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Okay, can anyone answer my questions re: tablet devices

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How do tablet devices work?


What is the difference between an iPad 2 and a Kindle Fire?


Is a Nook Color similar to a Kindle Fire?


Do you feel Kindle and Nook are made cheaply in order to allow for upgrading to the next best thing?


If money were no object which tablet device would you by and why?


Is content stored in the cloud?


Is a tablet device better than a laptop if one is on the road a lot? In this case it is best to have the 3G option, right?


Are the 3G plans about the same price as the data plans for smart phones?


Is there anything else that is important to know before purchase?

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I have a Nook Color; it is similar to the Kindle Fire. Target has the Kindle Fire and Barnes and Noble has the Nook. Go and play with them to see what you can do with each. They are different than an ipad. The ipad has better ease of use and more functionality. Even then, an ipad does not replace a laptop if you're using it for work, IMO.

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While I am unable to answer all of your questions, I can toss in a few cents worth of first hand knowledge.


I own an Archos 101 tablet. I am typing this message on my laptop but I am listening to the BBC from the tablet.


There are enough free networks out there so that I do not feel the need for the 3G option--but then I do not require a constant connection. When I spend the day running errands, I usually bring the tablet with me if I am awaiting some news from someone. Between the library or Panera, I can go online.


Whether you store info in "the cloud" is your personal choice. I do not believe that this is device dependent, is it?


The Archos is highly portable. Like Kindles and Nooks, one does not have to remove it from one's bag when going through TSA. I travel so this in an issue for me. But tablets are hard to type on if you want to write a longer message. For this reason I also have a silicone keyboard made by GrandTec which I use when I am on the road. Not all tablets have USB ports though--my Archos does so that I can connect the keyboard to the device but my husband's tablet lacks a USB.


My husband was recently given a Kindle Fire. We think that the graphics card is better than the ones in our tablets. If your purpose is movie watching, maybe that is an issue. I am reading my first book on the Kindle. Better than I thought it would be (which is why I have not downloaded a Kindle app on my tablet). I won't abandon paper though.


I am not a techie at heart though so I have not explored all of the things one can do with a Kindle Fire or even the tablet that I have owned for about a year. I can tell you that I use my tablet regularly as a media device (I really like listening to the BBC) and I keep knitting instruction PDFs on it.


I should add that the Archos may not be as user friendly as the Kindle or Nook. My geek husband sets up these things for me.

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My kids have Nook Colors. They are nice, but I am an Apple person and they just do not compare to Apple functionality, IMHO. They freeze and mess up a lot. It's hard to navigate to find your materials, etc. They are good for the price, but if you have the money, I definitely say get the iPad. Kindle Fire seems to have the biggest issues of any I looked up, as far as it being mostly a device for your Amazon purchases. BUT Kindle books are much easier to find cheap/free. Nook books are expensive in comparison.

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I have a Nook color and an iPad. My Nook is not the latest tablet one put out by B&N; so, I can't directly compare the Nook tablet (if that's what it actually is) to any other tablet.


I like both of them for different reasons. Both can access the internet easily and are fairly easy for this non-techy person to use. The iPad is easier to use when on the Internet because the screen and keyboard are bigger. I only really access the internet on my Nook when I want to buy a book.


I think the Nook is similar to the Kindle Fire. I'm sure a search here will reveal threads about each of them.


I would NOT use a tablet device for work or any time I needed to do a lot of typing. An actual keyboard is better for that.


I haven't thought that the Nook i own was cheaply made because there are automatic software updates and it's fine for how I use it which is strictly as an e-reader. I also have not had any complaints about the battery life of either my Nook Color (which is just over a year old) or my iPad. I generally leave my iPad at home when I'm on duty (a)so dh has a device downstairs to access the internet if he needs to and (b) I also have a little netbook I take to work to complete my patient reports and noodle around on. I do take my Nook to work.


I think if one plans on traveling on the road a lot one would like either the 3G or air card option (I don't think a tablet device has an option for an air card) regardless of whether one has a laptop or tablet.


Basically, the iPad (or any tablet) is a smaller computer and the Nook (at least my Nook Color) is an e-reader. Different devices with different functions. I think I've managed to write a book without addressing any of your specific questions. :tongue_smilie:


Oh, I meant to say that you can download a Nook app for your iPad and have an account with B& N without owning a Nook. I find the iPad very intuitive and easy to use...except for typing long responses.

Edited by brehon
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I can't answer all of your questions, but I can tell you our experience. I have recently purchased a Le Pan tablet from Wal-mart online. I love it. I told everyone it was my Christmas present to myself for 198, but I really bought it for some school use and for my dh.


My dh has recently moved on to reading glasses and he is developing some hand issues from too many years of computer usage. He can keep it under control, but when he wants to search or use the computer at home, it's back to the mouse, at least until our Le Pan.


The Le Pan is the same size as the ipad and works beautifully. The only problem we've had with freezing is because my 6 and 8 year olds open up a bunch of games over time and never close them. Not a problem really, it's only happened about 3 times total since December, and it's used daily.


My dh can search anywhere comfortably, not stress his hands, and he can enlarge the screen easily. It's fabulous. Also, my kids have loaded it with tons of games, some of which are chess and logic games. This is huge for us because my 6 year old loves chess, checkers, and games in general and now he always has someone to play with.


