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S/O Dr. Laura

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the other Dr. Laura thread made me curious. I haven't listened to her for years. So I went to her website

The Dr. Laura Program looking for a list of radio stations that carried her program. I couldn't find it (maybe someone can help me)...so then I thought, oh, I will just download some of her latest podcast or listen to the archieve shows...but oh, I have to PAY for those??? Good grief. Can anybody help me here to let me know what radio stations in what cities carry her program. I can get many stations using my ipod...thanks.

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She used the "n" word repeatedly. About the President.]


Well, she ended the show for me (the one time I heard her) when she repeatedly used the phrase " the penis enters the vagina" while berating a man from India, whose English was not perfect. Had something to do with a massive changes in social responsibilities once the [that phrase].


This made her sound like an infra-dig fist pounder, but I'm sure she laughed alllllllllllllllllllllllll the way to the bank when people thought poorly of her.

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I am not a subscriber to satellite, so I am trying to not have to pay to hear her...is that possible??


I couldn't figure out a way to listen anymore.


I used to listen but I definitely don't agree with all that she says and I don't intend to pay for her podcasts so I haven't heard her since she switched.

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I think she lost a LOT of listeners when people wised up to the fact that she throws her doctorate around as if it is relevant to her show when in fact her doctorate is in Physiology. She is more qualified to tell you what effect insulin has on rats than what you should do with your life.


(She later went back to school for a Master's Degree in counseling. I still believe that she should be more upfront about her education. I also believe her to be a massive media wh0re who will say anything if it makes money/garners ratings.) :glare:

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Yep, pretty sure you have to pay in some way or another to listen to her now. She's burned her bridges with a lot of her advertisers.


I didn't hear the N-word call (though reading that transcript I can see that a lot of her critics engaged in a little twisting of half-truths, no?), but I'd stopped listening to her a while before that. I actually agree with about 75-80% of what she says, but she's so offensive in her manner of saying it, that I just couldn't stand to listen anymore. She's deliberately provocative, she's crude and vulgar beyond belief, she would jump all over callers, not let them finish their statements, and go on long diatribes that may or may not have had anything to do with the actual question. Nearly any wife that called about an issue with her husband was accused of being the problem--usually withholding affection or s3x.


And don't even get me started on how out of touch she is about parenting. She had ONE kid, and is really clueless about how to handle parenting situations involving multiple children. I remember one woman called in and said she had 3 tiny children and was too exhausted for s3x at night. Dr. Laura berated and told her that if she didn't start putting out her husband was going to get it elsewhere, blah blah blah. She told her to take a nap during the day. Right. Because THAT is gonna happen with 3 small kids running around.

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No, I don't think that's right. The "n" word, yes, but wasn't it in a rhetorical way? I don't recall it having anything to to with the president.

Sorry. My mistake. Not about the President. But she did mention the President. Thank you, Mrs. Mungo for the transcript :). Just using the the "n" word is terrible in and of itself. Really and truly turned me off. I heard her tone of voice also. Did not help matters. :glare:


Many years ago, I used to listen to her for at least 3 hours a day. As is always the case, I didn't agree with her all the time. I read almost all of her books and subscribed to her magazine. Dh and I met her and we have a photo of us together. This was before she got all political. I watched her very short-lived TV show. We even have her board game which we've never played. :tongue_smilie:

Once she got political, I started to get turned off. But then the politics went over the top and her messages became more hateful and negative. Really turned me off. I don't think I could listen to her again.


Well, she ended the show for me (the one time I heard her) when she repeatedly used the phrase " the penis enters the vagina" while berating a man from India, whose English was not perfect. Had something to do with a massive changes in social responsibilities once the [that phrase].

This made her sound like an infra-dig fist pounder, but I'm sure she laughed alllllllllllllllllllllllll the way to the bank when people thought poorly of her.

Yes, she can be horribly rude and insensitive. She just got worse and worse. Went over her head.

She converted to Judaism and said the most horrible things about Jewish women. You just don't do that, IMHO. If I have a negative experience, I can't imagine going on air and saying such mean things.


