, but I am just having trouble determining what I will eat day after day.


So for those of you who eat this way, can you tell me exactly what you are eating? Maybe share a menu or two?


To give you a little background about me (which may help if you'd like to give advice :001_smile:): I am a former vegetarian who is starting to introduce meat back into my diet. I actually really like beef and tolerate chicken. Pork is okay...well, other than bacon. I love bacon. I mean, who doesn't, right? I don't care for eggs at all. I love smoothies and tend to get a lot of my protein by using Fage Greek yogurt. My dh works out of town a lot of the time and I am trying to figure out how to incorporate this sort of diet into cooking for me and my two (picky :tongue_smilie:) children.


Thanks for your help. I really, really want to do this! I am tired of living on bread, pasta, sweets.

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I make a big bowl of salad at the beginning of the week for my lunches. Romaine, spinach, carrots, mushrooms, cucumbers, avocado, boiled egg, broccoli ....whatever I have in the fridge.


DH bought me some of those individual bags of peanuts from Sam's club for my snacks. It's easier to make sure I don't over do cuz they're yummy.


Meat for dinner with more salad. :D


Breakfast is an egg with mushrooms or I just skip this meal entirely. :D

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When I crave pasta, I make meatballs over spaghetti squash

Lots of fish (salmon, tuna, shrimp)

Nuts/natural peanut butter with apple

Lots of fruits, veggies (grilled, raw, or roasted), lean protein

Taco salad with quacamole, grilled chicken salads

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The short version is, I eat meat, vegetables, and sometimes fruit.


I rarely snack, but if I do it's usually a handful of nuts or some carrots or maybe a piece of cheese.


Breakfast is usually eggs. Some people like dinner leftovers or salad or whatever for breakfast. I love eggs though, so that's what I have most days. Avocado is a regular breakfast player here too, so is bacon.


Lunch here is usually dinner leftovers. I know some folks do a big salad instead.


Dinner is the meal that I actually cook most days. We eat a lot of different things, really as much variety as we did before. Here are a few favorites. I list mostly the main course, which is usually a meat, but unless it is a veggie heavy dish we also have a salad and a cooked veggie.


Steak & grilled veggies

Venison & grilled veggies

Pork "tacos"


Chicken yellow curry with mango

Stir Fry

Balsamic Mustard Chicken

Pecan Mustard Chicken

Spaghetti Squash & Meat Sauce

Bunless Burgers

Pork & Ginger Soup

Pulled Pork & Coleslaw

Fajita Salad

Pork chops

Butter Chicken

Meatball soup

Chicken satay

Tuna salad with avocado

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I not only need to lose weight, I also need to lower my blood sugar, the only way for me to do both is to eat very low carb and NO sugar. here are some of what I eat


breakfast: protein drink with cinnamon and flax seed meal


for lunch and dinner:

bunless burgers,

chicken breast cut up and sauteed in olive oil, sometimes with cheese added


veggies are mostly broccoli, my favorite is raw bell peppers, all colors


grilled salmon or steelhead trout

my favoirte low carb salad is romaine with boiled egg, and grilled chicken or chicken salad with provolone cheese and bacon


snacks: almonds, cheese sticks, deli chicken or turkey

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Steak & grilled veggies

Venison & grilled veggies

Pork "tacos"


Chicken yellow curry with mango

Stir Fry

Balsamic Mustard Chicken

Pecan Mustard Chicken

Spaghetti Squash & Meat Sauce

Bunless Burgers

Pork & Ginger Soup

Pulled Pork & Coleslaw

Fajita Salad

Pork chops

Butter Chicken

Meatball soup

Chicken satay

Tuna salad with avocado


Wow...sounds like you do have a varied menu! Would you mind to share more about how you make these? For instance, I love burgers...how do you do bunless burgers? Do you just eat with a fork or do you serve between lettuce leaves? What about toppings? (I assume ketchup is out?)


I would love to hear more about what a day (or more!) of meals looks like for you. I am a terrible meal planner!

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Here is a chart:



I got a bunch of cookbooks from the library and went through them, making recipes and seeing what we liked. We have liked pretty much every paleo/primal recipe I've cooked. There are also a number of websites with paleo/primal (by definition low-carb) recipes out there. I like that they're low/no sugar as well.


http://www.marksdailyapple.com also has really good recipes and I like his cookbooks.


Eat Like a Dinosaur is more kid-friendly recipes (my kids love to read it and ask me to make things there)

Well Fed is a great collection of recipes but for some reason is really $$$ right now (maybe it sold out of its first printing?)

