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Victoria’s Secret Model Quits to Reserve Body ‘for My Husband’

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She seems genuine in what she says. Good for her. :)


I wonder if she had to break a contract with VS and maybe as part of the agreement she would explain via the media that her decision not to continue as a VS model had nothing to do with VS.


ETA: I wonder also if she's pregnant or thinking of starting a family ...

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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All the more reason to teach our children that every person is someone's wife or husband, and we should all keep that in mind and act accordingly. The presence of a future spouse in one's life is too late, in my opinion, do "settle down" and stop any foolishness one thinks is okay simply because they're not committed to someone yet.


Yet, we are human, and these things happen. I'm glad she changed her mind, though.

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I read the part about wanting to be a better role model to her young cousin who looked at her and said "I want to stop eating so I can look like you..." That reasoning was more inspiring to me than the "for my husband" bit. Good for her. Maybe she will get other models thinking a little more.

Thus doubling their thinking power.

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Well, Kylie just did some one-way sharing with me via images.google.com, and I believe it to be a big put-on for the sake of PR. What she's done is not that racy, and unless she intends never to go to the beach again sari-less, she's going to be "sharing her skin" with plenty of folks.


I mean, it's good that we don't have major problems to worry about, like evolutionists lacking moral compasses and hubbies proclaiming "We are pregnant!" Don't get me wrong.

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Thanks. ;) I also give short shrift to prostitutes saving themselves for marriage.


Now I'm confused... :confused:


Wait, were you saying you know her well enough to call her a self-absorbed ninny?


That model seems like a sweet woman who means what she is saying. I think she realized she was wrong and decided to correct it. I'm not sure if you are a Christian or not, but I believe in second chances. Doesn't everyone deserve one? Have you ever needed one?

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Will anyone ever figure out that you're just baiting them?


I can tell that you just post this stuff for fun.

It's neat to have such a fan. :D The fact that you don't like me doesn't mean I'm baiting people just for fun. I really truly do think that this model is a self-absorbed ninny. I understand that for people who see this as a wonderful story of redemption, my opinion will be grating-- but that doesn't make it insincere.


Let's get real here. Saving herself? And holding a press conference so every search-engine-using yokel knows about it? :lol::lol::lol:

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It's neat to have such a fan. :D The fact that you don't like me doesn't mean I'm baiting people just for fun. I really truly do think that this model is a self-absorbed ninny. I understand that for people who see this as a wonderful story of redemption, my opinion will be grating-- but that doesn't make it insincere.


Let's get real here. Saving herself? And holding a press conference so every search-engine-using yokel knows about it? :lol::lol::lol:


I don't think she meant saving herself in that sense. She just meant keeping her body for his eyes only.


You really do like to bait people for fun, don't you?

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It's neat to have such a fan. :D The fact that you don't like me doesn't mean I'm baiting people just for fun. I really truly do think that this model is a self-absorbed ninny. I understand that for people who see this as a wonderful story of redemption, my opinion will be grating-- but that doesn't make it insincere.


Let's get real here. Saving herself? And holding a press conference so every search-engine-using yokel knows about it? :lol::lol::lol:


I don't dislike you -- actually, I have agreed with you in quite a few threads lately. (Yet another sign of the apocalypse? Who's to say... :D)


And I also agree that this woman's goal is to get publicity for herself. Otherwise, as another poster mentioned, she would have just told VS that she wouldn't be modeling for them any more (like they would even care!) and not gone out of her way to publicize the notion that she's a Good Christian Girl now. I'm not sure she's a brainless ninny, though -- she seems to have been quite successful at drawing attention to herself and her "announcement."


It would be lovely if she was telling the truth, but I am always skeptical of this sort of thing. (I hope I'm wrong about her, but she seems too interested in letting the world know what she has done -- even though no one ever heard of her before today. And I believe she sees herself as some sort of role model to young girls... who have never heard of her either. Huge ego much???)


