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Rough week! Coughing, colds, spreading to everyone, and late yesterday afternoon my dd6 came to me crying that her ear and jaw were hurting badly. I did not have sweet oil, and was unsure about olive oil ( 9 years ago our Ped. told me I should not have used olive oil and garlic with our young ds) so, I let her lie on a heating pad for about 15 minutes, gave her pain med. and asked dh to get cotton balls and sweet oil. He had to wait about 2 hours to come and she was crying almost the whole time. Finally, we got warm oil in both ears, she said they both hurt. We kept doing this and giving her pain med. She kept falling asleep but waking up several times crying out in pain.


I had already ordered Olive Leaf liquid for everyone to fight the colds, so since it was due to arrive today, I thought we should wait and not go to the e room.

About 3:30 am. she cried for about 15 minutes and I had a fevered baby so It took me longer to get to her and I was worn out from trying to cool him off :tongue_smilie: my dh gave him a cool bath.... so she was asleep when I got to her, oh the guilt! But she slept the rest of the night, so I thought she was feeling better.... I looked at her ear this morning, and there was blood in it. She said she can't hear out of that ear and the other ear does not hurt.


We looked online and many sites state that since it is during a cold, it is most likely middle ear infection and the eardrum burst. Dr. Sears site says that most heal within 3 months,and the only treatment is antibiotics. So, we called ask a Doctor and my dh failed to tell him she has a bad cold.. he is not sure if it is middle ear or not but prescribed an antibiotic. I am just going to keep giving her Olive leaf, vitamin c, and chicken soup today and see if she gets a little better. She is not in any pain now thankfully.


There have been no ear infections in our house in at least 8 years, so I was shocked at how fast it came on, and at the site of blood. I just wanted to share in case anyone had this happen.

And please pray for us to all get well soon. I am having a rough pregnancy.

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Our Pediatrician moved and has not been replaced. He was always willing to work with us using natural methods even if he had no clue about them, he trusted us and we miss him. There is no place close to take her so I will see how she is responding and feeling daily before we rush off on an hour drive to urgent care. DH can take her Monday to a local Dr. but no one is open on the weekend.


I have called several Pediatricians and none are taking new patients. I don't have anywhere to take her or I would. Frustrating, but ER is pitiful and she would be miserable waiting 5-6 hours.




I took the Hive advice to rush myself off to have terrible treatment and then diagnose my own DOUBLE KIDNEY / bladder infection.... and I took Olive leaf, GSE, and cranberry to kick it quickly. They did a blood test and fetal monitoring and ended up telling me in Triage / L & R that there was nothing wrong with me and that I just had too many babies so it was basically my fault I had the excruciating back and low ab pain that would not stop and radiated down my thighs....$2500 bill for that, and the RN told me I could go down to ER for my pain if I wanted too!!!! Crazy!

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Can she really not hear out of that ear? That's the part that worries me. I know that blood goes hand in hand with an eardrum that has ruptured. But, I don't know that I've heard of deafness afterward. Is that something that can resolve itself? I'd want to make very sure of that before I made the decision not to see a doctor.


ETA: I just did a quick search and see that hearing loss is common after a perforated eardrum. I think it would still make me nervous!

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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I agree that she needs to see a doctor if she's still crying and in pain. When pain wakes a child up from sleeping, that is significant.


I also want to add that if an eardrum has burst, you shouldn't put anything in it. My daughter's have had an eardrum burst twice and it healed without any intervention. HOWEVER, after the eardrum burst, all ear pain went away AND their hearing was affected in that they heard things very loudly. It's odd that she can't hear at all from that ear.


I wasn't sure from your post if you were going to use the antibiotic or not? I hope you do use it just in case there is a deeper infection in her ear.


I hope you are all better soon. Good luck in your search for a pediatrician. :grouphug:

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DD13 had a burst eardrum within 12 hours of the onset of earache pain last year. It was hurting and I put some rx pain drops in her ear that are oil based. As soon as I put the drops in, her pain increased. We think the oil contributed to the rupture. Like a balloon that is overfilled, popping at the least little touch. Her ear then started dripping a clear fluid.


If she has a perforated ear drum, she needs antibiotics to clear up the infection/prevent future infection. This is not a hard to diagnose issue and any basic doctor should be able to help you.


The hearing can be permanently altered due to this issue. There is no way I would keep my child from being treated in this case.


I do treat some ear aches at home. I have absolutely no problem with that but once it is ruptured, that is a different story.


When dd13s ear drum perforated, she was in tears. This is a kid who rarely cries and is very tough. The tears are what told me that this was a very different than a regular ear ache and we went to the dr. They said her ear was so full of drainage they couldn't see the perforation, but were confident that it what had happened. They treated her accordingly. After the perforation, she had a significant hearing loss for at least a month, and it was still affecting her 3mths later. It finally healed and she is back to perfect.


