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For the love of Pete

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Also, once you have read the directions, DO THE WORK. Do not spend three times as much time as the work would take lying on the couch moaning and whining about how it's tooo haaaaarrrd, or you don't feeeeel like it, and can't you have just one day ooooooff. Just do the dang work, and then we can both get on with the bits of life that we find more appealing today, and nobody has to lose any privileges.

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We had this conversation today:


Ds11- "Mom, I need help with this math problem."


Me- "Okay. Did you re-read the problem?"


Ds- "Mooom, I don't get it!"


Me- "But did you re-read the problem? How about this: Why don't you read it out loud to me?'


Repeat above 2-3 times with minor variations.


Me, a little cross by now- "C, will you please read me the problem? I am across the room anyway, so it will help me to figure out how to help."


Ds- Begins reading the problem. Halfway through, "Oh. Never mind. I get it."





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Also, once you have read the directions, DO THE WORK. Do not spend three times as much time as the work would take lying on the couch moaning and whining about how it's tooo haaaaarrrd, or you don't feeeeel like it, and can't you have just one day ooooooff. Just do the dang work, and then we can both get on with the bits of life that we find more appealing today, and nobody has to lose any privileges.


Wait...did my ds turn up at your house?


No? Rats. That means he's still here somewhere.





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