Anyway, I was just kidding around with you. I'm sorry if it came across the wrong way. (But I still think you have fun baiting people -- I don't mean that you make things up just to start trouble, just that it's kind of fun to rile people up a little. :D )

Edited by Catwoman
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You really do like to bait people for fun, don't you?

Attack other posters much? I have a right to give my opinion; and that opinion is that this woman is a bit silly, and that it's nonsense that this story is beautiful or even notable in any way, except for its foolishness.


That's not baiting you; it's called "disagreeing with you". That's the way these interweb thingies work; you can post your opinion, and I can post mine.

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I don't dislike you -- actually, I have agreed with you in quite a few threads lately. (Yet another sign of the apocalypse? Who's to say... :D)

Heh heh. I like your style.


I'm not sure she's a brainless ninny, though -- she seems to have been quite successful at drawing attention to herself and her "announcement."

You're right.

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Attack other posters much? I have a right to give my opinion; and that opinion is that this woman is a bit silly, and that it's nonsense that this story is beautiful or even notable in any way, except for its foolishness.


That's not baiting you; it's called "disagreeing with you". That's the way these interweb thingies work; you can post your opinion, and I can post mine.



I actually said that in a tongue in cheek sort of way... I wasn't attacking you at all, although I must point out that you were attacking this model you don't even know (nor have you ever even had a conversation with). Anyway, it's okay if you disagree with me. I just think I'm right. ;)


I feel the story is notable because she is giving up "fame and fortune" (so to speak) to do what is honoring to God and her husband. Not everyone could give up what she is. She did. I think that's awesome.


As far as the prostitute comment, it reminded me of when Jesus forgave the adulterous woman. He said, "Go and sin no more". The model is doing the same thing.

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I suppose it's a nice sentiment, but it's a bit like shutting the barn door after the horse is out. Victoria's Secret can continue to use her photos in their catalogs forevermore, and the photos will be all over the internet until the end of time.


And, because of her statement today, millions more people will now google her in her lingerie and get a nice, healthy, up close and personal look at everything she says she's now saving for her husband.


If she truly doesn't want anymore men gawking at her in her bra and panties, she should have just quietly resigned.



Well said.


When I first read it, I thought "model isn't going to wear lingerie/bikinis anymore? I sure hope she has a back-up career, because the modeling is over."


Then, I kind of wondered why the whole thing was newsworthy at all, unless she just wanted people to google her VS pics.

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Let's get real here. Saving herself? And holding a press conference so every search-engine-using yokel knows about it? :lol::lol::lol:


Interesting. Nowhere in the article linked on page 1 does it mention a press conference. It mentions a twitter message to those on her friends list and an interview with GMA which GMA requested. Is there a different article that says she called a press conference to make her announcement?

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Interesting. Nowhere in the article linked on page 1 does it mention a press conference. It mentions a twitter message to those on her friends list and an interview with GMA which GMA requested. Is there a different article that says she called a press conference to make her announcement?

:lol: It's like a game of telephone.

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It's newsworthy because young people aren't expected to act on principle rather than fulfilling gratuitous desires.


And I'll add that it's more than a little ironic that we, the Hive, can't understand why she would publicly share it. Really? We share if we are getting a dog, eating tacos, trying a new recipe, our sipping Tea in the kitchen this A.M.




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Eh, I think it takes more than a publicity stunt to prove one has high principles. I call it a publicity stunt because there's no reason for her to have explained her refusal to do lingerie. Simply, she could have said, "No, thank you, I am no longer interested in that line of work. I'm focusing in other areas of modeling."


Who'd have cared about that?


Exactly. No one, except maybe her agent.


(In a weird way, it's like she's probably grabbing more male attention now then before she made the proclamation about saving bodies and husbands and all that.)


Anyway, ten years from now, if she hasn't had six different relationships, at least 14 compromising photographs, and 2 marriages in between, then I'll consider that she really meant what she said, about saving herself for one man. Otherwise, it just looks to me as an attempt to call more attention to herself (and her piety).