Don't put anything else in her ear. It can make the infection worse and can decrease the visablity for the doctor.


I would not hesitate to drive one hour to go to an urgent care.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Peds nurse here. Her eardrum has ruptured. DO NOT put anything into her ear canal. At all. I cannot stress this enough.


Get to a doctor and have your child take the antibiotics he is going to give you for the full course of treatment.


After a rupture, a child will no longer be in pain because the pressure against the eardrum is gone. However, treatment is still necessary.


Not being able to hear out of the affected ear can mean significant damage has occurred to her eardrum and this is not something you can treat by yourself, without risking permanent hearing loss.


Get to a doctor.

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Can she really not hear out of that ear? That's the part that worries me. I know that blood goes hand in hand with an eardrum that has ruptured. But, I don't know that I've heard of deafness afterward. Is that something that can resolve itself? I'd want to make very sure of that before I made the decision not to see a doctor.


ETA: I just did a quick search and see that hearing loss is common after a perforated eardrum. I think it would still make me nervous![/QUOTE]


I agree that she needs to see a doctor if she's still crying and in pain. When pain wakes a child up from sleeping, that is significant.


I also want to add that if an eardrum has burst, you shouldn't put anything in it. My daughter's have had an eardrum burst twice and it healed without any intervention. HOWEVER, after the eardrum burst, all ear pain went away AND their hearing was affected in that they heard things very loudly. It's odd that she can't hear at all from that ear.

I wasn't sure from your post if you were going to use the antibiotic or not? I hope you do use it just in case there is a deeper infection in her ear.


I hope you are all better soon. Good luck in your search for a pediatrician. :grouphug:


It is not uncommon to lose hearing depending on where it perforated and how severe the rip is. It is literally like a ripped drum, it loses it ability to vibrate.

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Can she really not hear out of that ear? That's the part that worries me. I know that blood goes hand in hand with an eardrum that has ruptured. But, I don't know that I've heard of deafness afterward. Is that something that can resolve itself? I'd want to make very sure of that before I made the decision not to see a doctor.


ETA: I just did a quick search and see that hearing loss is common after a perforated eardrum. I think it would still make me nervous!


Do not put anything in here ears at all. It is very possible the oil caused the rupture and oil in her ear now is dangerous.


I wouldn't go to a pediatrician' date=' I would go directly to an ENT asap.[/quote']


Agreeing with ALL of the above. FWIW, with a ruptured ear drum, the pain (ime) eases a bit due to the release of pent up pressure. At least until something else gets put into it! I also have not witnessed hearing loss following the rupture.


Your child's ability to hear is at stake. Please don't take chances with unsure treatments.

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Get to a doctor and have your child take the antibiotics he is going to give you for the full course of treatment.


After a rupture, a child will no longer be in pain because the pressure against the eardrum is gone. However, treatment is still necessary.


Not being able to hear out of the affected ear can mean significant damage has occurred to her eardrum and this is not something you can treat by yourself, without risking permanent hearing loss.


Get to a doctor.


I've had ruptured eardrums eight different times (yes, eight).


In all of those the pain was greatly reduced after the rupture. It wasn't always totally gone in all cases--that depended on how severe the infection was. In one case I had a microperforation that had sealed back up by the time the doctor saw me and the pain was on the rise again. That time the ENT did an aspiration.


My hearing varied after the rupture, usually depending on the severity. It was always altered and usually accompanied by very loud ringing/buzzing and a muffled sense of sound. Loud sounds or sound of various frequencies would be more irritating so I often would wear a (plain) piece of cotton or a foam earplug for a few days afterwards, at least when around places or people where it wasn't quiet (like school or church). I would have had a hard time describing it as a child and could easily see a child saying they couldn't hear out of a recently ruptured eardrum.


I always got medical attention as soon possible so I could get on antibiotics. If it was a choice between Monday regular visit, and a promptcare or ER trip I opted for ASAP treatment because 48 hours was a long time for me. That usually was the amount of time it took for the antibiotics to kick in and start knocking off the pain.

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I have not put any oil in since last night before 10... I just read through Dr. Sears site again, and since she has a cold, it is fluid from that and he recommended putting any warm oil in for the pain before: ie. olive, vegetable or garlic.

I also know that OLIVE LEAF gives me immediate relief because it is so powerful it kills virus, fungus, bacteria and boosts the immune system.


It has CURED me of LYME 2 times with immediate results.... Double Kidney infection: 1 dose immediate back pain relief!


She is feeling alot better now after her first dose, and sitting in a rocker by a steamer. We have V8 splash, Gatorade, Olive Leaf, Vitamin C cold lozenges and hot soups cooking. Everybody is on the mend.


