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Making my first batch of yogurt!!

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We have just been bemoaning (for the last few years!) the price of breakfast cereal. It's ridiculous and we can go through a whole box in one meal it seems (especially those little boxes). It's like paying for air.


I've been wanting a yogurt maker for a long time now but hadn't found one in any of the stores I'd looked in. We finally found one today at a gourmet type kitchen store so we got it! I knew I could do it without a special maker if I rigged something up but I just need these things spelled out for me and made as simple as possible or I just don't have the energy for them.


My husband also made bagels tonight and I am making a big batch of granola tomorrow. Hopefully we can get down to having cereal maybe two days a week instead of 5!


Just wanted to share! (And I'm using the extra creamy yogurt recipe that Camy posted here a couple of weeks ago! Thanks Camy!)

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Oh man! I'm so jealous! Yes, homemade yogurt is SO good, if it turns out! :D I have a recipe where you put it in the bathtub and keep it warm with warm water. I got this recipe while living in Asia, and had to be creative. :)


Tell us how your homemade breakfast is! I love homemade granola too. I can't buy it, just doesn't taste right.

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Kelli, the warming drawer may work if the temp is not above 115 degrees or below 90 degrees. The higher temp will kill the bacteria.


I think my instructions mentioned putting a heating pad in a cooler (set on low temp). Place a towel over the contents of the cooler (inside) and cover. Set your timer for 3 hours for the first check. If the mixture has thickened and the flat side of a spoon bounces off the yogurt surface, you are done. The longer the incubation time, the more tart the yogurt will be.





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Back in the day, when my oldest daughter, who is now 31 and homeschooling her own children....back when she was 2-5 or so, I made all my yogurt. I would put it in jars with metal lids on them. I then put it in a box and surrounded the jars with newspaper and set it outside on teh hood of the car in the sunshine for several hours. It turned out perfect every time!

My husband never knew how I made the stuff until he found my prized box outside one day while mowing the lawn. He would never touch the stuff as he was sure I was feeding us rotten food.

About a year ago he ate some yogurt samples at Costco..and loves the stuff!


Recipe: My daughter used to love when I made popsciles out of the yougurt. Just add some concentrated orange juice to the yogurt and freeze in popscicles containers. I had the ones from |Tupperware and they worked great. Other juice concentrates worked welll too, but the orange ones were her favorite.

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Back in the day, when my oldest daughter, who is now 31 and homeschooling her own children....back when she was 2-5 or so, I made all my yogurt. I would put it in jars with metal lids on them. I then put it in a box and surrounded the jars with newspaper and set it outside on teh hood of the car in the sunshine for several hours. It turned out perfect every time!

My husband never knew how I made the stuff until he found my prized box outside one day while mowing the lawn. He would never touch the stuff as he was sure I was feeding us rotten food.

About a year ago he ate some yogurt samples at Costco..and loves the stuff!


Recipe: My daughter used to love when I made popsciles out of the yougurt. Just add some concentrated orange juice to the yogurt and freeze in popscicles containers. I had the ones from |Tupperware and they worked great. Other juice concentrates worked welll too, but the orange ones were her favorite.


You are so creative! I just might have to try making yogurt this way AND the popsicles. Thanks for sharing! :)

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Camy, I can't imagine it not turning out! It looks great... we will test it in a couple of hours! :^)


KatieinMich, how creative are you?! My Mom used to make yogurt all the time too (but not on the car :tongue_smilie:) and I miss that flavor! I'm so glad we decided to get it!

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Has anyone made Greek yogurt? I really like yogurt, but recently tasted some Fage, and Wow - that is to die for!!! Yum!!!


I've never made yogurt, but if I could make something close to the Fage - I would definitely start!!!



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I wonder if the warming drawer of my oven would be the right temperature for yogurt making? Has anyone tried using their oven's warming drawer?


Kelli, I put mine in an insulated water jug, and keep the jug in a slightly warmed oven (like preheated to 150 or so then turned off) overnight. It works.

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I wonder if the warming drawer of my oven would be the right temperature for yogurt making? Has anyone tried using their oven's warming drawer?


I made it using the blanket/towel method in my microwave. It was simple and delicious. Someone posted the recipe here on the board a few weeks ago. Wish I could credit her...


1. Bring 4 cups of whole milk up to 180 degrees in a pan.

2. Then take it off the heat and let it cool down to 120 degrees (no cooler than that!)

3. Meanwhile heat some water in a quart jar in the micro to get the jar nice and warm. Empty the water out of the quart jar and put 1-3 T plain yogurt in the bottom, add the warm milk and stir well for about 20 sec. Put the lid on and wrap in a blanket or towel for 6-8 hours. 6=less tart. That's it! (I used a pyrex bowl with a lid and wrapped it in a towel, then popped the bundle in the microwave and let it set)


It will thicken up after refrigerating. Remember to save some yogurt for your next batch.


This has been saving us a lot of money. You can mix all-fruit jam, or honey into a bowl of it if you like it sweeter. If you want to sweeten it with sugar add that in while the milk is hot.

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I wonder if the warming drawer of my oven would be the right temperature for yogurt making? Has anyone tried using their oven's warming drawer?
I haven't tried this, but I used a big Thermos :) for years before I got a yogurt maker.
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What a great idea. And the coffee flavored yogurt sounds interesting. :001_smile: We've been enjoying the homemade vanilla batches with fresh peaches here.

I haven't tried this, but I used a big Thermos :) for years before I got a yogurt maker.
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