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taking someone a meal- enchiladas

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I'm taking a meal to someone from church and I'm planning on enchiladas. I will also take corn and salad and someone else is doing dessert. What is another good side to go along with enchiladas? They have 6 kids, (I am not used to cooking for so many) so I'm planning on 2 9x13 pans of enchiladas. The family is in kindof a rough spot and I'd really like this meal to stretch as far as possible (having a few left over for lunch the next day) I don't really want to do rice or beans....I think they have a lot of that anyway.... ideas?

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Black beans?

Mexican rice?

If you *really* don't want to do beans and rice, then you might poke around on those two sites. They have lots of great ideas/recipes.

I often make a salad with avocado slices and dress it with Newman's Own Lite Lime Vinaigrette.



But, I agree that you could do fruit; that would be a good idea for a family having difficulties.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I'd think a fruit salad would be a good idea. Or, even just a bag of fruit; banans, apples, oranges, grapes.



If you're wanting to help even more, like someone else suggested, banana bread or muffins for breakfast is a fantastic idea. You could even do the old 'I was baking banana bread today, and we have too much, so I thought I'd bring it along' thing. :001_smile: I save aside some bananas occasionally that are over ripe, and make muffins with them. I can't imagine it costs me much more than 75 cents or so for a batch, and my family LOVES them.

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I'm LOVING the muffin suggestion. Especially since I could just say I made a bunch and had extras to share!!! I very rarely make muffins, but I guess this is as good a time to start as any.


I thought about a fruit salad- but sliced fruit gets brown so quickly....maybe I'll just throw in some apples/bananas/oranges. Anybody have any good, easy, won't-get-brown fast fruit salad ideas?


Thanks everybody!

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I'll second (third? fourth?) the fresh fruit/fruit salad idea. Or maybe veggie sticks and a nice, huge garden salad. When our food budget gets tight, fresh produce is the first thing to get the ax. Unless you can grow your own, a steady supply of good, fresh, fruit and veg is expensive for a large family.

Edited by Zoo Keeper
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