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Our new baby arrived 4/19....

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....and it's a girl! She was 9lbs even and was 21 1/4 inches long. We didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl, though I was guessing girl right before the end because we had a boy's name all ready to go. :tongue_smilie:


We had a home waterbirth, and it went really well, though it was my longest labor yet (11 hours). Contractions were very erratic until the very end, and my midwife (wisely) decided not to come until right before the end because she was afraid that her being there would slow my labor further. I'm a very shy person, and it was just me and DH at home. Finally, I called her when I started shivering uncontrolably and I realized I was in transition. I had a contraction while I was on the phone with her, and she said she'd be right there. :lol: I got into the pool and 20 minutes later I felt the urge to push, just as she and the apprentice midwife walked in the door. Three pushes later DD was born!


I'm typing on my phone, not sure how to upload a photo from here. I'll try to come back and one.

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