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I do EVERYTHING - rant and move on

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My husband helps out way beyond normal. He washes dishes, picks up, vacuums, folds WAY more laundry than I do, etc. Still, on days like today, I feel like I do everything: dishes getting rinsed off, floor getting swept, changing diapers, washing sheets, doing lessons with the olders, making dinner, feeding the baby, helping the 2yo keep the bucket of mud outside, on and on!


By the end of the day it looks as though NOTHING has been completed, I'm exhausted, and my husband comes home and lends a hand. Miraculously, the house is immaculate and he's only cleaned for an hour. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG HERE?! Oh yeah...he has someone to run kid interference so things can actually get done!


I need a break, obviously!

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WHAT AM I DOING WRONG HERE?! Oh yeah...he has someone to run kid interference so things can actually get done!


I need a break, obviously!



It's tough when they are little and you have 4 kids under age 6!


Why don't you take YOUR break while he is cleaning? Lock yourself in the bathroom for an hour and take a nice long bath. Come out clean and refreshed to a nice clean house. Of course, if you aren't running kid-interference, it probably won't be quite so clean, will it? :D


But you will feel better!


ETA: I always liked to put on a movie for the kids and clean up the house the last 20 minutes before DH came home

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My husband helps out way beyond normal. He washes dishes, picks up, vacuums, folds WAY more laundry than I do, etc. Still, on days like today, I feel like I do everything: dishes getting rinsed off, floor getting swept, changing diapers, washing sheets, doing lessons with the olders, making dinner, feeding the baby, helping the 2yo keep the bucket of mud outside, on and on!


By the end of the day it looks as though NOTHING has been completed, I'm exhausted, and my husband comes home and lends a hand. Miraculously, the house is immaculate and he's only cleaned for an hour. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG HERE?! Oh yeah...he has someone to run kid interference so things can actually get done!


I need a break, obviously!

I feel the SAME way! I was sick a week ago, and he came home and I would go immediately to bed. in a few hours the house would be spotless! How on EARTH does he do that? When I clean the toddler messes behind me faster than I can clean!

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Okay, I do need to admit that when The Husband cleans it looks and feels nice...until you go looking for things and then you realize it's only clean on the surface. :glare: He may load the dishwasher, but leave the sink gross-looking or what-have-you.


And some days I DO take my break while he's cleaning...but mostly I feel wretched tht he's coming home from work not to relax, but to clean. And yet, he has the drive home to relax...not to mention the fact that while at work he's not reading the same picture book eight times in a row and he gets the pleasure of conversing with adults not on the Internet. (Not that I don't love you all and value this forum...)

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I love my DH dearly but he doesn't clean...EVER! When I work my 4 day stretch every other weekend, I come home and refuse to clean after a 12-13 hour shift. So 4 of those in a row=disaster! It is mainly toys that don't get picked up, toddler socks that get taken off willy nilly and dishes filling the sink (unless my stepdaughter is there and then he makes her do them but she only does 1/2 the job). If he runs out of pants, he will do a load of HIS jeans...that's it. So, my first day off is always sweeping, mopping, picking up toys, doing dishes, wiping off cupboards that have food on them, laundry, bathrooms, bedroom, AND schooling DD. Oh, yeah, don't forget grocery shopping...gotta eat! :001_smile:

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My husband helps out way beyond normal. He washes dishes, picks up, vacuums, folds WAY more laundry than I do, etc. Still, on days like today, I feel like I do everything: dishes getting rinsed off, floor getting swept, changing diapers, washing sheets, doing lessons with the olders, making dinner, feeding the baby, helping the 2yo keep the bucket of mud outside, on and on!


By the end of the day it looks as though NOTHING has been completed, I'm exhausted, and my husband comes home and lends a hand. Miraculously, the house is immaculate and he's only cleaned for an hour. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG HERE?! Oh yeah...he has someone to run kid interference so things can actually get done!


I need a break, obviously!


:grouphug: You're not doing anything wrong. You have young kids! You know that saying, "The days are long, but the years are short"....? Someone here has it in her signature. It's true. You'll blink and before you know it, a few years will have gone by, and the kids will all be old enough to help clean the house. Don't worry. In the meanwhile, I'm glad your husband is so helpful! :D Try to catch breaks while you can, and enjoy those little ones as much as you can, and don't sweat the small stuff too much (I know it's hard sometimes).

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I've heard that duct tape works wonders. . .;)


Duct tape and Velcro should be in every house.


:grouphug: I feel your pain and I only have two kids. My dh only helps when he feels the work isn't getting done, and then he gripes about it. He had that "traditional" upbringing, though, that certain jobs are the husband's and certain jobs are the wife's. Odd thing is, I'd rather be doing yard work and splitting wood than cleaning. Too bad I can't do his job and he can be the stay-at-home parent. :tongue_smilie:

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