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She did it!


My homeschooled third grade through high school, oldest dd got in to her first choice university! She has been accepted to one of the best animation programs in the country.


I am going to be a little snotty here, and less than Christian, and say that out of the five high school seniors in in our congregation who applied to this school she is the only one who was accepted. Out of the 23 high school seniors in the larger congregation who applied to the school, only 5 were accepted, including one other homeschooler. There are two moms in this group who flat out told me that dd would never get in because her education was "only homeschool" and everyone knows that I can give her any grade I want. These two moms told me that dd shouldn't even apply because everyone knows that homeschooling is a joke and she should stay at community college because she wouldn't know what to do at a real university. To those ladies I want to say.....HA! Snappy comeback, I know.


OK, now that I have been gloat-ish among friends, I will be able to be sympathetic and kind tomorrow. I might even save the obnoxious happy dance that I have been working on for a few years. It is an interpretive dance piece that evokes the pain and agony of the years 13-15 where every time she was sassy to me in public, one of the moms would say; "Do you think she is like that because you homeschool?" The next part of the dance will show the frustration when these moms would ask me who my daughter is dating and then shake their heads sympathetically as they pointed out that it is hard to find a guy when you are homeschooled. There will be joyous parts of the dance when we depict how she passed the proficiency exam and went to community college and ended up on the dean's list, but the climax will come when she gets her acceptance a week after everyone else received their notification.




Is the happy dance too much?


Is there a "hey girl" photo for how I am feeling? I am feeling like; "Yes! I did not ruin your life by homeschooling!"


I don't think I was this excited when I got into college.


Amber in SJ

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She did it!


My homeschooled third grade through high school, oldest dd got in to her first choice university! She has been accepted to one of the best animation programs in the country.


I am going to be a little snotty here, and less than Christian, and say that out of the five high school seniors in in our congregation who applied to this school she is the only one who was accepted. Out of the 23 high school seniors in the larger congregation who applied to the school, only 5 were accepted, including one other homeschooler. There are two moms in this group who flat out told me that dd would never get in because her education was "only homeschool" and everyone knows that I can give her any grade I want. These two moms told me that dd shouldn't even apply because everyone knows that homeschooling is a joke and she should stay at community college because she wouldn't know what to do at a real university. To those ladies I want to say.....HA! Snappy comeback, I know.


OK, now that I have been gloat-ish among friends, I will be able to be sympathetic and kind tomorrow. I might even save the obnoxious happy dance that I have been working on for a few years. It is an interpretive dance piece that evokes the pain and agony of the years 13-15 where every time she was sassy to me in public, one of the moms would say; "Do you think she is like that because you homeschool?" The next part of the dance will show the frustration when these moms would ask me who my daughter is dating and then shake their heads sympathetically as they pointed out that it is hard to find a guy when you are homeschooled. There will be joyous parts of the dance when we depict how she passed the proficiency exam and went to community college and ended up on the dean's list, but the climax will come when she gets her acceptance a week after everyone else received their notification.




Is the happy dance too much?


Is there a "hey girl" photo for how I am feeling? I am feeling like; "Yes! I did not ruin your life by homeschooling!"


I don't think I was this excited when I got into college.


Amber in SJ


But, shhhhhh, don't tell Dick Cavett. :tongue_smilie:

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But, shhhhhh, don't tell Dick Cavett. :tongue_smilie:


OK, now I'm picturing the dance in a faded bathrobe!


I'm so delighted for you and your family, Amber. And I don't think you're being snotty at all (though if you were, just a little, it would certainly be justified).

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And let those other moms eat dirt!!! :D


BTW, it doesn't count as gloating if they were snotty first. Rub their noses in it... in a kind and Christian way, of course... :tongue_smilie:


Practice with me... "I'm so excited that my dd was accepted into the X program -- and what's even better is that she and your dd will be going there together!" Pause and smile and wait (the pause is important for dramatic effect,) and then say, "What??? Your dd wasn't accepted? That's such a SHAME... I thought she was smart enough to get in... maybe you should have homeschooled her..." And then smile sympathetically.


Repeat with next snotty mom.

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