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Wow...sounds like you do have a varied menu! Would you mind to share more about how you make these? For instance, I love burgers...how do you do bunless burgers? Do you just eat with a fork or do you serve between lettuce leaves? What about toppings? (I assume ketchup is out?)


I would love to hear more about what a day (or more!) of meals looks like for you. I am a terrible meal planner!


warning: I'm about to get way too wordy...


Bunless burgers are just burger patties with no bun. You could do lettuce leaves, but we tried that and preferred to just use a fork. I like steamed peas with a little butter on the side and a salad, so I need a fork anyhow. :-D


Similarly we started out with lettuce leaves as wraps for the tacos, then decided that was too much bother and now we just eat the taco filling with a fork.


Stir fry around here is when I throw a bunch of leftover meat and some veggies (leftover or whatever is on hand) in the wok with some oil and seasoning (garlic and ginger are favorites). Beef and broccoli is the hands down favorite here.


The chicken recipes (balsamic and pecan) are both from the Everyday Paleo blog. The Balsamic one is a marinade, the pecan one is kind of "breaded" in the nuts. Maybe it was originally cashew chicken? I don't remember, I just dip chicken breasts in mustard & honey (about half & half) and then in ground up nuts, and bake it. Easy and very good. The butter chicken is from there too. She does a lot of good stuff with chicken.


Fajita salad is just fajita fillings (grilled meat & veggies) tossed on a salad.


My meal planning is very simple, in general. Once a week I cook up a big batch of something (depending on sales) and package extra servings for the freezer. Then I write on my calendar when I'm going to eat them. Then I just fill in any days left on the calendar with easy stuff like leftover night or salad night or stir fry.


For example:


Last weekend I looked at the calendar. I had yellow curry on thursday from a previous batch cook, and pulled pork on Wednesday from another one. I've been getting meatloaf requests, so I decided to do a big batch cook of meatloaf on Tuesday. On Friday I wrote "stir fry" to use up leftovers. I had some salad stuff that needed to be eating ASAP, so I put "salad" on Monday. I knew we were having friends over for a bbq on Saturday.


Now the calendar says:


Monday - Salad

Tuesday - Meatloaf (batch)

Wednesday - Pulled Pork

Thursday - Yellow Curry

Friday - Stir fry

Saturday - BBQ


So I pulled a few chicken breasts from the freezer to go on the salad for Monday, one thing of pulled pork and one of yellow curry for Wednesday and Thursday. I made my shopping list which was the ingredients for meatloaf and the BBQ, plus various fruits, veggies, and snacks for the kids. And eggs and avocados, because we always need eggs and avocados. That whole process, including the grocery shopping takes about 1.5 hours usually. It took 2 hours this week because my 3yo tagged along.


Monday we had the salad for dinner with chicken on it. Saved a bit of chicken and some boiled egg for later.


Tuesday for breakfast I had poached eggs and avocado slices. The kids had the same, plus some cheese. For lunch I wasn't especially hungry so I had some nuts and a bit of chicken. The kids had avocado and chicken salad. For dinner I made 4 meatloaves. 3 of them went in the freezer, and I wrote "meatloaf" on the calendar in three different places (once a week for the next three weeks). The 4th we ate about half of, with a side of green beans and some salad.


Wednesday at breakfast I wasn't hungry but the kids had eggs and bacon. For lunch I was famished, so I had a nice slice of meatloaf and a green salad. The kids had meatloaf too, but requested peas (I cooked some, because I can't turn down veggie requests, lol). For dinner I heated the pulled pork and we had that with some broccoli.


Thursday at breakfast we made a fritatta. Lunch we had more pulled pork but there was a ton of it left still. Dinner was curry.


Friday we had leftover fritatta for breakfast and leftover curry for lunch. For dinner I used up the pulled pork in a stir fry with some peppers and onions. It was not spectacular, but fine. I think we are getting tired of pulled pork, so I probably won't make it again for a bit (that was the last from the freezer stash).


Saturday was more leftover frittata, then the BBQ was in the early afternoon and we kinda just grazed leftovers for dinner.

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Here's my basic run down:


eggs, cooked veggies/salad greens, beans, meat/fish/poultry, dairy (2c a day), healthy fats


I eat this in many many combinations however. We use lots of ground turkey and ground chicken (meatballs, burgers, meat loaf, crumbled over salad greens).


I hard boil tons of eggs each week and either eat them plain, make egg salad, make deviled eggs. I also make lots of omelettes with mushrooms, onions, spinach.