I will take her to a Dr. on Monday or sooner if I see her suffering or not improving.


Dr. Sears states that the sooner the cold/ stuffiness goes away the sooner the liquid will drain in the eustachian tubes. And this is her first ever incident of ear infection. I am just sad that I ran out of Olive leaf on Monday.


She can hear, and is asking for a popsicle now... I have friends and a twin who are RN's, Pediatric, and Surgical RN's and only 1 of them knows about and uses Olive Leaf extract. It is powerful without the ill side effects.

I am going to make sure and order more now so nothing like this happens again. We rarely get colds or flu, but I would rather have it and it go to waste ( which it won't) It is an immune booster so I will make everyone take it daily until these colds are gone.

Also, the few times we put a little oil in and a cotton ball, she laid on my pillow on a heat pad so the cotton absorbed most of the oil.



Thanks again for prayers and sharing.

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I have not put any oil in since last night before 10... I just read through Dr. Sears site again, and since she has a cold, it is fluid from that and he recommended putting any warm oil in for the pain before: ie. olive, vegetable or garlic.

I also know that OLIVE LEAF gives me immediate relief because it is so powerful it kills virus, fungus, bacteria and boosts the immune system.


It has CURED me of LYME 2 times with immediate results.... Double Kidney infection: 1 dose immediate back pain relief!


She is feeling alot better now after her first dose, and sitting in a rocker by a steamer. We have V8 splash, Gatorade, Olive Leaf, Vitamin C cold lozenges and hot soups cooking. Everybody is on the mend.


I will take her to a Dr. on Monday or sooner if I see her suffering or not improving.


Dr. Sears states that the sooner the cold/ stuffiness goes away the sooner the liquid will drain in the eustachian tubes. And this is her first ever incident of ear infection. I am just sad that I ran out of Olive leaf on Monday.


She can hear, and is asking for a popsicle now... I have friends and a twin who are RN's, Pediatric, and Surgical RN's and only 1 of them knows about and uses Olive Leaf extract. It is powerful without the ill side effects.

I am going to make sure and order more now so nothing like this happens again. We rarely get colds or flu, but I would rather have it and it go to waste ( which it won't) It is an immune booster so I will make everyone take it daily until these colds are gone.

Also, the few times we put a little oil in and a cotton ball, she laid on my pillow on a heat pad so the cotton absorbed most of the oil.



Thanks again for prayers and sharing.


Dr Sears site also is talking about a Dr in the article. It dosn't say to not take her to the Dr.


From Mayo CLinic website


When to see a doctor

Call your doctor if you experience any of the signs or symptoms of a ruptured or perforated eardrum or pain or discomfort in your ears. Your middle and inner ears are composed of delicate mechanisms that are sensitive to injury or disease. Prompt and appropriate treatment is important to preserve your hearing.



The oil is very valuable and effective. I don't think anyone is disputing that. There are just times that those of us who use alternative medicine Also use western medicine. This is one of those cases.

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Dr. Sears states that the sooner the cold/ stuffiness goes away the sooner the liquid will drain in the eustachian tubes. And this is her first ever incident of ear infection. I am just sad that I ran out of Olive leaf on Monday.



It will be better if her head it elevated. When I was flared up I would sleep in a recliner or with several pillows under my head.

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I see an ND who is VERY conservative about antibiotics. When my son's eardrum ruptrued she immediately told me she highly recommends antibiotics because an infection with a ruptured eardrum can do massive hearing damage. She has never "pushed" abx before. Also, after you have verified (by a medical professional) that it has healed you will need to go in and get her hearing tested to make sure it is ok.


In the meantime, no swimming, no baths with her head in the water, etc. Everything needs to stay out of the ear.

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I don't know why I keep checking for updates as this is a bit painful. :tongue_smilie: Biting my tongue, but my fingers have a mind of their own! :lol:


I'm all for natural healing and very anti-antibiotics as they are often unnecessary. This is one of those times they are so important - your daughter's health and hearing depends on you making a good decision for her even if it goes against your beliefs. Please have her seen and follow through with the prescribed treatment.

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I don't know why I keep checking for updates as this is a bit painful. :tongue_smilie: Biting my tongue' date=' but my fingers have a mind of their own! :lol:


I'm all for natural healing and very anti-antibiotics as they are often unnecessary. This is one of those times they are so important - your daughter's health and hearing depends on you making a good decision for her even if it goes against your beliefs. Please have her seen and follow through with the prescribed treatment.[/quote']


:iagree:And honestly, if you don't really want advice, why ask??? Clearly you don't want to use traditional medicine and even mentioned that the last time you asked for advice here for your own health and followed it you felt it was a waste of your time and money. Which begs the question......