I'm still investigating how to use it for more school related activities but I very rarely get my hands on it, and when I do, I'm usually lying in bed watching netflix or hulu on it. Hulu's quality isn't so great, but netflix and the videos from the android market are good enough for me and my dh.


Right now, the kids do math drill on the Le Pan, but I know there's more educational stuff out there. I just need to find it.


Overall, I'm more than pleased.


By the way, for 280 on amazon, you can get the Le Pan II and the Le Pan III will be coming out in a year or so. I'm going to skip the Le Pan II and probably get me a Le Pan III once the kinks are worked out. There seems to be a trend of software glitches when new android tablets come out. I'm okay with that, considering I'm not a huge follower of the apple products.



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I think it's more of a personal computer with a different type of interface. Don't know if this makes sense, but your programs (apps) are right up close and one click away. So it's all about the apps.


Some people type on them and students in my LTOW class type essays on their ipads and forward their essays to their computers for printing. That would drive me nuts; I need my pc or laptop for that type of use.


To me it's all about the apps. Ipad has more and better apps, but they don't have flash.

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I have the ipad 2 and it allows you to hook up a bluetooth keyboard to it to type those longer messages. I use my ipad much more than my laptop and netbook now especially with my bluetooth apple keyboard.


If I had the choice I would get the ipad, it allows you to download both the kindle and nook app so you can buy books from anywhere, plus it's ease of use is stellar and it really is like a mini pc.


I use this stand and it's perfect. http://store.apple.com/us/product/H6353ZM/A?fnode=MjA1MTEyODY When you are not using the keyboard the stand folds around it for storage.

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I have a Nook Color and have previously owned a Nook Simple Touch Reader. I also have some exposure to Kindle devices, though have never owned one. So, I can answer any questions related to those two Nook products.


I believe a Nook Color is more of an ereader (though it certainly has some tablet capabilities) and the Kindle Fire is more of a tablet. I think the Nook Tablet is closer to the Nook "equivalent" of the Kindle Fire.

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I have a Nook Color and have previously owned a Nook Simple Touch Reader. I also have some exposure to Kindle devices, though have never owned one. So, I can answer any questions related to those two Nook products.


I believe a Nook Color is more of an ereader (though it certainly has some tablet capabilities) and the Kindle Fire is more of a tablet. I think the Nook Tablet is closer to the Nook "equivalent" of the Kindle Fire.

Thanks. I didn't know there is a Nook tablet. One more to check into.

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I have the ipad 2 and it allows you to hook up a bluetooth keyboard to it to type those longer messages. I use my ipad much more than my laptop and netbook now especially with my bluetooth apple keyboard.


If I had the choice I would get the ipad, it allows you to download both the kindle and nook app so you can buy books from anywhere, plus it's ease of use is stellar and it really is like a mini pc.


I use this stand and it's perfect. http://store.apple.com/us/product/H6353ZM/A?fnode=MjA1MTEyODY When you are not using the keyboard the stand folds around it for storage.

Nice. Thanks.

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I have the Kindle Fire, my son has the ipad 2. The ipad definitely has more apps. I find it easier to annotate a pdf on the ipad. I can also print very easily from the ipad using the HP eprint app, which is currently unavailable for the Fire. I don’t use either of these for work, although I guess I could install PC Anywhere or something like it on the ipad. Kindle utilizes cloud storage very extensively, so unless it is downloaded to the Fire, it cannot be accessed if you do not have an internet connection. The ipad can have multiple book reading apps like ibooks, Kindle, nook, etc. but they took away the ability (unless they changed it back) to purchase books from within any app except ibooks.:glare: I HATE the ibooks store. It is much easier to find a book from my Fire through Amazon. The Fire does not have a camera if that makes any difference. I love my Fire, but it is an entertainment device for me. I read, watch netflix and amazon streaming, play a few games, check email, etc. My son’s ipad is also used as an entertainment device, with some education thrown it. Neither of these are used for work. If I needed a tablet for work I would have to look at a Windows based tablet. I use my netbook for work and for homeschooling. I think tablets have a ways to go before they will be useful to me for work or homeschooling, but I think this is where the future lies.

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I have an Ipad2 and I LOVE it!! It really is just a small computer. I can do everything on it that I can on my PC. The apps are amazing. I have both Nook and Kindle on it and use them both. Really, I can't recommended it more highly. Be sure to buy one with enough memory, as you can't add any afterwards.

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I have an iPad2 and a refurbished first generation iPad and love them both. I find myself working on the iPad more than the laptop these days and I don't even have a keyboards for th iPad. I vote iPad for ease of use, availability of countless apps and the maturity of the operating system compared to other tablets on the market. We liked the iPad so much we purchased the second one within 3 months which was supposedly for dh and dd to share. Dh started using it more than his laptop so dd hasn't really been able to use it for school like we planned. I imagine we'll own a third iPad before too long.


Also, I highly recommend buying refurbished from apple online. They have the same warranty as new and you can get more memory for your money. I would also consider waiting to see if the iPad2 refurbished cost goes down when/if the iPad 3 comes out in a month.


I also just have the wifi version and plan to upgrade to a phone that acts as a hotspot.

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