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S/O - What does your only child do with their time?

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My DD is eleven and a half and spends too much time on playing with electronics. We've recently found s book series that she likes, so I am hoping that will lead to reading more books.


My dd likes to -


love on her cat (not that the cat always likes it)

play with her American Girls dolls

rare but true - she will hang out with me and chat

go outside in out yard and stomp around (we live "in town" - I'd love to have more land for her to explore on)

dress up the house for holidays

occasionally sew outfits for her dolls


I'd love to kill the TV, but my Mom loves it.

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My DD is eleven and a half and spends too much time on playing with electronics. We've recently found s book series that she likes, so I am hoping that will lead to reading more books.


My dd likes to -


love on her cat (not that the cat always likes it)

play with her American Girls dolls

rare but true - she will hang out with me and chat

go outside in out yard and stomp around (we live "in town" - I'd love to have more land for her to explore on)

dress up the house for holidays

occasionally sew outfits for her dolls


I'd love to kill the TV, but my Mom loves it.


My 11 yr old only (dd) loves to read! She reads a lot, probably because we don't let her watch hardly any tv.


She loves to play with her American Girl dolls

Listens to music in her room (and no doubt sings and dances)

Has a lot of hotwheels cars she plays in the dirt and makes roads

Rides the quad around the yard (we do have acreage)

Likes fabric and chops it up into clothing for her AG dolls

Writes stories

Play with our dog (who's been known to have some sort of draped fabric on him)

Creates AG doll rooms under her table and in her closet.

She'll create a fort outside between the trees

Play in our pond on the edges with whatever. Usually some old plastic animals.

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DD is 5.5 and likes to:


Read chapter books

watch dvds and tv

play educational computer games on her pc

ride her trike outdoors with supervision

do lots of pretending


Not sure how much help that is to you. We don't limit educational electronics unless it gets out of hand.

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My 7 yr old only loves to:



Play outside

Read books, especially non-fiction and fantasy

Write stories about her dolls and stuffed animals

Build with legos


Write little songs and play them on piano

Ride her scooter outside.




And, electronics stuff:

Scratch programming

Type and illustrate her books on the computer and print them out


Pocket frogs and other iPod apps.

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My dd is now almost 15, but she's always been an only, and NEVER has been interested in electronics. Through the years--

play with friends in the neighborhood

lots of playing outside, swingset, bikes, etc.

American Girl dolls

Playmobil castle set

marbles (yes, old fashioned marbles, the game)

read read read

cut up old catalogs and magazines to make "paper dolls"

play with/walk/train the dogs

listen to music in her room (sing and dance, too)



board games with an imaginary friend (she took their turn for them!)

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My DD is eleven and a half and spends too much time on playing with electronics. We've recently found s book series that she likes, so I am hoping that will lead to reading more books.


My dd likes to -


love on her cat (not that the cat always likes it)

play with her American Girls dolls

rare but true - she will hang out with me and chat

go outside in out yard and stomp around (we live "in town" - I'd love to have more land for her to explore on)

dress up the house for holidays

occasionally sew outfits for her dolls


I'd love to kill the TV, but my Mom loves it.



Man, I wish Minnesota wasn't so far from Tennessee. My almost 10 year old loves her cat and AG dolls. She loves to cook, but we don't do that often enough with her.


She isn't an only, but she's our only girl so many times she might as well be. She constantly complains that her little brother wants her to play HIS games/ideas but doesn't reciprocate with her dolls :D


I suppose I'm a "bad mom" in that I am not into entertaining my kids. She is the one who does the best at finding herself something to do. She will:


*Play with her AG stuff or Monster High/Barbies

*Read - right now, either American Girl or Poison Apple Books when she picks for herself.

*Sings and makes up dance steps to go with the songs.

*She loves to take pictures of her dolls, but she dropped my camera and broke it :glare:

*She will put together Legos. I need to get out the Harry Potter bus that she and DH bought at Christmas.

*Draw or paint

*She has attempted Duct Tape crafts. So far they haven't been very good, but I'm sure she will get better with practice.


I am trying to keep mine away from screens for the most part, too. DD does really well with this, she never was a huge TV kid and almost never played video games. The little she does watch is usually H2O (mermaids) and Horseland, a cartoon we found on Netflix that has some positive messages about responsibility and such. She likes Wizards of Waverly Place, but I try to keep that to a few sparse episodes because I find the kids annoying/disrespectful.

Edited by Gingerbread Mama
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Dd is a 12-year old only. She is pretty busy.

Monday - School from 8-3 then dance from 3:30-6:45. Home, dinner, bedtime routine.


Tuesday - School from 8-3. Guitar practice until 3:30. Guitar lesson from 4-4:30. Home, dinner, a bit of TV and then bedtime routine.


Wednesday - School from 8-3. Guitar practice for half an hour. Free time between 3:30 and 4:30. Then off to Zumba with me until 6:15. Home, dinner, bedtime routine. Maybe a little TV or computer time.


Thursday - School from 8-3. Guitar practice for half an hour. Free reading or play or electronic until 6. Dinner at 6. T'ai Chi from 7-8:30.


Friday - School from 8-3. Little Flower's Club from 3-5. Home, dinner a bit of electronic or TV time then bedtime routine.


Saturday - Either errands with mom and dad or hang out with friends


Sunday - 9-10:45 Sunday school. 11-12:10ish church. Then lunch, possibly play with friends or hang with mom and dad. Nothing specific in the evenings. If we have some DVR'd stuff we watch it on weekends.


She spends a lot of her free time reading.