Typically I will have:


B: hard boiled eggs or some kind of omelette, V-8, coffee

L: egg salad or tuna salad and salad greens, some cheese

D: meat protein, 2c cooked veggies, some sort of bean

S: Greek yogurt


I eat till satisfied, don't weigh or measure anything -- love it!



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When I'm eating low-carb my menu looks like this:


Breakfast - usually an omlette, with bacon, mushroom, tomato, zucchini, cheese & sunflower seeds - yum!


Lunch - garden salad (lettuce, tomato, capsicum, cucumber, red onion, maybe cheese) with tuna/grilled chicken.


Dinner - some sort of meat with vegetables. Something like roast chicken with steamed vegetables or a stir fry - I just add rice/noodles/potato for the kids at the end. Simple, normal dinner just minus the carbs for me.


Snacks - usually yoghurt or nuts (macadamia are great for low carb diet)


Drink lots of water!

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warning: I'm about to get way too wordy...


Thank you so much for writing all this out! We began eating primal-ish the day after Easter, and I have been scouring the internet ever since trying to find practical ways to feed my family that don't involve spending a fortune and/or spending every waking minute planning, shopping, cooking, and cleaning up. Your post is the most helpful thing I have seen!

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dh is really low carb, whereas the rest of us are just low carb, or maybe its just reasonable carb, or maybe even just not really high carb. sigh....


each meal in the day has progressively fewer carbs.

so for breakfasts what the rest of us have is something like:

yoghurt fruit parfaits (a bit of granola on the top)

crackers with peanut butter or cheese


dinner left overs


for lunch we have

homemade soup. many soups are just veggies and chicken broth, pureed in the blender.... gazpacho is a staple. last week, i tried making some asparagus soup and adding bits of goat cheese which was fabulous. it is our "secret weapon" for weight loss; it fills us up, is incredibly healthy and mostly pretty fun to make. as we are going to put it thru the blender, things don't need to be chopped so fine which makes it pretty fast. french onion soup takes more slicing, but its pretty yummy, too. i often have three crackers/one slice of multi-grain bread with lots of toppings and then melted cheese to go with.

lunch can also involve a pita/tortilla with many toppings.


for dinner dh usually makes a stir-fry. he adds tofu to his; we add meat on the side to ours.


one of the unexpected hits is chard as a wrap for meat and veggie mixtures, and cooked in the oven in a bit of chicken or veggie broth.

anything you'd stuff pasta with can be done this way.


spaghetti squash is another great "carrier" for veggies, sauce, meat....


snacks are fruit.




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warning: I'm about to get way too wordy...


Thank you so much for writing all this out! We began eating primal-ish the day after Easter, and I have been scouring the internet ever since trying to find practical ways to feed my family that don't involve spending a fortune and/or spending every waking minute planning, shopping, cooking, and cleaning up. Your post is the most helpful thing I have seen!




Your posts are very encouraging!! I am just now starting to eat primal/paleo. I feel fantastic! Can you share your pulled pork recipe? Pretty please? :D Or tell me where you obtained it?

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Is there anyone doing low carb that eats more carbs one day a week and loses weight?


I REALLY get overwhelmed worrying about food every single day of the week. If I knew I had one day a week that I could "break" from it and not mess up a whole weeks work I think I could manage it. I wouldn't go hog wild or anything, just wouldn't worry about food that day at all.

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Your posts are very encouraging!! I am just now starting to eat primal/paleo. I feel fantastic! Can you share your pulled pork recipe? Pretty please? :D Or tell me where you obtained it?


Pulled pork is barely a recipe, lol. I put a pork roast in the crockpot with salt & pepper and maybe some other seasonings (usually just salt & pepper though) for 8-10 hours on low or 5-6 hours on high. Shred with a fork when it's done. If there's a ton of liquid (fat) I drain some off. Otherwise it's good as is. I use this for pork soup, pork tacos, BBQ pulled pork, or whatever else sounds good. The kids just eat it plain. I usually eat it with bbq sauce. There are a few store-bought brands that are not TOO terrible in terms of ingredients, but they do all have some sugar as far as I can find. I have a homemade recipe but the link is on my other computer. I'll post it later.

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Is there anyone doing low carb that eats more carbs one day a week and loses weight?


I REALLY get overwhelmed worrying about food every single day of the week. If I knew I had one day a week that I could "break" from it and not mess up a whole weeks work I think I could manage it. I wouldn't go hog wild or anything, just wouldn't worry about food that day at all.


