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Please help me pick a baby carrier

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Baby #5 is coming soon and I still haven't found the perfect carrier.


I've used--

-a ring sling--I'm short so it felt like the baby was being held too low. Plus I didn't like that the baby's chin rested on his chest.

-Baby Bjorn--I've read all the comments about how horrible they are for babies and I don't buy it. My issue is that my babies are fat so the Bjorn felt too tight after a few weeks.

-Moby Wrap--I actually really like the Moby except I felt like I was drowning in fabric. I was looking at gauze wraps on Etsy, would that solve my problem?

-HotSling--I love the HotSling and will use it again but it doesn't work until the baby is older. I need something for the newborn phase.


I've heard good things about the Ergo. Any thoughts??

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Some of my favorites (and yes, I had a bit of a babywearing addiction) :tongue_smilie:


I love ring slings! They are my favorite by far. I use little else the first few months, except a woven wrap for back wrapping. Favorites are: Sleeping Baby and Comfy Joey


For a buckle carrier, I liked my Olives and Applesauce WAY better than the Ergo, and you can get it with a built in insert. So easy to use, and one carrier from newborn to toddler. I have not seen any other than can claim that and it really be comfortable for all stages.


I am not a Moby fan as they start to get uncomfortable around 10-15 lbs, so if you like the wrap idea, I would look for a Bali Baby Stretch (like a Moby but less stretch and can be used for back wrapping) or a woven wrap.


Hope that helps! :D and congratulations!!!

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I use a hotsling during the newborn stage sometimes but I take a hand towel and fold it up and place it in the bottom of the carrier first...it helps prevent them from curling up too much. Other than that I use a moby the most the first few months when they are tiny, I too hate the excess fabric but my boys have all preferred it. Maybe you should check out a K'tan? It's similar without all the wrapping and " tails" of fabric.

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I used an Ergo only in toddler stage, and I loved it then and have heard good things about it for the infant stage, too.


I used a ring sling for the baby stage, but I'm tall/long torso so wasn't an issue. I did face baby to me in sort of a reverse kangaroo hold, though, which might be a position you'd like better. Baby was vertical, knees bent, wrap tucked under his bum, held against my chest just as if I were carrying him -- like when baby falls asleep on your chest? i hope you can picture what I'm describing. Anyway, he loved it and I loved it, and I used it from the time he came home from the hospital until he was too squirmy to stay secure (so, 2.5 yrs). He was tiny when we started using it.


I wouldn't say go buy one, but if you still have the one you used before, you might try some new positions and just see.

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I have a fitted sling, an ergo, and a gauze wrap.


The sling was great for the newborn stage. I could wear it under my coat, pop him in when we left the car, and he'd be snug and cozy. It was easy to nurse in and versatile enough for that stage. Your hotsling should work for a newb. Have you looked up the directions on their site?


The Ergo is good for older infants/young toddlers, but at age 2 I'm running into the problem of it being too short for him. It's only coming up to his shoulder blades when he's on my back. If I had it to do over again I'd get a Beco, Boba, Babyhawk/Toddlerhawk or a wahm made mei-tai/half buckle mei tai.


The gauze wrap is VERY versatile, and can be used the longest. On the downside, there are the long tails when wrapping and it gets dirty if you don't keep them off the ground (I make looped knots that get pulled out as I wrap each side). And the baby has to like being wrapped - mine, not so much. I bribe with cookies when I have to. :lol:

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Ergo for long term....Infantino for short term. This is the combo I've found works best for us.


I've tried pretty much everything....a ring sling, a pouch, the Moby Wrap, the Bjorn, etc.


I've had an Ergo since DD#1 was 8 months old. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Can't say enough good things about it. However, I do not like it for small babies, even with the infant insert. Until my babies are about 6 months old, I use one of the cheap Infantino carriers. My babies love to face out around that age (yes, I know what they say about facing out but my babies do not live in the carriers), they don't cost very much, and at that age the babies are still light enough to wear them without the hip support (like the Ergo has). When they are 6-8 months old, I transfer them to the Ergo.


This has worked very well for us.


With pouches and ring slings, the babies just don't seem to sit comfortably in them. With the Moby wrap, I felt like it took forever to get baby in....and if I had to readjust when in a store, that would be a pain. Ergo's and Infantino's are quick and easy.

