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Washing machine poll, WOO HOO!

Do I need a new washing machine????  

  1. 1. Do I need a new washing machine????

    • YES! You are clearly one of those people wearing a potato sack tied with a rope right now!
    • No, try this first...(please explain)
    • I know a good priest who could perform an exorcism on it.
    • I like polls and/or other

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I have a washer that I bought almost 13 years ago. A couple of years ago it started shaking when the load wasn't full enough. I tried to avoid small loads as much as possible, rearranged stuff when it started shaking, and DH put a bar in front of it so it wouldn't move too far. Which was a pain, but worked for awhile.


Now it's gotten to the point where it shakes no matter what. Pretty violently. I am a little worried it's posessed....:lol:. I actually thought I could go down there and hold it while it shook, and maybe read a book at the same time....but that didn't really work....! It did, relieve my constipation, which was good ;).


DH tried to do a couple of things to it, but nothing is working.


Should I give in and get a new one, or what?

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Now it's gotten to the point where it shakes no matter what. Pretty violently. ?


mine did this when the bearings went out - not repairable - get a new one ASAP! I used mine while waiting for the new one to come (ordered online), and then it started smoking - so NO more until the new one came. fortunately, it was just a few days.


eta:it was screaching when it started to send off the smell of something burning. - this was after I had two different repairment out to look - both said the exact same thing. bearings, cost $1000 to fix, cheaper to just buy a new machine. it's the only time I've ever bought an extended warranty. and they paid . . . . (more than they wanted to.)

Edited by gardenmom5
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Our washer (that I loved) died last fall. Because we had people living in our basement using it, I didn't want to spend the $$$ on the one I really wanted, and asked the repair man if he had any suggestions of where to get a used one. He gave me a guy's name who refurbished machines, and I got a decent one for only $120.


I'd find a guy in your area that does the same, load up my washer and bring it in to him. Maybe he can do a quick fix on yours (otherwise, maybe he'll keep it for parts and give you a few bucks off a refurbished one) or sell you one that won't shake the foundation of your house :)

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I would stop using it until it's fixed or until you can get a new one.


Just last week ours started smoking, and filled the house with an awful burnt smell. It had been making a very loud noise during the spin cycle for a few months. It was 11 years old and I knew it was not worth getting fixed so I ignored it, knowing it would die soon. I am just really glad we were home when it happened so we could get it unplugged quickly!

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Well, phooey, you didn't give us time to actually form an opinion! :tongue_smilie:


I was going to suggest that the drum is not working properly and to google it.


When our washer stopped working, DH googled it and youtubed it and found that many people had the same issue. It took a saudering iron and a little moving wires around in the computer panel, but it has worked fine ever since and that was 4 years ago.


Enjoy your new machine.

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Try calling a repairman. Make sure he is old. Why? Young repairman tend to overcharge. Older one are a bit kinder and tend to fix things with a minimum of fuss and charge what is appropriate... well, this has been my experience anyway.... :D


:lol: My DH is young, repairs AC/heat/refrigeration/water heaters, and he will undercharge if the people are nice to him and respect him. He will charge full price to people who are rude. ;)


ETA: I voted exorcism because I am totally unhelpful and I thought it was funny.

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:lol: My DH is young, repairs AC/heat/refrigeration/water heaters, and he will undercharge if the people are nice to him and respect him. He will charge full price to people who are rude. ;)


ETA: I voted exorcism because I am totally unhelpful and I thought it was funny.



Can he come fix my fridge? I'm in GA. Last repairman told me it was a $800 fix and to get a new fridge. 3 out of 4 said hubby could do it. Hubby is not fridge-handy.

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ok can you tell if a repairman is old over the phone or do you just say "Excuse me, but are you an old geezer repairman or are you a young stud repairman?"




Just ask him what his favorite Lawrence Welk album is....then it will be obvious!

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Oh yes, VERY helpful! :D


DH has had it with the whole situation, and I happened to see a good sale going on and we just bought a new set.


Now we can just sit back and wait for the next appliance to die!!!


Thanks for the suggestions!

I'm sure it was my helfulness that helped your helpless situation.... so, you're welcome! ;) :D


(Well, I should give some "help" credit to 3peaseinapod! :001_smile:)



Enjoy your new set, I hope it last for a long time!

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