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Ewwww...science gone bad

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So last weekend I found a clump of eggs under a rock in our backyard. I had no idea what they were and I scooped a bunch of them along with some soil and put them in a clear plastic container. A few days later these round things started to move and nearly a week later I think we have discovered what they are. Slugs!!! I have about 30 of them in a small container. Ewww...yuck! At least I managed to open the container to give them some food.

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Here are some pretty pics for you. :D



LOL, yup those are the same kind of eggs I found. They aren't quite the adult color yet, but they are crawling around all over my container. I guess we might as well get a good look at them before I release them. The weather turned cold this week so I can't release them yet anyway.

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How do you take care of baby slugs? What do you feed them?


I just threw in a couple pieces of apple, but you had me Googling. Turns out fruit and vegetables are good. The container still has condensed water on the sides so I'm good to go for water.

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I like slugs. We keep snails as pets so "homeless snails" are right up our alley. Unfortunately, the kids would never let me release them if we had hatched them from eggs.


You could keep them in a cool jar in your kitchen and label it, "slugs" and just wait for the kids who have read the HP series to say something. :D

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So last weekend I found a clump of eggs under a rock in our backyard. I had no idea what they were and I scooped a bunch of them along with some soil and put them in a clear plastic container. A few days later these round things started to move and nearly a week later I think we have discovered what they are. Slugs!!! I have about 30 of them in a small container. Ewww...yuck! At least I managed to open the container to give them some food.


You are an awesome mom! About May there will be a "slug fest" in our yard and we won't be able to walk through it without stepping on one. I guess that is mating season? We did get to watch a slug laying its eggs a couple of years ago. It was pretty cool.


One thing I would not encourage is letting your kids hold them. Slug slime is nearly impossible to get off!

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