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Since so many are responding, I have had her elevated, did not put oil in after it ruptured and did take her 1 hour away to the closest Urgent care, and they closed early, and would not let us in, then drove to 2 others that were also closed, and texted my twin to ask where one was open later, and she did not text back until we came home *4 hours later and she was asleep on the couch with a pillow to prop her up.

2 more of our children have earaches now.

We have vaporizers going, keep airing out the house, and I gave everybody a cocktail of Olive leaf, GSE, and Oil of Oregano. We are taking sweetie to a Clinic open today. She is feeling so much better.


Prayers are appreciated.

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Since so many are responding, I have had her elevated, did not put oil in after it ruptured and did take her 1 hour away to the closest Urgent care, and they closed early, and would not let us in, then drove to 2 others that were also closed, and texted my twin to ask where one was open later, and she did not text back until we came home *4 hours later and she was asleep on the couch with a pillow to prop her up.

2 more of our children have earaches now.

We have vaporizers going, keep airing out the house, and I gave everybody a cocktail of Olive leaf, GSE, and Oil of Oregano. We are taking sweetie to a Clinic open today. She is feeling so much better.


Prayers are appreciated.


:banghead: I hate it when that happens!


:grouphug::grouphug:Prayers for all your bambinos ears:grouphug::grouphug: and some for you, as it is worrisome when your littles aren't felling well :grouphug::grouphug:

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You probably know this but sometimes the information out there on the natural antibiotics (like oregano oil...are you using P73 form?) is incorrect so I'll mention anyway. These things are, as you know, antibiotics. And like all antibiotics they kill the bad and good bacteria. I sometimes see natural websites claim they spare the good bacteria. It's not possible. If it's effective it's killing it all just like a prescribed antibiotic. It might, also, be killing yeast though which you won't get in a normal antibiotic. At any rate treat it like any other antibiotic and make sure you're doing a good probiotic (I like Culturelle or better yet Florastor--you can break them open and sprinkle on room temp stuff for littles) or known to be colonizing probiotic food to protect everyone from yeasts and the nasties like c. diff. Do it three hours after each dose of anything with natural antibiotic properties. That oregano oil is potent so assume it's killing all the good intestinal bacteria.


I hope all of you continue to improve. :grouphug:

Edited by sbgrace
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Thanks for the probiotic lead. I should have mentioned that as well.

When this dd 6 was born, I had mastitis and was on 5 strong antibiotics causing me to break out in a rash on my tongue, neck and arms, and it constipated her badly! I had to nurse her on one side for several weeks and feed her a bottle to supplement and I put probiotics in her bottle so it really helped her.


I know olive leaf and oil of oregano are very powerful, and kill fungus, viruses, and bacteria ( good and bad) but they don't cause allergic reactions in us at all, and save time and trips to the Dr. alot!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

They also promote a sense of energy and life that antibiotics do not.


The clinic is close by, where I got tons of shots and pink junk as a child... owned by a Heart & Vascular Surgeon who I trust and did a great job on my leg surgery btw... he has a Nurse Practioner with tons of degrees and over 20 years of experience. He is super nice and did say both ears look red inside so some infection is going on. Of course we know this and they were red all over even on the outside Friday night. He did not really know why we came, but wrote an RX if we decided to use it. I am over zealous against the darn things since I was OVER medicated as a child, and never had probiotics until I became a mother. I believe my health problems stem from over use of antibiotics as a child and I suffered from many illnesses, which could not have all been bacterial. Also, gut problems at a young age from it. Still, I was very active and healthy as a teen and played many co-ed and all girl sports. My period was always horrid though, and Endometriosis signs were always there I just had no idea what it was. And I was a bodybuilder for 10 years with no period! Breastfeeding staved it off for about 9 years total! Surgery last August was my desperated attempt at pain relief from my worst year ever.


All of this makes me want my daughter's especially to be healthy and not have to suffer like I have. ANd my oldest already had a major allergic reaction to penicillin as a baby and developed leaky gut from it... that is when I found out about probiotics, omega 3 fatty acids, and started my quest for a healthier lifestyle with some great mentors ( an RN who owned a Health food store, a PT who is a great friend, and a retired School teacher who runs our local food co-op and drives a long distance to get us great deals on great foods!)



The olive leaf is helping us all tremendously, and I make raw milk cultured yogurt, butter, butter milk, creme' freshe, saurkraut, and many other cultured foods. I also buy pills to supplement when I don't have alot of time or just need more supplementation.


The Clinic was a good place, but really unessesary and not worried at all about her, and said we must be taking good care of her.


I am so glad she is feeling like herself again! Now for the rest of the crew!


Everyone is on the mend today! Thank the Lord!

Thanks for any prayers!

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