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What are your favorite tomatoes to grow

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Just asking. It should be warm enough to put out seedlings and plant but its supposed to rain for the next four days and the nights are still too cold.


I'm definitely going to plant sungold and sweet 100s as well as Moskvich (an early producing Russian heirloom. I'd love to hear what everyone else is planting since I have to wait.



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I like Early Girl and Celebrity, both hybrids built to manage our hot humid climate. Sweet 100s for sure. A few Romas so I can make green tomato salsa in the fall.


I'm also planting a couple Cherokee Purples. They won't produce but a couple of tomatoes but they will taste wonderful...

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My favorites are Cherokee Purple and Sungold cherry. I try several new varieties every chance I get and those are the ones I grow every year. Lemon Boy is surprisingly good (though not great), and has been a good producer for me. I've got a few ripe Black Prince tomatoes right now, and they are yummy, but smallish.


Yellow Pear grows like a weed for me, but I don't recommend it because I find it kind of bland.

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I grow heirloom tomatoes, and LOTS of them! I have 41 varieties started and growing in my basement- 91 tomatoes total. About half of them will be given away though.


My favorite tomatoes are green when ripe- varieties like Green Zebra, Malachite Box, Emerald Evergreen, Humph and Aunt Ruby's German Green.


Purple/Black tomatoes are also wonderful. I have Black From Tula, Purple Russian, Southern Night, and a few others I'm not recalling at the moment.


German Red Strawberry is my favorite heart shaped tomato, Black Cherry and Lemon Drop my favorite cherry tomatoes, though I do have a few Sweet 100's for my son.


I've been trying a lot of Russian/Siberian heirlooms, as I find they do great in our climate and taste fabulous!

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Paul Robeson is possibly the best tomato I've ever tasted. It's AMAZING. It is an heirloom variety so how productive it is is left to chance based on weather, bugs, disease and so on.


I also adore Black Cherry.


Both have to be grown from seed, probably, as they are not common varieties. At least I've never seen either at any nursery for sale as seedlings.

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My parents own a greenhouse, so over the years I've gotten to try lots of different kinds.


My personal favorite is Beefy Boy. It's a meaty, sweet tomato but comes early than other supersteak/beefsteak varieties. My second favorite is a Beefsteak.


For cherry tomatoes I love Sweet Baby Girls (which don't crack as easily as Sweet 100's which is why we - meaning the greenhouse- switched which varieties we offer). I also like Jelly Beans which have a similar flavor to Sweet Baby Girls but are grape shaped. My son loves Sunsugar (similar to Sungold) but I think they lose that tomato "tang" because they are so sweet.


I'll also plant Early Girls not because I really like them but because they are still better than grocery store stuff and they come early.


I'll have Romas for salsa.


Then I'll have some odd varieties that only my son likes, probably some yellows, whites, pinks and heirlooms. I know many people like all of those but personally I like the traditional red tomato, the rest just don't taste like tomatoes to me.

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I like Early Girl - because they are early and produce a lot. Then I like some type of Beefsteak. I've tried different ones and don't have a favorite yet. I like Mr. Stripey for a yellow/red beefsteak. I like Opalka for sauce since they are big and therefore less work to skin. I personally don't like cherry tomatoes. I will eat them, but when I have real tomatoes why should I eat cherry? If I were to pick one, it would be yellow pear cherry tomatoes - just because they look cute in salads.

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