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Did your peditrician ever treat an umbilical cord stump that wasn't healing?

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This happened years ago but I just dreamed about it again last night and am curious how often this happens. When my youngest DD was a newborn, her cord dried up and fell off like normal but the little stump (belly-button-to-be) was staying wet looking and not healing. At a regular ped appt, the doctor applied something to her stump.


The next morning, when I went to change DD's diaper, I noticed large blotches on her belly where the skin appeared darker. I went to run my finger across the blotches and the skin started sloughing off! I was horrified and suddenly afraid of touching her any more. Of course I took her straight back to the pediatrician where we were seen by a different doctor. She was totally dismissive of my concern, said it happened all the time, and explained that when she got a drop of it on her fingers, the skin would peel off. She followed up by saying that it looked like the stump may need another "treatment." I got the feeling that she was being dismissive as a way to cover that the first doctor made some kind of mistake (too much of the stuff, maybe too strong).


So, to settle my curiosity for something now 12 years in the past (my, does time fly!), anyone else have a similar experience? Any idea what they may have put on the stump?



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My son, now almost 18 had an umbilical stump that wouldn't heal. It was cauterized a few times....and it stunk so bad, that one time I literally passed out....whacked my head and all, because it was so gross:tongue_smilie:. I had him in the doctors over and over, and it did heal, and he has a cute belly button, But I will NEVER get over that trauma. Eeeeeewwwww!!:tongue_smilie:

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My son, now almost 18 had an umbilical stump that wouldn't heal. It was cauterized a few times....and it stunk so bad, that one time I literally passed out....whacked my head and all, because it was so gross:tongue_smilie:. I had him in the doctors over and over, and it did heal, and he has a cute belly button, But I will NEVER get over that trauma. Eeeeeewwwww!!:tongue_smilie:



LOL! One of my boys had a stinky, problematic umbilical stump. The dr applied silver nitrate to it to help it dry up. I remember gagging while nursing him, because his belly button smelled so bad.

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