Well, I don't officially do this. But every once in awhile I do kinda have a freakout day where I eat a lot of carbs and stuff I'm not supposed to have. Last month I had like a freakout week or something, right around my period, whcih is probably not a coincidence. Then I went on vacation and ate a lot of carby stuff. Over that two weeks I somehow managed to not regain anything and even lose a little bit. It does set off cravings and I spend the next couple of days dealing with that, so I'm hoping to stop doing that as I get better at this. However, while it usually slows my weightloss down some, I've been able to get back on the bandwagon and continue to lose weight. I'm down 19lbs in a little over 2 months. It would be faster if I cheated less, I'm sure, but it's still great for me! YMMV, of course.

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Guest saramb

I'll post my low carb menus. I have all my favorites saved to pinterest. If you see something you like click the picture and it will take you to the recipe.


Main meals












I love low carb!

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I'll post my low carb menus. I have all my favorites saved to pinterest. If you see something you like click the picture and it will take you to the recipe.


Main meals












I love low carb!



WOW, these all look amazing and they make low carb look doable and yummy!!!

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Another question as I am researching low carb...


what kind of sauces/condiments can you have?


It depends on how many carbs you allow yourself. If we're talking strictly low-carb (without worrying about artificial sweeteners or other ingredients) then Heinz makes a good ketchup with 1g/serving. Mustard is almost always fine. The "regular" bbq sauce I use (not specifically low carb) is 6g/serving which is a little high for me but really not outrageous overall. However a honey bbq sauce will be higher.


Cream sauces are usually fine, as is heavy cream in your coffee. Ranch and bleu cheese are usually fine, balsamic dressing is usually fine. Mayo, buffalo sauce, guacamole, sour cream, etc are fine. Nut butters are usually ok (peanut butter has 4g/serving). Marinades are often fine because you end up discarding most of the carbs when you discard the marinade.


Other salad dressings tend to be very sugary, regular ketchup and bbq sauce can be pretty high in carbs, obviously honey, maple syrup, etc are out entirely.


To clarify, many of these would not be ok on Paleo/Primal (because it restricts what kinds of fats you can have) but on something that is strictly low carb (like Atkins) they would be ok. For Paleo/Primal you need to read the labels carefully and find things made with fats that are acceptable to you and without preservatives. Or just make your own.

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It depends on how many carbs you allow yourself. If we're talking strictly low-carb (without worrying about artificial sweeteners or other ingredients) then Heinz makes a good ketchup with 1g/serving. Mustard is almost always fine. The "regular" bbq sauce I use (not specifically low carb) is 6g/serving which is a little high for me but really not outrageous overall. However a honey bbq sauce will be higher.


Cream sauces are usually fine, as is heavy cream in your coffee. Ranch and bleu cheese are usually fine, balsamic dressing is usually fine. Mayo, buffalo sauce, guacamole, sour cream, etc are fine. Nut butters are usually ok (peanut butter has 4g/serving). Marinades are often fine because you end up discarding most of the carbs when you discard the marinade.


Other salad dressings tend to be very sugary, regular ketchup and bbq sauce can be pretty high in carbs, obviously honey, maple syrup, etc are out entirely.


To clarify, many of these would not be ok on Paleo/Primal (because it restricts what kinds of fats you can have) but on something that is strictly low carb (like Atkins) they would be ok. For Paleo/Primal you need to read the labels carefully and find things made with fats that are acceptable to you and without preservatives. Or just make your own.



Thank you! I am going to start slow and not go Paleo/primal unless I stop losing. I am still unsure of what carb goal to aim at, still researching. I would rather start high and back down that go Atkins and start at 20. I felt horrible when I tried Atkins.

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I generally eat "low carb" vs. a paleo approach. This is primarily because my schedule right now makes planning and meals difficult. I will likely do a Whole30 this summer.


On low carb:


Kroger sells skewers of veggies (red onion, yellow, zucchini squash, mushrooms, green and sometimes red pepper) and I buy one of those for the week. It's quicker than my buying the stuff individually - and a week's worth costs me $6.99. I take them off the skewer, and sprinkle with seasoning, and put in a gallon zipper bag and store.


I will roast (one of my jobs has a toaster oven) or microwave portions of this all week, usually with butter.


Throughout the week, I stop by Kroger after my late job, and buy clearance bagged lettuce. I use this all week for homemade chicken salad, tuna, or just "salad" in general.