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I used a New Native sling for my last two when they were infants. As they moved into babyhood, I started using the Ergo carrier, and fell in love. I do not drive, so it is crucial for a carrier to be comfortable to use over some decent distances (sometimes five-mile walks in a day, while pushing a stroller). And, I should add, my babies get big quick -- my almost-11-month old is over 20 pounds already. The Ergo has been wonderful --I don't know what I would do without it! I don't strain my back, my babe is comfortable, and I can fasten it really easily all by myself. Good luck finding the right carrier; baby gear can be overwhelming! Isn't it nice to have so many options? And a little bit not. :001_smile:

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Kinderpack. Its an SSC like an ergo but SO much better. These are sized so be sure to figure out what size you want. There are also two options for infants so read up on that to decide which you would prefer. You should be able to find all that info here. I haven't used a kinderpack with an infant yet since I didn't find it until after my youngest was 18 months. I am definitely getting an infant sized one for the next baby though. I love this carrier so much. I have also owned the Beco, Boba, Angelpack, Mei Tais, and a few slings.


I loved my Moby for the itty bitty stage. The extra fabric never bothered me. Mei Tais are also good. My favorite can be found on etsy and is made by Sweet Slings. If you don't know about Mei Tais they are kind of a mix between a wrap and a soft structured carrier.

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For young babies my favorite by far is the BabyHawk mei tai. You can find them used on craigslist and such fora good price. Very very adjustable for short people..I'm 5ft tall so I know what you mean. I have no torso at all. I also like that it has the adjustability like a moby, but less hot fabric.


I also have a Babies Beyond Borders half buckle toddler carrier, but it would be too much for a newborn. I also want one of the structured carriers made by the makers of the babyhalk, the Oh Snap, but can't afford another carrier.

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Maybe I had a bad ring sling? It was Dr. Sears brand with padded sides. Baby and I both hated it.


That K'tan looks interesting....


The K'tan is WONDERFUL!


I had it for my third. I LOVE how it distributes weight, and the variety of holds it allows. And it's comfy and cute. We used it a lot!


Once we reached the toddler stage, we too, like The Reader, switched to an Ergo. Also love, love, love it -- but for a baby I like having them up front.


I had a really old-school denim ring sling (the one with the padded top and the picture of the lady with big hair on the package - anyone else remember that?) w/ my oldest and we got lots and lots of use out of it. For my middle I ordered a "custom" sling from a WAHM online. It didn't really fit, couldn't be adjusted, and so that baby just didn't get worn a lot. But the K'tan was by far my favorite!


I actually pulled it out recently when my "baby" (at 18 mos) was sick and I thought she'd benefit from the closer, front hold.

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The K'tan is WONDERFUL!


I had it for my third. I LOVE how it distributes weight, and the variety of holds it allows. And it's comfy and cute. We used it a lot!


Once we reached the toddler stage, we too, like The Reader, switched to an Ergo. Also love, love, love it -- but for a baby I like having them up front.


I had a really old-school denim ring sling (the one with the padded top and the picture of the lady with big hair on the package - anyone else remember that?) w/ my oldest and we got lots and lots of use out of it. For my middle I ordered a "custom" sling from a WAHM online. It didn't really fit, couldn't be adjusted, and so that baby just didn't get worn a lot. But the K'tan was by far my favorite!


I actually pulled it out recently when my "baby" (at 18 mos) was sick and I thought she'd benefit from the closer, front hold.


Oh!! The Over the Shoulder Baby Holder. I have one and I remember the pic of the lady on the packaging. Mine is the Noah's Ark print and upstairs in my closet. I haven't used it since my 2nd child was a little baby though. I switched to a soler (sp?) veil ring sling for the other kids.


I'm personally looking at getting a Ergo for baby number 4. I need to be able to do back carries while doiong housework and while being outside this summer. I usually carry dd on my hip while I do chores, but it's just annoying. The ring sling was GREAT for when she was a tiny infant though.

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I really loved my Babyhawk for the first four months - could not have functioned without it! Now it doesn't get as much use because we are in love with our woven wrap (currently only have a Girasol Santa Fe in a size 7 but I'm lusting after a Didymos Aqua Waves and another Girasol - either a snow or night rainbow). Wovens are a little tougher to master in the beginning but I find it much more comfortable, not to mention that they come in lots of pretty colors and designs.


The BH was easier to use with a newborn (IMO) and it is great for quick trips into the store. If I'm going to be wearing for longer than about 30 or 40 minutes and/or doing something (dishes, laundry etc) I definitely prefer the woven - baby feels much more secure. I can bend over and pick up stuff and do all sorts of things without disturbing him if he is sleeping. Added bonus: the magical ability of the woven that makes you forget that you're carrying around a baby still works with older kids (my 2.5 year old still loves to get wrapped up at least once a week - it is a very soothing ritual for him).

Edited by theAmbitiousHousewife
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