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Prayer Request...

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If you would, please pray for my friend Ramey... Her prognosis is not good at this point.


She has brain cancer, stage 4, and has had two surgeries. The latest MRI shows that 99.9 percent of the cancer is gone after the last surgery, but that surgery was more than a week ago and she has not woken up yet. She is responsive, but hasn't fully come around. They need to take out her breathing tube and is she doesn't wake up soon, they will have to do a trach. Here is a link to her update site. http://prayforramey.wordpress.com/


Her husband John and their young son Judah could also use prayer. Ramey needs to wake up. She still needs treatment for the remaining cancer.

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Update on Ramey... The Breathing tube is out and so far, no trach! Here is an update from her husband:


Hi everyone, As of right now the breathing tube is out and she is breathing on her own with a oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. She is doing great so far. The doctor will monitor her over the next hour or so to see if the tube needs to go back in or not. Please pray that she will awaken, and cough up any fluids that may drip down her throat so that they don’t have to put the tube back in. I’ll update as soon as I get any further information. Thanks-John


Thank you for praying for her. She really needs to wake up now.

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Update: It looks like they will have to do the trach this afernoon. Ramey is not alert enough and they are afraid that she will just forget to breathe.


I really appreciate your prayers.


I am very sorry for this discouraging news. My background in critical care enables me to better appreciate exactly what you guys have going on just now in Ramey's care. While it sounds like the trache really is a necessary evil, I know how horribly discouraging it can be to watch your loved one lying there less than fully responsive and so willing them to do more (so that their care can progress). I pray, with you, that "God's Kingdom purposes be established in Ramey's life today and and in the days to come!" Amen.

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