I use heavy whipping cream in my coffee, and occassionally to make whipped cream for strawberries or a "chocolate mouse" if I have my period. ;)


On Sundays, I cook meat - meat I purchased during my late night excursions to Kroger. It is usually on sale AND clearance.


I buy clearance greek yogurt as long as it is not "0%". I mixed this with sf syrup, sf jelly, or mashed berries.


I fry eggs in creamed spinach.


I buy hard boiled eggs (yes, I know but, again, my schedule is uncommon). I buy the 100 calorie packs of guacamole. Not to limit the calories, but because I mix the egg yolks with the guac. and use the rest to dip fresh brocolli.


I make wedge salads with iceberg, cherry tomatoes, and bacon bits and blue cheese.


I wrap quality sandwhich meat in sharp cheddar.


I buy a brisket from Sam's and divide it into baggies of smaller servings.


I buy clearannce crudites at Kroger. I give the kids the carrots.


I make a lot of "cheeseburger salads" where I make a quality burger, put it on romaine with red onion, and tomato. I use ranch as a "dip" for my burger.


Frozen, microwaved with butter: green beans, brussels sprouts, asparagus.


When home, I will occassionally make a mashed brocolli/cauliflower casserole with cheese, cream, and cream cheese.


For very special occassions, I make a veggie lasagna with ricotta, mozzarella, yellow and green squash, spinach, ground beef and tomato sauce.

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When I'm eating low-carb my menu looks like this:


Breakfast - usually an omlette, with bacon, mushroom, tomato, zucchini, cheese & sunflower seeds - yum!


Lunch - garden salad (lettuce, tomato, capsicum, cucumber, red onion, maybe cheese) with tuna/grilled chicken.


Dinner - some sort of meat with vegetables. Something like roast chicken with steamed vegetables or a stir fry - I just add rice/noodles/potato for the kids at the end. Simple, normal dinner just minus the carbs for me.


Snacks - usually yoghurt or nuts (macadamia are great for low carb diet)


Drink lots of water!


This is exactly how we eat here. My absolute favorite breakfast (that I could eat every day :D) is an omelette with sharp cheddar and lots of pico de gallo, served with half an avocado. Yum!!


Salad of all kinds for lunch, meat and veggies for dinner. Tea and water to drink.

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I generally eat "low carb" vs. a paleo approach. This is primarily because my schedule right now makes planning and meals difficult. I will likely do a Whole30 this summer.


On low carb:


Kroger sells skewers of veggies (red onion, yellow, zucchini squash, mushrooms, green and sometimes red pepper) and I buy one of those for the week. It's quicker than my buying the stuff individually - and a week's worth costs me $6.99. I take them off the skewer, and sprinkle with seasoning, and put in a gallon zipper bag and store.


I will roast (one of my jobs has a toaster oven) or microwave portions of this all week, usually with butter.


Throughout the week, I stop by Kroger after my late job, and buy clearance bagged lettuce. I use this all week for homemade chicken salad, tuna, or just "salad" in general.


I use heavy whipping cream in my coffee, and occassionally to make whipped cream for strawberries or a "chocolate mouse" if I have my period. ;)


On Sundays, I cook meat - meat I purchased during my late night excursions to Kroger. It is usually on sale AND clearance.


I buy clearance greek yogurt as long as it is not "0%". I mixed this with sf syrup, sf jelly, or mashed berries.


I fry eggs in creamed spinach.


I buy hard boiled eggs (yes, I know but, again, my schedule is uncommon). I buy the 100 calorie packs of guacamole. Not to limit the calories, but because I mix the egg yolks with the guac. and use the rest to dip fresh brocolli.


I make wedge salads with iceberg, cherry tomatoes, and bacon bits and blue cheese.


I wrap quality sandwhich meat in sharp cheddar.


I buy a brisket from Sam's and divide it into baggies of smaller servings.


I buy clearannce crudites at Kroger. I give the kids the carrots.


I make a lot of "cheeseburger salads" where I make a quality burger, put it on romaine with red onion, and tomato. I use ranch as a "dip" for my burger.


Frozen, microwaved with butter: green beans, brussels sprouts, asparagus.


When home, I will occassionally make a mashed brocolli/cauliflower casserole with cheese, cream, and cream cheese.


For very special occassions, I make a veggie lasagna with ricotta, mozzarella, yellow and green squash, spinach, ground beef and tomato sauce.


I love those Kroger skewers... I buy them and the stuffed mushrooms on clearance all the time!


thanks for all the tips!!

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