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Ipad 16gb large enough???

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No pictures or music? You may change your mind on that.


I got an 8gb iPod touch and we have filled it and had to delete things.


I opted to get the 32gb on my iPad and we are over 16gb already. I do have some movies and TV shows on there I can delete though.


The problem is, you can't add memory, so I felt it best to get the higher memory.



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We have a 16 GB iPad and it's fine. It would be nice if it were larger, but we didn't want to pay more for that.


We have many, many ebooks on ours that take up over half the space, and several large apps. I also download podcasts and things from iTunesU for school that I have to remember to delete periodically when we've finished with them. There are also some apps that we used for a while, but then delete because they're not worth the space. But I don't think it's a problem to keep things cleaned up and down to the essentials if you don't want to pay more for 32 or 64 GB.


As for cloud storage, I know nothing about that because I'm not even sure it's available here, and if it is, I wouldn't rely on my internet connection working well at all times.

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I don't think so. It fills up quickly and you will not like having to delete some things to add others. I have a 64 GB Ipad2 and it's so nice to be able to add what I want and not have to worry about it. You can't add space to an Ipad, so you are stuck if you figure out that you've woefully underestimated what you'll use it for. Mine is attached to my hip. And apps can take up a lot of space....and there are sooooo many fabulous ones!

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You can save apps in itunes on your computer and re-download them when/if you want to use them. I wish I had more storage but I make it work. DH and DD have 64gb on the one they share because he has A LOT of music. He has put at least 100 cd's on there and used 20 gb of storage for that.


If I were purchasing again I would by the ipad2 32 gb refurbished from apple because it's the exact same price as buying a new one from the store. We bought our second ipad refurbished and there is absolutely no difference between the warranty or the product you get on a new one and the refurbished one.

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