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Need some ideas. Re: gifts for ladies of a certain age

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I have a handful of mature to elderly relatives that I would like to get some kind of small gift to brighten up the winter months.


They all have to be shipped and Amazon does that for free. I'm just out of ideas after Christmas.


So if you were 65+ what is something you'd like but might not necessarily purchase.

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What are their interests? MIL (78 yo) likes her garden, home and cooking. The presents that have gone down the best have been fairly practical things, pretty cake tins or things for her kitchen. We also have a company in the UK that ships very nice, sometimes unusual, plants that are presented beautifully, I've sent MIL an orange plant and an olive tree in the past both of which were well received. I would never dream of getting her anything personal, like toiletries or clothes, as at her age she has very definite tastes which I could not guarantee I'd get right. She's always very grateful for a bottle of anything alcoholic ;).


Hope that helps, I'll keep thinking while I cook tea :001_smile:.


Best wishes



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Birds and Blooms Magazine is very cheerful in the winter months. I've known several ladies in their 70s+ that received them. Plus they get mail that is not a bill. Looks like it is $20 for two years. It may take a month or two to get started though.



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A really good non fragrant hand lotion


A colorful warm scarf or shawl, I've found wearing a scarf at home helps keep me warmer.


Hobby projects


A really nice soup mix



funky socks- you're never too old for funky socks


nice stationery and a good quality pens - I like the Sharpie pens and stamps so they could

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Hiking socks, the really good kind that have two layers from REI. They are still new enough that they have not really caught on, and they keep your feet warmer than any other socks I have ever tried. It seems like LOL's always have cold feet and hands.


For hands, those compression gloves with the half fingers are really nice for arthritis.


Large print books (devotionals?) are welcomed even by people who can see fairly well just because they are easier to read.


Shelled nuts--my DMIL cannot shell nuts very easily anymore, and really appreciates it when we send her a bag of fresh walnuts, all shelled and ready to pop into the freezer.

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Something consumable. My grandma is turning a 100 this year and she has more nightgowns/robes/personalized stationary/jewelry then she will ever use.


For actual things she likes to get flowers and sweet treats (Grandma loves her donuts). She also loves small photo albums of the great-grandkids. Mostly she wants our time.

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