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Could use some prayers for peace of mind

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I hadn't wanted to post but just really need some peace of mind.


This past October I was sent for u/s for a large lump in my breast and an enlarged thyroid. I wasn't overly concerned about the breast lump and thankfully it turned out to be a benign tumor that was removed in December.


I have hypothyroidism, it's very prevalent in our family and my mom is a thyroid cancer survivor with a few other relatives that have had thyroid cancer. So, I wasn't suprised when I was told after the thyroid u/s that there was a nodule. Biopsy was done, 90% probability of cancer, recommendation to remove thyroid.


I had the thryoid removal done on Tuesday (with my family history we decided to remove the whole thing), surgeon confirmed it is cancer. The surgeon took out 3 swollen lymph nodes he found. Here's where I need the peace of mind.


2 of the lymph nodes were negative for anything. 1 of the lymph nodes (the one right next to the tumor) has an initial assesment of positive for lymphoma. We're supposed to have the results by Monday on that lymph node.


If anyone could please spare a prayer for us, I'd appreciate it. I'm trying not to worry but this lymph node thing completely caught us off guard and I will be honest, I'm scared.


Thanks. :001_smile:

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:grouphug: I will definitely pray for you.


The LLS is great. The information on their website is up to date and accurate. The link to the main site is http://www.lls.org and the links to the message boards are here: http://community.lls.org/welcome.


This page has an 800 number you can call and other ways of contacting LLS. http://www.lls.org/#/diseaseinformation/getinformationsupport/ The LLS truly is supportive of patients in many ways, so please don't hesitate to reach out to them for support.


This magazine is local to central NC, so a lot of the resources listed are in NC. But the articles are great for anyone with cancer, no matter where you are. The founder and editor is a 14-year lymphoma survivor. http://www.touchedbycancermagazine.com/

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry I took so long to get back and post an update, been really hectic with the cancer tx I went through and the kids having to spend an entire week away from home until I was safe to be with them again.


All 3 lymph nodes came back benign. :) The one they were worried about just had some characteristics but upon further study the pathologist said it was nothing. Phew!


I did my tx for the thyroid cancer this last week, I was lucky that only a low dose was recommended so I was able to do outpatient and go home right after taking the pill (radiated iodine). It did mean the kids had to stay with my parents as I wasn't allowed to hold them or hug them or kiss them and of course that's all they want, especially our 3yo dd. It was hard being away from them for so long but worth it to know they were safe.


I go this Friday for a full body scan to make sure that they got any residual thyroid tissue and/or cancer and to also make sure there's no other cancer lurking around in my body somewhere. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get an all clear, that's what I'm praying for anyway.


Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, I know they worked!

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