One interesting thing I found was that her staff seldom seemed to stay with her for very long. Very low retention rate. Made me wonder. :confused:


I think she lost a LOT of listeners when people wised up to the fact that she throws her doctorate around as if it is relevant to her show when in fact her doctorate is in Physiology. She is more qualified to tell you what effect insulin has on rats than what you should do with your life.

Cyndi, you and my sister would get along very well. :D She pointed this out to me years ago.


I also believe her to be a massive media wh0re who will say anything if it makes money/garners ratings.)


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  • 3 weeks later...
I didn't hear the N-word call (though reading that transcript I can see that a lot of her critics engaged in a little twisting of half-truths, no?)...


I actually agree with about 75-80% of what she says, but she's so offensive in her manner of saying it, that I just couldn't stand to listen anymore.


:iagree: Same here.

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Years ago, I used to listen to her regularly. I did agree with many of her points, but honestly, I felt that listening to her just brought out a negative, condescending tendency in myself. It was like I was programming myself to think poorly of people, make snap judgements that they were morally inferior and pontificate about my superior beliefs. (Me? I know, you're shocked!:D) Anyway, I just felt that she was feeding a bad part of me and I needed to listen to people with more compassion and mercy.

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I never listened to her, but Good grief!! :eek:


Please read the transcript that Mrs. Mungo linked to on page 2. http://mediamatters.org/blog/201008120045


She did NOT say it about the President. She did not call anyone that word. She said the word was used on cable, by black comedians, and some black people.


You can dislike her and disagree with her all you want. Please just make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. :)

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Please read the transcript that Mrs. Mungo linked to on page 2. http://mediamatters.org/blog/201008120045


She did NOT say it about the President. She did not call anyone that word. She said the word was used on cable, by black comedians, and some black people.


You can dislike her and disagree with her all you want. Please just make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. :)




Personally, I am turned off by Dr. Laura's demeanor even when I feel she is right. However, in regard to this particular call, I don't believe she did anything wrong, and simple use of the "n" word doesn't make one a racist, unless it's used in a certain context.


She was making a valid point, one that Oprah has made, too, I might add, and was demonized for it.


It's amazing how misinformed people are and many don't take the time to research stories for themselves. It's always better to get information that is as authentic as possible and form your own opinions, even when (or maybe especially when) discussing a person you dislike.

Edited by Abigail4476
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Please read the transcript that Mrs. Mungo linked to on page 2. http://mediamatters.org/blog/201008120045

She did NOT say it about the President. She did not call anyone that word. She said the word was used on cable, by black comedians, and some black people.

You can dislike her and disagree with her all you want. Please just make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. :)

I think that using that word, particularly in the tone of voice that she used it (I only heard it once and that was enough) is sufficient. Using that word is racist enough for me. :glare:

That was a very disturbing and horrible conversation.

She yells, she screams, she rants, and raves. She's gotten worse and worse through the years. She started off very humble and sweet when she was only on locally and on very late night radio shows. Her original song was "You've Got a Friend". Then she went more Rush Limbaugh-like, got more and more political (huge mistake), and arrogant, etc. I remember how she screamed at her former DJ once because he played "Imagine". No self-control. :glare:

I do dislike her for this reason in particular, and for several others. This is the main reason. I don't care how she used the n word. She used it and that's more than enough for me. This call, for me, was the last straw. :glare:

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Years ago, I used to listen to her regularly. I did agree with many of her points, but honestly, I felt that listening to her just brought out a negative, condescending tendency in myself. It was like I was programming myself to think poorly of people, make snap judgements that they were morally inferior and pontificate about my superior beliefs. (Me? I know, you're shocked!:D) Anyway, I just felt that she was feeding a bad part of me and I needed to listen to people with more compassion and mercy.


That's exactly why I stopped listening. It's very easy to get into a place where I am always right and everyone else is just stupid. :) To me, she was a good example of legalistic moral law without grace and love.

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