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rheumatoid arthritis

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I have had some back/rib pain for awhile and its been worse- now its in my arms, hips, and legs, so I went to the family DR yesterday and he told me I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and to see a Orthopedic Specialist. He gave me a prescription to take too for Meloxicam.


My question is what exactly will the specialist do and what can i do to help some of my aches and pains?

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Did he do any actual testing or just came to that conclusion by symptoms?


He did it based off Symptoms and thats why hes sending me to a Specialist. I dont think hes wrong really, I mean its pain, achy, stiffness in my joint areas. I do have numbness in my right hand, thats the only off symptom.

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I have had some back/rib pain for awhile and its been worse- now its in my arms, hips, and legs, so I went to the family DR yesterday and he told me I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and to see a Orthopedic Specialist. He gave me a prescription to take too for Meloxicam.


My question is what exactly will the specialist do and what can i do to help some of my aches and pains?


If it's rheumatoid, you need to see a rheumatologist. The doctor will do lab work. I'm kind of surprised your doctor didn't order tests--they're fairly standard.

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If it's rheumatoid, you need to see a rheumatologist. The doctor will do lab work. I'm kind of surprised your doctor didn't order tests--they're fairly standard.


He gave me a referral to here: http://wellingtonortho.com/

I guess all i can do is call and see what the specialist thinks. What does the bloodwork look for? Should I call the DR back and ask for it?

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He gave me a referral to here: http://wellingtonortho.com/

I guess all i can do is call and see what the specialist thinks. What does the bloodwork look for? Should I call the DR back and ask for it?


The bloodwork would look at your SED rate, c-reactive protein (these check inflammation levels), rh factor, and ANA. They usually do a complete blood panel, too. I would call him back and make sure he's talking rheumatoid and not osteo, and if he is talking rheumatoid, I'd ask for a referral to a rheumatologist (or at least find out why he recommended where he did) and a lab workup.



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The bloodwork would look at your SED rate, c-reactive protein (these check inflammation levels), rh factor, and ANA. They usually do a complete blood panel, too. I would call him back and make sure he's talking rheumatoid and not osteo, and if he is talking rheumatoid, I'd ask for a referral to a rheumatologist (or at least find out why he recommended where he did) and a lab workup.




then ill do that Monday. Thanks for the info. Im glad I asked on here!

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Agree with others -- an ortho is not going to be able to help you if you have RA. You need to get an appointment with a rheumatologist and have the typical blood work done. Even then, it is possible that the blood work might turn up nothing -- there is something called sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis (I am one who has RA but the numbers wouldn't agree with that, only my SED rate is high).


I think you need to call your doc back and get clarification.



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I agree with everyone else that the specialist you almost certainly need to see a rheumatologist. I'd also like to reassure you that RA is not something that is usually diagnosed based only on symptoms on one visit. I would not put any faith at all in that "diagnosis" at this point in time, especially without any blood work to go on. There are lots of autoimmune diseases that can cause your symptoms, and they're not all as scary as RA can be. I also had a doctor tell me years ago that I had RA. I spent the weekend researching it and becoming more and more horrified (all I found were the horror stories--the worst outcomes). I don't have RA, as it turns out. That doctor just jumped to an ill-informed conclusion based on a very limited set of data. It sounds like your doctor did the same thing. Try not to worry too much at this point.

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Yes, I agree with everyone else that you need blood work done. They thought I might have had RA 6 months ago, but after blood work, it was just Fibromyalgia. I wouldn't worry too much about having it, until it comes back positive. It could be many different things, some a lot less severe than RA.

I'm surprised your Dr. was so confidant without seeing the results first. :confused:

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Yes, RA needs a blood test. Ridiculous to diagnose it without bloodwork.


Your symptoms honestly sound like Fibromyalgia to me, not RA. Meloxicam will do nothing for that, so if the Meloxicam doesn't work, that should be a tipoff that something else is going on. Also, if you don't have swelling anywhere (like in your fingers), that's another big hint that it's probably not RA.

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Yes, RA needs a blood test. Ridiculous to diagnose it without bloodwork.


Your symptoms honestly sound like Fibromyalgia to me, not RA. Meloxicam will do nothing for that, so if the Meloxicam doesn't work, that should be a tipoff that something else is going on. Also, if you don't have swelling anywhere (like in your fingers), that's another big hint that it's probably not RA.


Im on day 2 of the Mel. Its still early, so i just assumed it wouldnt work already. Im on 15mg a day. I still have pain today, buts slight. There but slight.

My mom has Fibro, Ill ask her about it.

I will call the family Dr back on Monday and get some answers. Thanks for the help from everyone.

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Yes, RA needs a blood test. Ridiculous to diagnose it without bloodwork.


