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Ok, who drives the babysitter?

Who is generally expected to transport the babysitter?  

  1. 1. Who is generally expected to transport the babysitter?

    • The parents of the babysitter
    • The parents of the children being babysat
    • Other

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when my older's were young, I picked up the babysitter and took her home. the only time I didn't was when they were old enough to drive themself.


Now, I rarely use a babysitter, and they are generally friends of my girls. They have access to a car, and drive themselves.

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Other: When I babysat, when I hired babysitters and now that my dds babysit, it is typical to sort of split driving duties. The parents of the babysitter drop off the baby-sitter and parents of the kids drive the babysitter home.


This is how we've done it when the sitter doesn't drive.

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When we had to have babysitters more often, we always picked up and dropped off.

Now, it's rare that I need a sitter with 3 dc who are babysitting age. When I do need one, I'm lucky to live in a neighborhood with lots of other teens, and they walk.

If I need an overnight sitter, I either go pick up my cousin downtown (he's in grad school and doesn't have a car -- he's 29), or an adult friend usually drives their car. The exception would be a family that I know with 2 adult children at home, both of whom I would trust with my dc overnight, but they and their dad usually share the one working car to get themselves to their jobs (the mom is home, but has lots of medical issues/appointments which also need the car). So I'd probably have to go get the sitter in that case, too.

If my dc took a non-walking babysitting job, I'd usually have to have the parents pick up and drop off. I'm not able to drop the schedules of the other dc so that my child can provide a service to someone.

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Generally, when I baby-sat, the parents of the children would pick me up and drive me home. Occasionally, my parents would drop me off, but that happened more often when I baby-sat regularly over a summer, so it was more like a real job (like McDonald's or something). For occasional evening jobs, the parents of the children would almost always pick me up and drop me off. I have not hired a sitter yet, but if I did, I would probably expect the same -- for the occasional evening job, DH or I would pick up and drop off the sitter, but for a daily thing, I'd probably expect the sitter to find her own transportation to my house so that I didn't have to drag all of the kids out first thing in the morning.

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I put other, because I really think it depends on who makes the arrangements. I will say though that I was put in a very bad situation when I was a teenager. I babysat alot and the parents I babysat for usually brought me home (my parents usually dropped me off). I was babysitting for a new family and the husband came home and went to drop me off and he had very obviously been drinking. I was too afraid to say something and was petrified the whole way home.

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I think responsibility of dropping off are with the parents who need the baby sitting. Its the babysitters job to get to his/her job.


When I was 13 I remember running home from my baby sitting jobs. The dads offered to walk me home but I preferred to run.

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Thank you for all the replies. To address a few issues: my daughter only sits for family friends or people from church that we know very very well. As in been in their home more than a few times. The dads do not drive my daughter alone. Either the mom does or the oldest child comes along. This is what we did when we hired sitters too. I am 100% sure that she will never be driven home by someone who has been drinking. We are LDS and at this point she has only ever sat for LDS families again that we know well.


If at some point she sits for someone else who Im not sure wont be drinking or would send the dad with her alone then we would of course go get her. But this would be for our comfort and not because the parents expected it. That's what surprises me. It is the ones who expect me to drive her.

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Other. Depends on who it is and if we are going to have drinks with dinner. I will not drive someone's child in my car if I have had alcohol. I remember too many situations when I was a babysitter of being in a car with a parent who I realized had been drinking too much....after I was in the car. I do make arrangements with the parents, not just the sitter in this situation. If there are a change in plans, I contact the parent and let them know.



The reason I keep intouch with the parents:


1. I once had a sitter call us home from an event that we bought tickets to, because she was "sick". The next day we found out that she had her per*od and didn't have supplies with her. Instead of just grabbing supplies from my bathroom, she called us home a few hours early. He mother was so mad at her, because she didn't try to solve the problem. Since that event, I make sure to be more in touch with the parents.


2. When I was a teenager, I used to have my boyfriend pick me up from babysitting and then we woud go to his house for a few hours before coming home. My parents were in bed, so they had no idea when I was getting there. My parents didn't know.

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