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Puppy ate chocolate cookies! Please help.

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Hmmm.... Not sure what the vet will say.. I think it's hydrogen peroxide that will make them vomit. You're suppose to make sure that your vet recommends this. http://www.petplace.com/dogs/how-to-induce-vomiting-emesis-in-dogs/page1.aspx Sorry :(


(Saw the post below.... our vet actually told me to do this, so sometimes it's an option. My pup had eaten raisins. I'd ask if it's an option. It was quick... easy... and effective.... and free and low in stress for the dog)

Edited by NayfiesMama
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I had to do this when my dog ate some sparklers. Make sure you do it outside! It's fast and messy. :)

Oh yes!! You're right! When I did it, it was like, "You BETTER have eaten that empty box of raisins!!" I wouldn't let raisins come in the house to snack on inside... again! In fact, they are only a "in the van or out at lunch" item, even now. (4 years later)

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Thirding the hyrdrogen peroxide. About a 1/2 tbsp in some chicken broth for my little (21 pound) dogs. if they don't vomit within 15 minutes or so (take the dog outside and watch, then check to see what came up), try round two of the same.


We've done this for chocolate (brownies, so the really "bad" chocolate), sugar free gum, and grapes.




The last time, I made one of my teens do it, b/c it was their negligence that led to the situation. Poor doggies!

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When I was a child our 10-12 lb. dachshund got into some Christmas stuff and helped himself to a solid chocolate kiss that was about 4-5 inches tall and suffered no ill effects. We were not aware that he had found the Christmas stuff right away so he did not take a trip to the vet.

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Well, I admit it. I wish I had tried hydrogen peroxide or sticking my finger down his throat! Took him to the emergency vet (since it's Sunday)... a shot to induce vomiting, charcoal, another shot to control nausea for the way home... and I just spent half the price of the dog. :blink: He's doing okay now. Not in a great mood, but at least he's alive.

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We had a dachshund that would eat anything that didn't get away! Honestly, nothing would kill that dog. He had chocolate many times...but the worst was when he ate the "charcoal" lava rocks in the bottom of the grill. Dad was cleaning the grill and the dog found the pile of old rocks. He wasn't real lively for a day or so and his stools were very black. That dog was incredible.

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Grapes are bad for dogs?! I had no idea.


I was shocked when I found out as well. My dad's dog loved loved grapes and ate them all her life (12 years). We had a lab that loved grapes and used to pick them off our grape vines.


So when I found out that grapes are toxic to dogs I was stunned. :001_huh:


I don't let my dog have grapes anymore, but I was sure surprised.

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Glad he's okay. My kids freak out if a chocolate chip drops on the floor and the dog eats it, but my mom's 10 lb dog once ate a whole bunch of chocolate cookies (meant to be our wedding favors...grrr..) and she was absolutely fine.

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That isn't quite true. Especially for small dogs. Chocolate Toxicity amounts for dogs


Hey, just repeating what my vet said. (And we have found to be true.) oops. posted before I read your link. It actually supports what my vet told us. (Unless you have a really tiny dog.) I seriously doubt there was anywhere near 10 ozs of semi-sweet chocolate chips in 6 cookies for the dog in question. That would be 30 ozs if they had milk chocolate chips. That's a lot of chips!


Also, most chocolate does not have much real chocolate in it anymore. It is too expensive to use. You have to have a high quality chocolate to have the real stuff in any quantity at all. (Discovered by chocolate loving, but allergic dd.)

Edited by Lolly
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