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Husband waking me up too early

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My husband get up at 3:30 am to go to work. He has had this schedule for about 1.5 years. At first I took a while to adjust and then I didn't hear his alarm anymore or while he got ready for work.


The past month I have been woken up by him while he gets ready, shower, get dressed, put on shoes, clomp around the room, leave room, forget something, clomp back upstairs, open armoir, clomp away again. :glare:


So I am up before 4 on the days he works(3 days a week) I very rarely hear his alarm, just him getting ready. I asked him to put his shoes on downstairs. He tried that today but forgot his shoes in our room. :banghead:


He is not going to change so what can I do to reset my clock? I have tried going to bed earlier, later, etc. I just really need to somehow get reset. I am a zombie.


Oh, and I would sleep somewhere else but there is nowhere else for me to sleep.

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Since he seems amenable to helping you sleep but just "forgets" things, I would try to help him not forget. And I wear earplugs at night - a godsend.


My DH regularly gets up earlier than I do, and I often sleep through it with the earplugs. They take a little time to get used to, but once you get used to them, they will be your favorite thing!

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I had to start reminding my dh to get his work clothes out the night before so I didn't have to hear the drawers open and close a thousand times! I would lay there and think "I hope he slams his finger in the drawer!". He would also set the alarm clock 30 minutes early and hit the snooze 6 times :banghead: I threatened to make him sleep on the couch :)

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A pro-active solution is probably wise. I think you could prompt him to set out his clothes or move his shoes, or whatever, or you could even do it for him (which would really be doing it "for" your own benefit). It would be great if everything he needed was in the bathroom.


With those hours, he's probably a zombie too. It might be too much to hope for him to be alert enough to be considerate.


In addition to earplugs for you, you could consider providing a night-table flash light for him, so that he can find things without turning on the main room light.

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I agree with pp's who have suggested helping your dh get all his things together in another room the night before. Getting up at 3:30 must be a real drag for him too. If you two work together to get all his stuff set up in the living room or something the night before, that might work for both of you.


I'd feel obligated to at least get up with him until he left, but I'd be able to go back to sleep. :D I realize that's not for everyone, though.

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My husband gets up at 4:30 (and has for 10 years). I had a lot of problems with sleep over the past 2 years due to hormone issues. With treatment, those problems have improved. I still hear him once in a while, though. I've found that a nice soft feather pillow molds nicely over my head to block out his noise.

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We have a white noise machine in our room, which helps a lot. My husband also gathers everything together the night before and places it downstairs in a corner of the living room. He showers at night before bed, and dresses, shaves and brushes hair and teeth in the half bath downstairs in the morning. He comes up to kiss me goodbye and deliver a cup of coffee at 6, which is when I'm ready to get up. But I'm not a big fan of 0445. This arrangement works well for us.

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Seconding the white noise machine. My dh works really weird hours too and it helps all of us get better rest.


An easy way to do it is if you have a smartphone, there are now some really good white noise apps. Most of us plug in our phones before bed anyway, so it may as well do something useful all night. We use Ambiance for the iPhone.

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I ditto the ear plugs. I use them on days when my dh has to fly out early- often he has a 6 am flight and he has to leave about 4:45 am to make the flight. Since he is in the military and he travels all the time, we have this problem a lot. Or when he has early morning video conferences with the east coast. Anyway, first I was waking up and not being able to get back to sleep which really mucked up my day. Then I decided to use ear plugs and no more problems. He resets the alarm for my normal waking time- 6 to 6:30 am.

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He does put "everything" in the bathroom the night before. I put everything in quotes because he often forgets things. He likes to shower in the morning because it "wakes him up." The irony is not lost on me.:glare: :lol:


There is really no other place I could sleep other than the couch and that won't help because he has to walk downstairs and go into the kitchen and get his lunch together and then walk past me again to go out the front door. And we have no carpet in our house.


I don't really want to babysit him to get his stuff together but I might need to for awhile.


I can't sleep with any white noise sound. The ear plugs are a possibility but I want to be comfortable. I'll try it.


He sounds SO LOUD to me when I get woken up but he says he is really trying to be quiet. When he goes in the bathroom he will close the door before turning on the light.

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The ear plugs are a possibility but I want to be comfortable. I'll try it.


They are very soft - you roll them up tight, then insert them all the way into your ear canal. They do a good job of making noise seem very distant and easy to ignore. I can still just about hear my alarm.



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