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My DS just turned 5. He requires a lot of exercise but is too young to venture out solo in our neighborhood.




-Long bike rides 2x week. He does 5-10 miles on his own bike or 15-20 miles with me on a tandem.

-Hikes 2x week.


At home:




-Wooden blocks

-Digging in back yard

-Drawing (lots and lots)



I allow Starfall once a week and one video a day (usually 30 minutes) but no electronics, video games, or other computer time.

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Dd12 isn't an only but her brothers are older and her sister has severe behavioral issues so she prefers to play alone.


She does everything your dd does, but the Americal Girl doll sits while she uses the clothing and accessories with her guinea pigs or chickens.:001_huh:


She plays with the chickens like they are dolls

Loves to read

Dog training

Jewelry making

Sculpy clay miniatures (which I only buy clay when I have. 50% off coupon for Michaels)

Play with other animals

Build fairy villages

She wants to plant and care for her own flower garden this year

Make-up and hair play

Paint nails and toenails


She is ALWAYS dnapping pictures on her phone or camera

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Our smarty-pants youngest is two years yourger than your babe, so it's possible I have tidbits to share. Our weeks are fluid, due to our schedule, but I try to stick with what i know will help my dc be well-educated.


These hours do vary, but I am very on the ball and consistent. The following is weekly, not daily, and we do not take summers off.


Abou 20 hours a week reading of her choice.

10 hours reading our assingments

15 hours of ballet

6- 8 hours playing with frineds

4 hours Algebra

2 hours (or less) WWS

2 hours history

2 hours Latin

2 hours scinece

2 hours French (more if you count her dance classes)


My dc also saw a major boadway poduction ths week and, a performance of a top ballet company production last week. The abllet was set up for students to ask questions of the company.


I don't even see how I could planned this when she was a babe (she has never attended school).

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She loves to be involved in what I'm doing for the most part- if I'm sewing, she usually wants to be at her machine or flipping through her sewing books for small projects. If I'm at the computer, she'll usually set up next to me with some art supplies or a book.


Other things she'll do throughout the week:


Play with her ratties while reading or listening to books on tape

Decorating her box house

Playing dolls/birds/horses/etc.

Crafting- anything and everything. I'll find things that I know I put in the garbage in on her desk, salvaged for some future project

More serious 'art'- drawing, painting, etc.

Wii- limited amt.

Jump rope, ball bouncing (we have one of those ones you sit on with the handle), gymnastics, dance etc that she does around the house- we aren't in anything formal anymore.

Helping- she's still at the age where she likes to be a help to me as I'm cooking, doing laundry, etc

Walks around the loop or around town (with me).

Dress up (lately it's her greek chiton with her Bucey (her stick horse Bucephalus. I thought she would be a little old for that, but she's loving it! I'll turn around and find him staring over my shoulder wherever I'm at!)

Pestering anyone and everyone who happens by! :)


All of the above is during her free time. She's actually much more creative and independent when we have less going on. When we're busier with school or activities, she has a hard time changing tracks and going solo at an activity.


We do more than the average amount of school- we like to do lots of the extra projects and reading in our history and science lessons. We also are involved in co-op and occasional field trips and activities. We have a monthly class with a naturalist at a nearby nature center. She usually takes some sort of class- ballet/gymnastics/swimming/etc at some point in the year.

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My ds likes to make movies. He spends a lot of time sketching out scripts for them, then setting up the scenes and filming them. Most use Lego characters and creations, so he spends time building those. Then, he edits them on the computer. He also likes to watch other kids' movies online.


He spends a lot of time outdoors doing whatever. I don't scrutinize his outdoor time much anymore, as he's old enough to trust to roam the place as he wishes, so I have no idea what he's doing out in the farmyard or in the fields. He comes home happy and dirty, but that's fine with me because he learned how to do his own laundry now.


Every now and then, he'll find a book or book series that he enjoys, then spend time reading through that. He's not much of a leisure reader of fiction, though, rather preferring non-fiction related to his interests.


In winter he likes skiing, snowboarding, tobagganing, curling and snowshoeing. In summer he likes swimming and running.


He participates in 4-H, and that takes varying amounts of time depending on the projects and such.


I'm afraid I don't have anything to suggest regarding tv and electronics, though. I've never been too concerned about regulating them simply because ds seems to self-regulate those things just fine.

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Work on her 'potions garden' outside

Care for animals

Pick ripe stuff from the garden

Peel & slice






Read about ballet/choreographers/watch ballet videos, and critque

Learn French ballet terms

Watch dance movies

Discuss dance movies

Play with hs friends


Cook dinner

Excersize/take long walks

Collet nature trinkets on her walk to put in mason jars

Make cards for brthdays, holidays

Watch funny movies/TV shows with me. She's warning up the bed now for some Netflix.

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I'm afraid I don't have anything to suggest regarding tv and electronics, though. I've never been too concerned about regulating them simply because ds seems to self-regulate those things just fine.


Same here. Ds draws, makes you tube videos (usually gaming walk throughs). He has a few online friends and they play Call of Duty together. He also likes Minecraft.


He has a drafting table and drawing supplies, so sometimes he's creating.


He helps with dinner every night, which is time for us to be goofy together.


He walks the dog, helps with projects, this summer he'll be mowing the lawn.

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My dd (almost 10) reads a lot.

She writes/makes/illustrates her own books.

She draws all.the.time.

Rides her bike/scooter.

Plays with/torments the cats.

Builds crazy flying creatures with K'nex.

This morning she was listening to Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits and writing a "new language" down in her notebook...:lol:

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