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The Tintin Movie....

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Yes! Absolutely. I took my 8 & 11 year old boys to see it. We all loved it, including dh. We're all pretty big TinTin fans though.


Yes, the movie has guns, it has a drunken man in it, but it's all very typical TinTin stuff so if you are familiar with Tintin you shouldn't be surprised. We're eagerly counting down until it's out on video here {25th}. :D

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Would you let your 10 y.o. girl watch it? If not, why? I'll post my reason for asking later.


Well my 12 yo dd and I both felt like that was a total waste of two hours of our lives, but YMMV. So let her watch? Yes, obviously I did. But recommend that she watch? No! :ack2:


FWIW, I had no prior experience with the story, the movie was my first exposure to it.

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So here is why I ask the questions:


My twins were invited to a birthday party yesterday. It was a slumber party, but we don't do those yet, so we picked them up around 9:40 (40 minutes after I said we would pick them up, but dh wanted to go along - a long story - but couldn't pull himself away from watching a baseball game). When we got there, the kids had just started to watch the movie Tintin. DH is very angry that the parents, good friends of mine from church, did not ask if it was okay for our girls to watch the movie and the movie is PG.


I agree that the parents probably should have asked before showing the movie, but I assume that they felt the movie content was okay, especially since my girls have read about half of the Tintin books. I asked here about the movie because I am not familiar with it, and I knew most of the group here would be able to give me a pretty good take on it.


I am not upset over the whole thing, and dh desn't want our girls going to this family's house ever again. ***sigh***

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My kids have loved the books so they have all seen the movie. My youngest is 6. We actually own it. :)


Don't let others make decisions for your family. Watch it yourself and YOU decide for your daughter. :grouphug:


Edited to say that I didn't see your explanation before I posted. :)

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So here is why I ask the questions:


My twins were invited to a birthday party yesterday. It was a slumber party, but we don't do those yet, so we picked them up around 9:40 (40 minutes after I said we would pick them up, but dh wanted to go along - a long story - but couldn't pull himself away from watching a baseball game). When we got there, the kids had just started to watch the movie Tintin. DH is very angry that the parents, good friends of mine from church, did not ask if it was okay for our girls to watch the movie and the movie is PG.


I agree that the parents probably should have asked before showing the movie, but I assume that they felt the movie content was okay, especially since my girls have read about half of the Tintin books. I asked here about the movie because I am not familiar with it, and I knew most of the group here would be able to give me a pretty good take on it.


I am not upset over the whole thing, and dh desn't want our girls going to this family's house ever again. ***sigh***




Maybe you can point out to dh that they *were* invited to a *sleepover* party. It would be expected that there would be plans for the evening. You told the hostess you would pick them up at 9pm. It appears that THAT is the time they planned for the movie, so if you had been on time, your girls would NOT have seen the movie. Maybe you can help your dh understand that it is not the hostess' fault, but his, for enjoying his baseball and making you late. :) He really cannot expect the hostess to put her party plans on hold for something like that...in my opinion.


I might have let the parents know up front what was going to be viewed and if parents were late, I would have had the kids sitting in another room with me while the party plans moved forward.

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I am not upset over the whole thing, and dh desn't want our girls going to this family's house ever again. ***sigh***


Because they showed a PG move to 10 year olds? Unless I am missing something ... holy overreaction, Batman!



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Maybe you can point out to dh that they *were* invited to a *sleepover* party. It would be expected that there would be plans for the evening. You told the hostess you would pick them up at 9pm. It appears that THAT is the time they planned for the movie, so if you had been on time, your girls would NOT have seen the movie. Maybe you can help your dh understand that it is not the hostess' fault, but his, for enjoying his baseball and making you late. :) He really cannot expect the hostess to put her party plans on hold for something like that...in my opinion.


I did mention that very fact to him, but he is still mad. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I think his outrage has more to do with the family than the movie. :glare:

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All of my boys have seen it. I watched it out of the corner of my eye the first time (my older 3 were gone with dh, so I was "watching" with the younger 2 while I was working on the computer). Now I'm curious about what I might've missed.


From everything I have been able to find out about the movie, you didn't miss much, if anything. :tongue_smilie:

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Yeah, I'm going to vote for something else going on and he's just not ready/comfortable with either the setting or the going to parties in general. :grouphug: Let it settle for awhile and then try to get to the bottom of it. I would definitely let it settle for awhile though.

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Yeah, I'm going to vote for something else going on and he's just not ready/comfortable with either the setting or the going to parties in general. :grouphug: Let it settle for awhile and then try to get to the bottom of it. I would definitely let it settle for awhile though.



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So here is why I ask the questions:


My twins were invited to a birthday party yesterday. It was a slumber party, but we don't do those yet, so we picked them up around 9:40 (40 minutes after I said we would pick them up, but dh wanted to go along - a long story - but couldn't pull himself away from watching a baseball game). When we got there, the kids had just started to watch the movie Tintin. DH is very angry that the parents, good friends of mine from church, did not ask if it was okay for our girls to watch the movie and the movie is PG.


I agree that the parents probably should have asked before showing the movie, but I assume that they felt the movie content was okay, especially since my girls have read about half of the Tintin books. I asked here about the movie because I am not familiar with it, and I knew most of the group here would be able to give me a pretty good take on it.


I am not upset over the whole thing, and dh desn't want our girls going to this family's house ever again. ***sigh***


Honestly, I am very concerned about what my kids watch, and even I could see why they would think that TinTin is completely acceptable for 10 year olds. There was 'violence', but a 10 year old would be able to know that it's a cartoon.

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