Your symptoms honestly sound like Fibromyalgia to me, not RA. Meloxicam will do nothing for that, so if the Meloxicam doesn't work, that should be a tipoff that something else is going on. Also, if you don't have swelling anywhere (like in your fingers), that's another big hint that it's probably not RA.


Sorry but this is an incorrect statement, there are many, many RA sufferers that present with no swelling. I have mild to moderate joint pain but hardly ever any swelling. I have lots of fatigue and symmetrical achiness (it's like a constant dull throbbing) in my feet, ankles, knees, hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders. BUT NO SWELLING. I don't have the typical morning stiffness either.


Presentation of RA can and does vary widely; so can the appearance of the arthritis. Some people have prolonged morning stiffness and pain in the affected joints, but not have any noticeable swelling. Others may have significant swelling.


OP: please don't let any of *us* scare you or convince you of any kind of diagnosis. Please do go back to your doc and clarify why he wants you to see an ortho if he thinks it's RA. If he definitely thinks it's RA, skip the ortho and see a rheumatologist. Try to get your doc to order up the blood work before your appointment so that the rheumy has something to look at. Most likely you will have a long wait to get in, and having the blood work done ahead of time can save you some time.



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RA is sometimes linked to other auto-immune illnesses.


eg. RA can be part of the ulcerative colitis cluster of problems..... i've had a great response to this medication: sulfasalazine (Azulfidine). it has put the colitis into remission, and has helped ease the joint pain a fair bit most days. we just don't talk about the Other Days. and for me, it tends to be worse in spring and fall.


so i can see if you have something else going on that your doctor might well come down on the RA side as a more likely diagnosis. and if the sharing of lab results is not so successfully done where you live, or if the place you are being referred to always does their own tests, s/he may well have decided that it would save you being poked twice to just refer you and let them do the tests. not ideal, but sometimes competent people do things for good reasons that don't seem competent without the back story. or maybe not.




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This is something I need to ask my doc about. I have terrible morning stiffness and aching. I'm constantly getting random "injuries" with no cause. I wake up in excruciating back pain and can't move it for months, my joints swell all day, etc. I have a cousin-in law (?) who was diagnosed with no symptoms at all during pregnancy. She goes to a rheumatologist. Definitely find one instead of an Orthopedic doc. Nothing wrong with Orthopedists, but you need a specialist!

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well I called and the nurse said the only reason he said to see the Ortho is because of the numbness. I asked about the blood work and the answer if If the Ortho thinks its needed, they will order it. Im to continue my medication and make sure to make the appointment with the Ortho.


Im not really any closer I guess, but Ill call in a few to make the ortho appointment.

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well I called and the nurse said the only reason he said to see the Ortho is because of the numbness. I asked about the blood work and the answer if If the Ortho thinks its needed, they will order it. Im to continue my medication and make sure to make the appointment with the Ortho.


Im not really any closer I guess, but Ill call in a few to make the ortho appointment.


Thanks for the update and I wish you luck in getting to the bottom of things! RA stinks, but if you do have it, it's important to get treated early. I truly hope it's not RA! Or anything else really nasty for that matter.



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Well i went to the Ortho. Waste of time. :glare:


I go in and they ask me about my shoulder pain. i tell them its not my shoulder, its my back, rib, elbow and the numbness in my hand. They tell me he wants an Xray- i tell them the Dr said i wouldnt need one because it wont show anything, so they want want anyway- fine w/e. They take one of my shoulder, which shows " slight arthritis" but nothing else. Then the Dr tells me I have tendonitis (sp?) in my elbow, gives me a brace and tells me to do Physical Therapy for my shoulder 2x a week.


I think either I need a new Ortho already, should call a Rheumatologist or something because i felt like this guy didnt listen to me. Thoughts????

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Well i went to the Ortho. Waste of time. :glare:


I go in and they ask me about my shoulder pain. i tell them its not my shoulder, its my back, rib, elbow and the numbness in my hand. They tell me he wants an Xray- i tell them the Dr said i wouldnt need one because it wont show anything, so they want want anyway- fine w/e. They take one of my shoulder, which shows " slight arthritis" but nothing else. Then the Dr tells me I have tendonitis (sp?) in my elbow, gives me a brace and tells me to do Physical Therapy for my shoulder 2x a week.


I think either I need a new Ortho already, should call a Rheumatologist or something because i felt like this guy didnt listen to me. Thoughts????


If it's RA, you should be seeing a rheumatologist. I would see another GP who will do the blood work and make a referral. My mom has, and my grandmother had, RA. I've never heard of an Ortho deciding to test for RA.

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If it's RA, you should be seeing a rheumatologist. I would see another GP who will do the blood work and make a referral. My mom has, and my grandmother had, RA. I've never heard of an Ortho deciding to test for RA.


im about to call because im still frustrated about it.



