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Religions Quiz

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I missed two. I didn't know who Maimonides was or that public school teachers could read from the Bible. Kind of funny, I barely attended public school as a child and my kids have never been. I guess prayer and Bible reading in school isn't really on my radar. :)

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I was raised in a heavily Reformed Christian household, later my family switched to charismatic Fundamentalist Christianity, and I later did a fair bit of study of religious history through the Episcopal Church, and I didn't encounter Jonathan Edwards or the Great Awakening until just a few years ago, ironically after I realized I was not a Christian.;) My husband was raised in the house of a Lutheran minister and, as best he recalls, didn't encounter either topic until college at least. I wouldn't expect that to be common Christian knowledge, honestly.

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I was raised in a heavily Reformed Christian household, later my family switched to charismatic Fundamentalist Christianity, and I later did a fair bit of study of religious history through the Episcopal Church, and I didn't encounter Jonathan Edwards or the Great Awakening until just a few years ago, ironically after I realized I was not a Christian.;) My husband was raised in the house of a Lutheran minister and, as best he recalls, didn't encounter either topic until college at least. I wouldn't expect that to be common Christian knowledge, honestly, even among Protestants.

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Agnostic here, with a Methodist upbringing and one semester of comparative religion 12 years ago. I got 29/32. Hey, I'm not disappointed. I'll take it! :D I missed Maimonides, Indonesia, and the Great Awakening questions. Honestly though, I guessed on the LDS questions so I was glad I only missed 3. Thanks for the link, OP. I heard about it last year on NPR but I had never actually seen the questions.

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I do not like the title of that article. As an agnostic (well, sounds less cocky than the other word), I know a great deal about various religions, and have participated in all manner of religious celebration.


Not believing in a supreme being does not mean one does not understand, or appreciate, how religion has guided people and shaped our world.


Off to take the test, and I will shock myself if I don't get a perfect score.


I promise to be honest. :001_smile:

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I got one wrong...and I was kicking myself as I clicked. :D I clicked that bread and wine were symbols of the body and blood of Christ for Catholics. I should have known better!! The priestly bread and wine are literal, just as the bible is entirely literal for so many Protestant evangelicals. Isn't it interesting how religions cherry -pick their rules and beliefs?


Off to study. :)

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I also wanted to say that even though I didn't have much trouble with the quiz, I didn't think it was super easy. You need to have a good general knowledge of religion to answer the questions correctly and that requires some curiosity and interest in what other people do and believe.


Was anyone else disappointed there weren't any questions about Norse or Egyptian mythology? I got excited when I saw the Greek one![/QUOTE]




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Raised with no faith or religion, became a Christian 7 years ago, currently attend an Eastern Orthodox parish and, God willing, will be baptized some day.


I'm sorry to to report that I knew the answers to many of the questions regarding Mormonism due to an episode of South Park that I had to fact check to see what Parker and Stone got right vs. what they...exaggerated.:001_unsure:

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I do not like the title of that article. As an agnostic (well, sounds less cocky than the other word), I know a great deal about various religions, and have participated in all manner of religious celebration.


Not believing in a supreme being does not mean one does not understand, or appreciate, how religion has guided people and shaped our world.


Off to take the test, and I will shock myself if I don't get a perfect score.


I promise to be honest. :001_smile:


The title was BECAUSE atheists knew more/did better on the quiz than religious people. It showed the break down of scores, and atheists scored the best, on average.

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The title was BECAUSE atheists knew more/did better on the quiz than religious people. It showed the break down of scores, and atheists scored the best, on average.



I got that. Doesn't make me like it any better. ;) However, I agree with the sentiment; people should understand that most agnostics/athiests are not the least bit ignorant of religion. It takes a heap of reading and thought to reject what the majority believes. It's a hard road. Most of us wish we could get on board. I could use casseroles from the Women's Guild when I am sick, or a church-wide baby shower when I was pregnant with my first. :)


Thankfully, I do have a loving family and good friends. They might not all be sanctioned by a religious organization, but they do come through in time of need.

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The title was BECAUSE atheists knew more/did better on the quiz than religious people. It showed the break down of scores, and atheists scored the best, on average.



Off topic, but Unitarian Universalists score, on average, highest on the SAT.

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32/32. Always Catholic, but have gone through phases of learning about other faiths.


I am also not sure questions about the first amendment count as religious knowledge, but there you are.

:iagree: I was thinking the same thing.

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