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How much more daylight are you getting now?

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Now that we've passed the solstice, I like seeing how much more daylight we get each day. For us, it's 1 minute 15 seconds more tomorrow than today. Granted, it's not much, but when I think about a week, etc, it adds up. Psychologically it helps since I'm not a long night lover.


If you're curious, here's a link:




I put the city in where I grew up. They get 1 minute 29 seconds more tomorrow.


Put your zip code in and scroll down looking for astronomy on the right. ;)

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I feel the darkness a lot more living here, even though I'm at a similar latitute as I've often lived in the US. But Kyrgyzstan is always on daylight savings time so it takes a long time for the sun to come up in the morning. It's still very dark outside when I get up at 7:30. I'd rather have the sun coming up then. mWe'll get another minute and 22 seconds tomorrow.

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We always make a note of the time the street lights come on in our street. We've made it to 4.45pm. There will be a party when we get to 5.00pm. :lol:


We're in the country (rural) - definitely no street lights to measure from here. Sometimes we measure from when the chickens return to their roost, but that's not super accurate.

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Whoo hooo! Tomorrow will be 1 hour 40 minutes longer. Our day will be a whopping 8 hours and 46 minutes long tomorrow. :party:



I can't tell you how happy I am to be on this side of solace. When I realized that it was starting to get light by 8am was did the happy dance. The winter is so very difficult to deal with.

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We'll get an extra minute and 22 seconds. Winter kills me here, but summer is awesome- my southern relatives come visit and they cringe because it gets light so early. I looove that!!!


:iagree: with you.



Our earliest sunrise is 5:16am with a sunset of 9:11pm. Of course, it starts getting light earlier than that and there is light out until almost 10pm, but I L.O.V.E it! So much energy. So much happiness. One could just burst with joy.


I've always thought I'd like the summers further north. :D

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This isn't very scientific, but it has seemed to me this winter that the days are longer than they have been in previous winters. It doesn't seem to really get dark until close to 6:00 lately. I can remember winters when it started to get dark as early as 4:15.


Maybe it's because we're having a warmer-than-usual winter? (I told you this isn't very scientific.)

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Mine says tomorrow will be one minute, nine seconds longer than today. But it also says that sunset today is 5:37. It's 5:46 right now by my clock on the computer and it is still daylight outside.


I can definitely tell that the days are getting longer. At its shortest, our day ends right around 5:00 - right as rush hour begins. I always hate getting stuck driving around in traffic in the dark....

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Mine says tomorrow will be one minute, nine seconds longer than today. But it also says that sunset today is 5:37. It's 5:46 right now by my clock on the computer and it is still daylight outside.


I can definitely tell that the days are getting longer. At its shortest, our day ends right around 5:00 - right as rush hour begins. I always hate getting stuck driving around in traffic in the dark....


Sunset and daylight are two different things. Check the astronomical twilight to see when the last twinge of light is gone. Our sunset is 5:02, nautical twilight is 6:06, astronomical twilight is 6:38pm. That's over an hour to an hour and a half difference.


Total visible light is 10 hours and 33 minutes... My preference is around 14 hours, maybe more. ;)


We get 1 minute 17 seconds more tomorrow! ('Cept probably not - due to rain forecast... :glare:)

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