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Exercise thread 2/12-2/18

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Going to the Y in a few minutes. It's been about 3 weeks since I've been there, so I don't expect a huge amount, but at least I"ll get in the exercise! I'm writing this so I remember to keep up with this thread and post what I do... :D




ETA: I went to the Y with my ds18 and dd. I started out on the stairclimber, but at only 5 floors my bothersome arm was giving me fits. Not sure why, so I stopped that and decided just to walk and jog. I got in 3 1/2 miles before the "kids" wanted to go. When we got home, I did another 1 1/2 miles to total 5. So yay, got going again, and it felt really GOOD! :D



*Arm: My left upper arm/shoulder has been bothering me for a couple or 3 months now. My family Practice Doc says it's Rotator Cuff Tendinitis, my chiropractor said it's a pinched nerve thing in my neck that's causing "transfer pain". Both gave me exercises to do. I had a couple days (Thursday and Friday) where it didn't bother me much at all, even when I slept on that side at night. But yesterday it started hurting again and I didn't sleep well at all last night cuz it hurt.


So, not sure what to do about it, but exercising hasn't gone well lately because of it....

Edited by Brindee
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Sunday - nothing. My legs were still so sore - after standing on stage for worship team practice and praise and worship (so from like 9:30-11:30 Sunday morning), I could barely walk. :( They're feeling a bit better today.

I do have new shoes, I just forgot to wear them. I know that sounds ridiculous. :tongue_smilie: I've just had the others so long, it's just habit. I forgot I even had the new ones. I still have trouble thinking it's shin splints, though, because I've never had this problem when running/jogging before, even just a couple of months ago. This leads me to believe its related to the fall, some deep bruising still maybe? Hoping it will go away soon.

Because I didn't want to do anything too high impact because of the shins, I did some 'healing yoga' today. It was nice, I guess. ...Yawn... but I figured something that was a lot of stretching would be good for the sore legs.

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Ya, I watched some previews for that program a few weeks back, but they didn't really give me a feel for how intense it is. I've asked DH to get me Insanity for my birthday, so if it's not at least as intense as that then I'm going to hang onto my money. :p

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On Sunday I did Tracy Anderson post pg DVD. Those full pikes are still really hard. I will say that in Jillian's 6Week 6 Pack DVD, she only does half pikes. I think that's funny.


Yesterday, I didn't work out.


This morning I forced myself to do 20 minutes of Denise Austin yoga and then did level 8 of Tracy. I was going to also do cardio, but couldn't find my mojo. I got sick Sunday evening from gluten and I'm still feeling it.

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Today I did:

Iron Yoga - I really like this and need to do it more often. I didn't do the entire DVD this morning.





That looks like it has my name all over it!







Woke up with a massive headache this morning, so my "workout" was getting an extra 2 hours of sleep. I figured it was probably just as important for my health as any JM or BH workout. :p


Sleep is *my* most important health factor.




Sunday: rest

Monday: 8 mile run. 100pushups week2 day1. Hip strengthening exercises.

Tuesday: 60 min core strength yoga. Hip strengthening exercises.

Wednesday: 80 min on the NordicTrack xc ski machine. 100 pushups Week2 day2 (71 total)


Okay, what are hip strengthening exercises? Should all women be doing them, you know like all women should do kegels?

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Okay, what are hip strengthening exercises? Should all women be doing them, you know like all women should do kegels?


I am doing these 3 exercises http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-241-286--13410-0,00.html


I have become convinced that many/most runners have relatively weak hips, which result in a myriad of lower leg injuries (knees, IT band, etc). I have used a number of PT assigned hip strengthening exercises in the past, but I have recently adopted this particular regimen for the time being as a simple and quick regimen.


I am currently injury free (WOOHOO!) and running healthy, but I am doing them preventatively to protect my legs, as I am running 30ish miles per week -- which is my personal peak mileage thus far in my running career -- and I will be building to close to 40 in coming weeks as my marathon training peaks. As one increases running mileage (both weekly mileage and long run mileage, both of which I am now increasing), the stress on the body peaks and injury potential increases. I have paid my dues building my base and building a healthy body, but I am still on the watch during this training phase for ways to maximize my body's resilience and strength, thus the cross-training, strength-training, etc.


So, among many other things I do to try to keep my body healthy for running, I have added these exercises to my weekly regimen. I am trying to do them as often as possible, at least 3x per week.


I don't know if weak hips are a problem for non-runners. Running seems to bring out your weakspots, lol. So, maybe everyone has weak hips, and runners are just the ones who pay the price, lol.

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That looks like it has my name all over it!


Yes, I really like the Iron Yoga DVD. Sometimes I hesitate to recommend DVDs. Like books, they can be a bit subjective. :tongue_smilie: It's a good workout, I think.


Sleep is *my* most important health factor.


Yes, hence why I did nothing today. I slept a lot. My body needed it.


Okay, what are hip strengthening exercises? Should all women be doing them, you know like all women should do kegels?

I do lots of stretches when I'm good. I recently got some Classical Stretch DVDs and was hoping to start today. I'm very excited about those. Lots of focus on hips and other parts.

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This morning was a light run for 30 minutes.



Tina, I'm wanting to try this Bar DVDs because you keep talking about them. :001_smile:


I am loving them! :D I think it's been about two weeks since I did my first one and I can feel the difference. I feel stronger, taller, have developed some visible definition in my arms...and I've noticed an added benefit probably better for another thread :lol:



Thur. - Bar Change Your Body

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Taking a few days off. Think I will try to figure out this pinterest thing in the meantime!


I am in the middle of P90X2 Phase 2 but I think I am going to restart Foundation. I did it for 3 weeks. I think I am going to do it for 6 weeks and throw in Month 1 Insanity workouts. I got a lot out of those Foundation workouts.

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I just did a Classical Stretch workout. Loved it :D. They're each 25 minutes long. Perfect for busy days. When I have time, I plan on doing another workout OR doing 2 Classical Stretch workouts.




Just a few of the many, many benefits of stretching and yoga-type workouts:

Enhances body awareness, coordination, concentration, and sense of balance.

Soothes headaches

Helps prevent osteoporosis and is great for overall bone and joint health.

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Sunday: rest

Monday: 8 mile run. 100pushups week2 day1. Hip strengthening exercises.

Tuesday: 60 min core strength yoga. Hip strengthening exercises.

Wednesday: 80 min on the NordicTrack xc ski machine. 100 pushups Week2 day2 (71 total)


Thursday: 5 mile marathon pace run

Friday: 75 min hill walk + 100 PushUps Wk2Day3

Saturday: 17 mile run

Edited by StephanieZ
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