I called Dr back and told the nurse about the Ortho Appt and she said shed ask the Dr and call me back, but I went ahead and called a Rheu Dr anyway. I just looked up reviews for the ones in my area. I called one and I have an Appt May 21th at 8, so hopefully THEN Ill have some answers.

Edited by Jpoy85
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Rheumatology should be able to give you more information. Numbness and tingling can be associated with RA, in that joint damage can interfere with nerves and such. I have had problems with this since I was diagnosed with RA last summer. RA is known to attack the tendons near joints as well. Also in regards to the swelling issues. I had very little visible swelling around the joints in my fingers when I was diagnosed, and even now really. They were extremely sore and often became difficult to move, but not super swollen. However, I'm 30 and have already developed ulnar drift and I have other deformities as well. So a lack of swelling does not mean its not RA. It could be lots of things so the best thing would be to see a rheumatologist as they will be able to best help you. I have a hard time wrapping my head around a doctor diagnosing RA with no labs or x-rays. An RA diagnosis should give you a one way ticket to a rheumatologist.

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Rheumatology should be able to give you more information. Numbness and tingling can be associated with RA, in that joint damage can interfere with nerves and such. I have had problems with this since I was diagnosed with RA last summer. RA is known to attack the tendons near joints as well. Also in regards to the swelling issues. I had very little visible swelling around the joints in my fingers when I was diagnosed, and even now really. They were extremely sore and often became difficult to move, but not super swollen. However, I'm 30 and have already developed ulnar drift and I have other deformities as well. So a lack of swelling does not mean its not RA. It could be lots of things so the best thing would be to see a rheumatologist as they will be able to best help you. I have a hard time wrapping my head around a doctor diagnosing RA with no labs or x-rays. An RA diagnosis should give you a one way ticket to a rheumatologist.


Thanks. Thats what Im hoping.


He did the RA based off Symptoms. The Rheum will be able to tell me 100%, i hope anyway.

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Yes, I have morning stiffness, always bilateral joint pain in many, many joints, and show joint damage on xrays. But I only get swelling rarely. I am on three medications to slow the RA so maybe that is why I don't get swelling. BUt I still get the pain and stiffness. I am going to have to find a new rheumatologist because this fool thinks I have OA when I have had bilateral joint involvement and equal damage for over 20 years and have had at least five other rheumatologists tell me it is not OA. Also, the DMARDS do work on me, if not completely, and if it was OA, they wouldn't.

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I went in and she asked my family history and personal history. I told her everything (symptoms and family history). She then took my blood pressure, it was low. Then she poked around on my joints. Neck, shoulders, back, rib (since i broke it and thats where the pain began), elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, butt, knees, ankles and toes. I had slight tenderness all over, but mostly on the right side. I have stiffness today and pain so she asked where and when it was the worst. I told her right that second- my back and hands. Of course after poking me, i hurt all over now. :( she had me bend a couple ways.


I told her about the family Dr and RA and the ortho with my shoulder. She said the ortho was basically wrong, that treating my shoulder wouldnt of helped anything else and that the Xray wouldnt show much.


She said she cant officially diagnose me, but in her opinion she does not think its RA, she thinks its Fibro.


Keep taking the Meloxicam, which it is not working anyway. I told her that and how yesterday i had a bad day (took 1 aleve, meloxicam and needed IcyHot and was STILL hurting).


She took bloodwork- TSH, Vit D, Liver..... all i basically gathered (she said this while taking my blood so i wasnt paying full attention because if i looked at her, i would of fainted).. that shes testing inflammation and vit D. She did say if anything is abnormal theyll call me.


I go back in 3 wks (was 2wk but they were booked) to go over results and talk about an official diagnosis and treatment.


I feel better. I feel bad too. Thats 3 different diagnosis and its frustrating, but I have to tend to agree with her more so because this is what she does all day, every day. Im glad to be one step closer. Im tired of hurting!

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:sad: I'm so sorry you are hurting.


It does seem like this doctor is much more on top of things than the others you've seen. If it does turn out to be fibro, it's not exactly good news but better than not knowing and being in pain and afraid of something worse. There are also some on the board that may be able to help you with their experience.



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Hope you are able to find some answers and feel better soon:) My mom has RA and Fibro, so I know what it can be like. It took her years to get a diagnosis, and now they are second guessing that diagnosis! The autoimmune disorders are really hard to test for- you have to be in a real bad flare up before it even shows up on the testing. My mom has found dietary changes have made a huge impact in how she feels- she now eats mostly diary free (except for yogurt), gluten free (I am trying to convince her to go grain free), and refined sugar free. I just bought her some water kefir grains to help get some probiotics and hopefully that will help too!

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