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Of course her body is hers.


Of course my body is mine.


Some women, such as myself, also think their body is their husbands too.


Fwiw. I also think my dh's body is mine.:)




Always great to find that some folks have to take a nice story and wring every bit of perceived nasty out of it that they can.


I'm just going to take it at face value and assume the girl developed some respect for herself and her husband. I'll respect her enough not to knock her decision or google her underwear ads.

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Always great to find that some folks have to take a nice story and wring every bit of perceived nasty out of it that they can.


I'm just going to take it at face value and assume the girl developed some respect for herself and her husband. I'll respect her enough not to knock her decision or google her underwear ads.


Well said!

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Ok, but none of this is changing my impression that this is a publicity stunt for positive attention and affirmation. Please don't misunderstand: it's not her motives for this change that I'm questioning. What I'm questioning is her need to share this repeatedly, over many forms of media, in a big spotlight.


Like I said in my last post, she could have refrained from modeling lingerie without all the hype. I'd have respected her a good deal more had she simply and quietly changed her habits, without calling attention to her reasons. It screams to me, "Hey! Look at me! See how godly I'm being?"


Now, she's set herself up for all kinds of ridicule if (when) she falters at some point. Whether she ends up divorced and remarried, or has another change of heart, she, and her cause, are going to get skewered.

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Ok, but none of this is changing my impression that this is a publicity stunt for positive attention and affirmation. Please don't misunderstand: it's not her motives for this change that I'm questioning. What I'm questioning is her need to share this repeatedly, over many forms of media, in a big spotlight.


Like I said in my last post, she could have refrained from modeling lingerie without all the hype. I'd have respected her a good deal more had she simply and quietly changed her habits, without calling attention to her reasons. It screams to me, "Hey! Look at me! See how godly I'm being?"


Now, she's set herself up for all kinds of ridicule if (when) she falters at some point. Whether she ends up divorced and remarried, or has another change of heart, she, and her cause, are going to get skewered.

I think you are right, in that, you and I would respect her more for that..... we see a certain depth and courage in in not seeking the limelight. I wonder though about the tween/teen and young adult population. I do not think she is looking for "moms" to respect her...I think she is looking for tween/teens/and young adults to.


In light of that I do think she is setting a good example. Her audience responds to this type of hero worship. Now, she has given the younger's a role model to say, "I can be beautiful without seeking to be oversexualized."


I do not admired grandstanding, same issue with Tebow, but at 14 that would have been a great message to hear in the mainstream.

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Always great to find that some folks have to take a nice story and wring every bit of perceived nasty out of it that they can.


I'm just going to take it at face value and assume the girl developed some respect for herself and her husband. I'll respect her enough not to knock her decision or google her underwear ads.


Need a new best friend?


And now, frustrated, I walk away wondering why I ever leave the K-8 or high school boards. Turns out I don't enjoy this bickering after all. Sigh.

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Maybe she wants to be an example and encouragement to others in the same situation?


That's what I thought, since that's what she said.


Spoken like a true (future) politician! :D


Or like Jesus, who said, "Let your light so shine before others so they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

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I'm not going to debate whether she did it purposely to get more publicity or whether she did it to be a role model. Only she knows her true motives, but I will just throw this out there.... She's 19. Every teenager/young adult that I see these days broadcasts every single thing they do and think on FB and Twitter. I taught a group of teen girls. I'm their friends on FB and follow a few on Twitter. They update constantly everything they think, what they are eating, what song they are listening to right then and there, 100 new pictures of themselves. Given her age, it doesn't surprise me at all that she would tweet that. Just adding another perspective. :)

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I feel like I'm missing something. It's not that I have any problem with her decision, at all, but the idea that she would otherwise be "sharing her body with other men" sounds like ... another profession.


Or maybe it just dawned on her what some boys and men do with pictures of scantily clad girls. :ack2:

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