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Does anyone remember those little boxes of cereal

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They still sell the little boxes of cereal--one of my local stores carries them but they're pricey. We used to beg for them to take camping when we were little.


I don't know if you still can slit the sides to use as a bowl. I think there was a foil like pouch inside.




Here's a commercial for Kellogg's Snack Packs.


Edited by Pippen
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I can remember doing it, and ahve done it with my kids. The waxed paper lining the box was enough to hold the milk for the time it took to eat the cereal (assuming you don't have long lingering eaters :) ). The Corn Pops always came in foil rather than waxed paper to keep them from going stale and sticking together (thank you, wikipedia ). I know they used to have slight perforation or dotted lines for cutting on some of the smaller boxes, but I don't know if they still do.


Santa put one of the assorted packs in each kid's stocking this year (well, next to it). Santa's always looking for ways to help mom and dad sleep in a little.

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We used to take them camping as well. Sigh! I loved them!


My mom buys them for her grandchildren when we come for a visit. It is a huge treat for the kids. They don't have the perforation any more. I looked all over the box when I was taking the trip down memory land.


My kids ask for them, but I say, "No." I want there to be special things that they cherish which they only get at Grammy's. So little individual cereal boxes and Coke Floats are off-limits at our house.

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We ate them, but only when we were camping. My parents had specific foods that could only be eaten when camping: those little boxes of cereal (and I loved opening them and pouring milk into the box!), instant oatmeal, Tang, Hamburger Helper and chili. I never understood their reasoning on the other foods, but I knew even as a child that those little boxes of cereal cost a lot more than regular sized boxes.

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Here's the single serve kind you can pour milk into. They're plastic with a peel-back top (foil?). There are other brands of cereals that come this way. They probably don't make the boxes so you can pour the milk in anymore, since they make these plastic ones. I don't know if the boxes come with bags or not, but I don't see any indication you can pour milk in.
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I like these MUCH better.....no worrying about cutting correctly. We had these at the school I worked in (probably still do) for breakfast every day.




Here's the single serve kind you can pour milk into. They're plastic with a peel-back top (foil?). There are other brands of cereals that come this way. They probably don't make the boxes so you can pour the milk in anymore, since they make these plastic ones. I don't know if the boxes come with bags or not, but I don't see any indication you can pour milk in.
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No fond memories here--- my mom never let us have them :D


She must not have taken you camping then. ;););)


One of my least favorite camping cereal memories was of eating Special K with lukewarm canned evaporated milk on it, :tongue_smilie: somewhere around Marble, Colorado. Back in those days, when the ice ran out, we made do without trips into town.

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We ate them, but only when we were camping. My parents had specific foods that could only be eaten when camping: those little boxes of cereal (and I loved opening them and pouring milk into the box!), instant oatmeal, Tang, Hamburger Helper and chili. I never understood their reasoning on the other foods, but I knew even as a child that those little boxes of cereal cost a lot more than regular sized boxes.


We had parents of the same " school". We thought all that stuff was better because we only got it on camping trips.

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