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Two pink lines :)

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Well, I got my two surprise pink lines this morning. I am still kind of in shock even though I figured I was pregnant. This will be baby number 4 for us. Gosh, it is crazy :tongue_smilie:


My pregnancy was so rough last time I ask you pray for me to have a healthy happy pregnancy. And this might be a stupid question but do I have to stop nursing my 21 mo ds now? I am not up on how all of that works. But I would hate to abruptly cut him off.

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It is safe for most women to nurse through a pregnancy, although docs sometimes still hand out dated or inaccurate advice. Check Kellymom and the book Adventures in Tandem Nursing. I nursed through my last two pregnancies.


I don't know the particulars behind why your last pgcy was rough, but if you have medical issues, this advice may not apply to you, so you should do your own research.


But yes, for most women it is a safe option to continue to BF. Supply usually diminishes which can be uncomfortable. Some babies wean at that point, some keep going, some moms can't take the sensitivity and/or discomfort and choose to wean at that point.

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My pregnancy was so rough last time I ask you pray for me to have a healthy happy pregnancy. And this might be a stupid question but do I have to stop nursing my 21 mo ds now? I am not up on how all of that works. But I would hate to abruptly cut him off.

Unless you're having preterm labor or you're having discomfort beyond what you feel like you can deal with, it's fine. I nursed through a whole pregnancy without problem. Just keep in mind that it is harder on your body and make sure you're getting adequate nourishment and otherwise taking care of yourself.

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Unless you're having preterm labor or you're having discomfort beyond what you feel like you can deal with, it's fine. I nursed through a whole pregnancy without problem. Just keep in mind that it is harder on your body and make sure you're getting adequate nourishment and otherwise taking care of yourself.




and CONGRATS!!! Prayers too!

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I stopped nursing my first dd at 14 months old, when I found out that I was pregnant with my second dd. It was good for me, because I was already feeling drained from the new baby inside me.


I think that if you are feeling great, and are willing to keep nursing, go for it!


BTW, Congrats!! :) What a blessing from God!

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Somebody better start bottling the water on this board.


That is what I was thinking! ;)


Thanks everyone! Thanks for the nursing advice! I guess I will continue and see how it goes. As for why my last pregnancy was bad, I had horrible gestational diabetes and all of my hormones gave me anxiety and heart palpitations. And the doctors were always worried about my heart murmur and I had to keep seeing a cardiologist.


So, here is for a 4th pregnancy full of peace, relaxation and good health! ;) One can dream, right?

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Congratulations! I too am suprise pregnant w/ baby #4!! Crazy, huh :)


I haven't read the other responses, but no you don't need to stop nursing your toddler. I breastfed completly throughout my 2nd pregnancy without issue, and nursed through the first trimester of my 3rd pregnancy but had to wean due to pain. Suprisingly I am not nursing through this pregnancy, but that is only b/c my little guy self-weaned a couple months before we conceived.

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Well, I got my two surprise pink lines this morning. I am still kind of in shock even though I figured I was pregnant. This will be baby number 4 for us. Gosh, it is crazy :tongue_smilie:


My pregnancy was so rough last time I ask you pray for me to have a healthy happy pregnancy. And this might be a stupid question but do I have to stop nursing my 21 mo ds now? I am not up on how all of that works. But I would hate to abruptly cut him off.



Congratulations! My 1st son was 21 or 22 months when I cut him off, because I was 2 or 3 months pregnant, and it was HURTING. You may find that nature makes the decision for you. Had that not happened, I might have continued nursing... others have done so. Still, for all the trauma that I was expecting, he did very well, and a month or two later, he couldn't even remember. (Nor, indeed, could I imagine nursing a boy so huge.)

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